my $ddl = $self->deploy;
- $self->version_storage->add_database_version({
+ $self->add_database_version({
version => $self->to_version,
ddl => $ddl,
=attr schema
+The L<DBIx::Class::Schema> (B<required>) that is used to talk to the database
+and generate the DDL.
+# this should be in a different place, maybe the SQLT role
+# this should be renamed
=attr upgrade_directory
+The directory (default C<'sql'>) that upgrades are stored in
=attr backup_directory
+The directory that backups are stored in
=attr to_version
+The version (defaults to schema's version) to migrate the database to
+# this should be in a different place, maybe the SQLT role
=attr databases
+The types of databases (default C<< [qw( MySQL SQLite PostgreSQL )] >>) to
+generate files for
=method install
+ $dh->install
+Deploys the current schema into the database. Populates C<version_storage> with
+C<version> and C<ddl>.
+B<Note>: you typically need to call C<< $dh->prepare_install >> before you call
+this method.
+B<Note>: you cannot install on top of an already installed database
=method upgrade
+ $dh->upgrade
+Upgrades the database one step at a time till L</next_version_set>
+returns C<undef>. Each upgrade step will add a C<version>, C<ddl>, and
+C<upgrade_sql> to the version storage (if C<ddl> and/or C<upgrade_sql> are
+returned from L</upgrade_single_step>.
+=method downgrade
+ $dh->downgrade
+Downgrades the database one step at a time till L</previous_version_set>
+returns C<undef>. Each downgrade step will delete a C<version>from the
+version storage.
=method backup
+ $dh->backup
+Simply calls backup on the C<< $schema->storage >>, passing in
+C<< $self->backup_directory >> as an argument. Please test yourself before
+assuming it will work.
+=head2 version_storage_is_installed
+ warn q(I can't version this database!)
+ unless $dh->version_storage_is_installed
+return true iff the version storage is installed.
+=head2 deploy
+ $dh->deploy
+Deploy the schema to the database.
+=head2 add_database_version
+ $dh->add_database_version({
+ version => '1.02',
+ ddl => $ddl # can be undef,
+ upgrade_sql => $sql # can be undef,
+ });
+Store a new version into the version storage
+=head2 delete_database_version
+ $dh->delete_database_version({ version => '1.02' })
+simply deletes given database version from the version storage
+=head2 next_version_set
+ print 'versions to install: ';
+ while (my $vs = $dh->next_version_set) {
+ print join q(, ), @{$vs}
+ }
+ print qq(\n);
+return an arrayref describing each version that needs to be
+installed to upgrade to C<< $dh->to_version >>.
+=head2 previous_version_set
+ print 'versions to uninstall: ';
+ while (my $vs = $dh->previous_version_set) {
+ print join q(, ), @{$vs}
+ }
+ print qq(\n);
+return an arrayref describing each version that needs to be
+"installed" to downgrade to C<< $dh->to_version >>.
+=head2 upgrade_single_step
+ my ($ddl, $sql) = @{$dh->upgrade_single_step($version_set)||[]}
+call a single upgrade migration. Takes an arrayref describing the version to
+upgrade to. Optionally return an arrayref containing C<$ddl> describing
+version installed and C<$sql> used to get to that version.
+=head2 downgrade_single_step
+ $dh->upgrade_single_step($version_set);
+call a single downgrade migration. Takes an arrayref describing the version to
+downgrade to.
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