for my $name ( @{ $args{with_caller} } ) {
my $sub = do { no strict 'refs'; \&{ $exporting_package . '::' . $name } };
- my $wrapped = Class::MOP::subname(
- $exporting_package . '::' . $name => sub { $sub->( scalar caller(), @_ ) } );
- $exports{$name} = sub { $wrapped };
+ # We need to set the package at import time, so that when
+ # package Foo imports has(), we capture "Foo" as the
+ # package. This lets other packages call Foo::has() and get
+ # the right package. This is done for backwards compatibility
+ # with existing production code, not because this is a good
+ # idea ;)
+ $exports{$name} = sub {
+ my $caller;
+ my $x = 0;
+ do
+ {
+ $caller = scalar caller($x++)
+ }
+ while ( $caller eq 'Sub::Exporter' );
+ Class::MOP::subname( $exporting_package . '::'
+ . $name => sub { $sub->( $caller, @_ ) } );
+ };
push @exported_names, $name;