package Moose::Meta::Attribute::Native::MethodProvider::Array;
use Moose::Role;
-our $VERSION = '0.87';
+our $VERSION = '0.87';
our $AUTHORITY = 'cpan:STEVAN';
return sub {
my ( $instance, $predicate ) = @_;
die "Argument must be a code reference"
- if $predicate && ref $predicate ne 'CODE';
+ if $predicate && ref $predicate ne 'CODE';
if ($predicate) {
CORE::sort { $predicate->( $a, $b ) } @{ $reader->($instance) };
&& $attr->type_constraint->isa(
- ) {
- my $container_type_constraint
- = $attr->type_constraint->type_parameter;
+ )
+ {
+ my $container_type_constraint = $attr->type_constraint->type_parameter;
return sub {
my $instance = CORE::shift;
- || confess "Value "
- . ( $_ || 'undef' )
- . " did not pass container type constraint '$container_type_constraint'"
- foreach @_;
+ || confess "Value "
+ . ( $_ || 'undef' )
+ . " did not pass container type constraint '$container_type_constraint'"
+ foreach @_;
CORE::push @{ $reader->($instance) } => @_;
&& $attr->type_constraint->isa(
- ) {
- my $container_type_constraint
- = $attr->type_constraint->type_parameter;
+ )
+ {
+ my $container_type_constraint = $attr->type_constraint->type_parameter;
return sub {
my $instance = CORE::shift;
- || confess "Value "
- . ( $_ || 'undef' )
- . " did not pass container type constraint '$container_type_constraint'"
- foreach @_;
+ || confess "Value "
+ . ( $_ || 'undef' )
+ . " did not pass container type constraint '$container_type_constraint'"
+ foreach @_;
CORE::unshift @{ $reader->($instance) } => @_;
&& $attr->type_constraint->isa(
- ) {
- my $container_type_constraint
- = $attr->type_constraint->type_parameter;
+ )
+ {
+ my $container_type_constraint = $attr->type_constraint->type_parameter;
return sub {
( $container_type_constraint->check( $_[2] ) )
- || confess "Value "
- . ( $_[2] || 'undef' )
- . " did not pass container type constraint '$container_type_constraint'";
+ || confess "Value "
+ . ( $_[2] || 'undef' )
+ . " did not pass container type constraint '$container_type_constraint'";
$reader->( $_[0] )->[ $_[1] ] = $_[2];
&& $attr->type_constraint->isa(
- ) {
- my $container_type_constraint
- = $attr->type_constraint->type_parameter;
+ )
+ {
+ my $container_type_constraint = $attr->type_constraint->type_parameter;
return sub {
my $self = shift;
elsif ( @_ == 2 ) { # writer
( $container_type_constraint->check( $_[1] ) )
- || confess "Value "
- . ( $_[1] || 'undef' )
- . " did not pass container type constraint '$container_type_constraint'";
+ || confess "Value "
+ . ( $_[1] || 'undef' )
+ . " did not pass container type constraint '$container_type_constraint'";
$reader->($self)->[ $_[0] ] = $_[1];
else {
my ( $attr, $reader, $writer ) = @_;
return sub {
CORE::splice @{ $reader->( $_[0] ) }, $_[1], 1;
- }
+ }
sub insert : method {
&& $attr->type_constraint->isa(
- ) {
- my $container_type_constraint
- = $attr->type_constraint->type_parameter;
+ )
+ {
+ my $container_type_constraint = $attr->type_constraint->type_parameter;
return sub {
( $container_type_constraint->check( $_[2] ) )
- || confess "Value "
- . ( $_[2] || 'undef' )
- . " did not pass container type constraint '$container_type_constraint'";
+ || confess "Value "
+ . ( $_[2] || 'undef' )
+ . " did not pass container type constraint '$container_type_constraint'";
CORE::splice @{ $reader->( $_[0] ) }, $_[1], 0, $_[2];
&& $attr->type_constraint->isa(
- ) {
- my $container_type_constraint
- = $attr->type_constraint->type_parameter;
+ )
+ {
+ my $container_type_constraint = $attr->type_constraint->type_parameter;
return sub {
my ( $self, $i, $j, @elems ) = @_;
( $container_type_constraint->check($_) )
- || confess "Value "
- . ( defined($_) ? $_ : 'undef' )
- . " did not pass container type constraint '$container_type_constraint'"
- for @elems;
+ || confess "Value "
+ . ( defined($_) ? $_ : 'undef' )
+ . " did not pass container type constraint '$container_type_constraint'"
+ for @elems;
CORE::splice @{ $reader->($self) }, $i, $j, @elems;
my ( $instance, $predicate ) = @_;
die "Argument must be a code reference"
- if $predicate && ref $predicate ne 'CODE';
+ if $predicate && ref $predicate ne 'CODE';
my @sorted;
if ($predicate) {
- @sorted = CORE::sort { $predicate->( $a, $b ) }
- @{ $reader->($instance) };
+ @sorted =
+ CORE::sort { $predicate->( $a, $b ) } @{ $reader->($instance) };
else {
@sorted = CORE::sort @{ $reader->($instance) };
use Moose::AttributeHelpers;
has 'options' => (
- metaclass => 'Array',
+ traits => ['Array'],
is => 'rw',
isa => 'ArrayRef[Str]',
default => sub { [] },
This is a role which provides the method generators for
+L<Moose::Meta::Attribute::Trait::Native::Array>. Please check there for documentation on what methods are provided.
