| connect
| update
| set
+ | select
+ | copy
+ | readin_symbol
| <error>
connect : /^\s*\\\connect.*\n/
+revoke : /revoke/i WORD(s /,/) /on/i SCHEMA(?) schema_name /from/i name_with_opt_quotes(s /,/) ';'
+ { 1 }
grant : /grant/i WORD(s /,/) /on/i TABLE(?) table_name /to/i name_with_opt_quotes(s /,/) ';'
my $table_info = $item{'table_name'};
+grant : /grant/i WORD(s /,/) /on/i SCHEMA(?) schema_name /to/i name_with_opt_quotes(s /,/) ';'
+ { 1 }
drop : /drop/i /[^;]*/ ';'
string :
schema_qualification : name_with_opt_quotes '.'
+schema_name : name_with_opt_quotes
field_name : name_with_opt_quotes
name_with_opt_quotes : double_quote(?) NAME double_quote(?) { $item[2] }
restrict_or_cascade : /restrict/i |
+# Handle functions that can be called
+select : SELECT select_function ';'
+ { 1 }
+# Read the setval function but don't do anything with it because this parser
+# isn't handling sequences
+select_function : schema_qualification(?) /setval/i '(' VALUE /,/ VALUE /,/ /(true|false)/i ')'
+ { 1 }
+# Skipping all COPY commands
+copy : COPY WORD /[^;]+/ ';' { 1 }
+ { 1 }
+# The "\." allows reading in from STDIN but this isn't needed for schema
+# creation, so it is skipped.
+readin_symbol : '\.'
+ {1}
# End basically useless stuff. - ky
TABLE : /table/i
+SCHEMA : /schema/i
SEMICOLON : /\s*;\n?/
SEQUENCE : /sequence/i
+SELECT : /select/i
+COPY : /copy/i
INTEGER : /\d+/
WORD : /\w+/