my @ideodigit = qw(one two three four five six seven eight nine ten);
-plan test => $n*@encodings + $n*@encodings*@greek + $n*@encodings*@ideodigit;
+my $jis = '7bit-jis';
+my $kr = '7bit-kr';
+my %esc_str;
+$esc_str{$jis} = {qw(
+ 1b24422422242424262428242a1b2842
+ 3042304430463048304a
+ 1b284931323334355d1b2842
+ ff71ff72ff73ff74ff75ff9d
+ 1b2442467c4b5c1b2842
+ 65e5672c
+ 3132331b244234413b7a1b28425065726c
+ 0031003200336f225b57005000650072006c
+ 546573740a1b24422546253925481b28420a
+ 0054006500730074000a30c630b930c8000a
+$esc_str{$kr} = {qw(
+ 1b2429430e2a22213e0f410d0a
+ 304200b10041000d000a
+ 1b2429430e3021332a34593673383639593b673e46405a0f0d0a
+ ac00b098b2e4b77cb9c8bc14c0acc544c790000d000a
+ 1b2429434142430d0a
+ 004100420043000d000a
+my $num_esc = $n * keys(%esc_str);
+foreach (values %esc_str){ $num_esc += $n * keys %$_ }
+plan test => $n*@encodings + $n*@encodings*@greek
+ + $n*@encodings*@ideodigit + $num_esc;
foreach my $enc (@encodings)
+ sub to_unicode
+ {
+ my $enc = shift;
+ return unpack('H*', pack 'n*', unpack 'U*',
+ decode $enc, pack 'H*', join '', @_);
+ }
+ sub from_unicode
+ {
+ my $enc = shift;
+ return unpack('H*', encode $enc,
+ pack 'U*', unpack 'n*', pack 'H*', join '', @_);
+ }
+ foreach my $enc (sort keys %esc_str)
+ {
+ my $tab = Encode->getEncoding($enc);
+ ok(1,defined($tab),"Could not load $enc");
+ my %strings = %{ $esc_str{$enc} };
+ foreach my $estr (sort keys %strings)
+ {
+ my $ustr = to_unicode($enc, $estr);
+ ok($ustr, $strings{$estr},
+ "$enc mangled translating to Unicode");
+ ok(from_unicode($enc, $ustr), $estr,
+ "$enc mangled translating from Unicode");
+ }
+ ok(to_unicode($enc, keys %strings), join('', values %strings),
+ "$enc mangled translating to Unicode");
+ }