=head1 METHODS
-=over 4
-=item B<count>
-Returns the number of elements in the array.
- $stuff = Stuff->new;
- $stuff->options(["foo", "bar", "baz", "boo"]);
- my $count = $stuff->count_options;
- print "$count\n"; # prints 4
-=item B<empty>
-If the array is populated, returns true. Otherwise, returns false.
- $stuff->do_i_have_options ? print "Good boy.\n" : die "No options!\n" ;
-=item B<find>
-This method accepts a subroutine reference as its argument. That sub
-will receive each element of the array in turn. If it returns true for
-an element, that element will be returned by the C<find> method.
- my $found = $stuff->find_option( sub { $_[0] =~ /^b/ } );
- print "$found\n"; # prints "bar"
-=item B<grep>
-This method accepts a subroutine reference as its argument. This
-method returns every element for which that subroutine reference
-returns a true value.
- my @found = $stuff->filter_options( sub { $_[0] =~ /^b/ } );
- print "@found\n"; # prints "bar baz boo"
-=item B<map>
-This method accepts a subroutine reference as its argument. The
-subroutine will be executed for each element of the array. It is
-expected to return a modified version of that element. The return
-value of the method is a list of the modified options.
- my @mod_options = $stuff->map_options( sub { $_[0] . "-tag" } );
- print "@mod_options\n"; # prints "foo-tag bar-tag baz-tag boo-tag"
-=item B<sort>
-Sorts and returns the elements of the array.
-You can provide an optional subroutine reference to sort with (as you
-can with the core C<sort> function). However, instead of using C<$a>
-and C<$b>, you will need to use C<$_[0]> and C<$_[1]> instead.
- # ascending ASCIIbetical
- my @sorted = $stuff->sort_options();
- # Descending alphabetical order
- my @sorted_options = $stuff->sort_options( sub { lc $_[1] cmp lc $_[0] } );
- print "@sorted_options\n"; # prints "foo boo baz bar"
-=item B<elements>
-Returns all of the elements of the array
- my @option = $stuff->all_options;
- print "@options\n"; # prints "foo bar baz boo"
-=item B<join>
-Joins every element of the array using the separator given as argument.
- my $joined = $stuff->join_options( ':' );
- print "$joined\n"; # prints "foo:bar:baz:boo"
-=item B<get>
-Returns an element of the array by its index.
- my $option = $stuff->get_option(1);
- print "$option\n"; # prints "bar"
-=item B<first>
-Returns the first element of the array.
- my $first = $stuff->first_option;
- print "$first\n"; # prints "foo"
-=item B<last>
-Returns the last element of the array.
- my $last = $stuff->last_option;
- print "$last\n"; # prints "boo"
-=item B<pop>
-=item B<push>
-=item B<set>
-=item B<shift>
-=item B<unshift>
-=item B<clear>
-=item B<delete>
-=item B<insert>
-=item B<splice>
-=item B<sort_in_place>
-Sorts the array I<in place>, modifying the value of the attribute.
-You can provide an optional subroutine reference to sort with (as you
-can with the core C<sort> function). However, instead of using C<$a>
-and C<$b>, you will need to use C<$_[0]> and C<$_[1]> instead.
-=item B<accessor>
-If passed one argument, returns the value of the requested element.
-If passed two arguments, sets the value of the requested element.
=head1 BUGS
All complex software has bugs lurking in it, and this module is no
- package Stuff;
- use Moose;
- use Moose::AttributeHelpers;
- has 'options' => (
- metaclass => 'Array',
- is => 'ro',
- isa => 'ArrayRef[Int]',
- default => sub { [] },
- handles => {
- add_options => 'push',
- remove_last_option => 'pop',
- }
- );
+ package Stuff;
+ use Moose;
+ use Moose::AttributeHelpers;
+ has 'options' => (
+ traits => ['Array'],
+ is => 'ro',
+ isa => 'ArrayRef[Str]',
+ default => sub { [] },
+ handles => {
+ all_options => 'elements',
+ map_options => 'map',
+ filter_options => 'grep',
+ find_option => 'find',
+ first_option => 'first',
+ last_option => 'last',
+ get_option => 'get',
+ join_options => 'join',
+ count_options => 'count',
+ do_i_have_options => 'empty',
+ sorted_options => 'sort',
+ }
+ );
+ no Moose;
+ 1;
This module provides an Array attribute which provides a number of
-array operations. See L<Moose::Meta::Attribute::Native::MethodProvider::Array>
-for more details.
+array operations.
+These methods are implemented in
+=over 4
+=item B<count>
+Returns the number of elements in the array.
+ $stuff = Stuff->new;
+ $stuff->options(["foo", "bar", "baz", "boo"]);
+ my $count = $stuff->count_options;
+ print "$count\n"; # prints 4
+=item B<empty>
+If the array is populated, returns true. Otherwise, returns false.
+ $stuff->do_i_have_options ? print "Good boy.\n" : die "No options!\n" ;
+=item B<find>
+This method accepts a subroutine reference as its argument. That sub
+will receive each element of the array in turn. If it returns true for
+an element, that element will be returned by the C<find> method.
+ my $found = $stuff->find_option( sub { $_[0] =~ /^b/ } );
+ print "$found\n"; # prints "bar"
+=item B<grep>
+This method accepts a subroutine reference as its argument. This
+method returns every element for which that subroutine reference
+returns a true value.
+ my @found = $stuff->filter_options( sub { $_[0] =~ /^b/ } );
+ print "@found\n"; # prints "bar baz boo"
+=item B<map>
+This method accepts a subroutine reference as its argument. The
+subroutine will be executed for each element of the array. It is
+expected to return a modified version of that element. The return
+value of the method is a list of the modified options.
+ my @mod_options = $stuff->map_options( sub { $_[0] . "-tag" } );
+ print "@mod_options\n"; # prints "foo-tag bar-tag baz-tag boo-tag"
+=item B<sort>
+Sorts and returns the elements of the array.
+You can provide an optional subroutine reference to sort with (as you
+can with the core C<sort> function). However, instead of using C<$a>
+and C<$b>, you will need to use C<$_[0]> and C<$_[1]> instead.
+ # ascending ASCIIbetical
+ my @sorted = $stuff->sort_options();
+ # Descending alphabetical order
+ my @sorted_options = $stuff->sort_options( sub { lc $_[1] cmp lc $_[0] } );
+ print "@sorted_options\n"; # prints "foo boo baz bar"
+=item B<elements>
+Returns all of the elements of the array
+ my @option = $stuff->all_options;
+ print "@options\n"; # prints "foo bar baz boo"
+=item B<join>
+Joins every element of the array using the separator given as argument.
+ my $joined = $stuff->join_options( ':' );
+ print "$joined\n"; # prints "foo:bar:baz:boo"
+=item B<get>
+Returns an element of the array by its index.
+ my $option = $stuff->get_option(1);
+ print "$option\n"; # prints "bar"
+=item B<first>
+Returns the first element of the array.
+ my $first = $stuff->first_option;
+ print "$first\n"; # prints "foo"
+=item B<last>
+Returns the last element of the array.
+ my $last = $stuff->last_option;
+ print "$last\n"; # prints "boo"
+=item B<pop>
+=item B<push>
+=item B<set>
+=item B<shift>
+=item B<unshift>
+=item B<clear>
+=item B<delete>
+=item B<insert>
+=item B<splice>
+=item B<sort_in_place>
+Sorts the array I<in place>, modifying the value of the attribute.
+You can provide an optional subroutine reference to sort with (as you
+can with the core C<sort> function). However, instead of using C<$a>
+and C<$b>, you will need to use C<$_[0]> and C<$_[1]> instead.
+=item B<accessor>
+If passed one argument, returns the value of the requested element.
+If passed two arguments, sets the value of the requested element.
=head1 METHODS