--- /dev/null
+package SQL::Abstract;
+=head1 NAME
+SQL::Abstract - Generate SQL from Perl data structures
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use SQL::Abstract;
+ my $sql = SQL::Abstract->new;
+ my($stmt, @bind) = $sql->select($table, \@fields, \%where, \@order);
+ my($stmt, @bind) = $sql->insert($table, \%fieldvals || \@values);
+ my($stmt, @bind) = $sql->update($table, \%fieldvals, \%where);
+ my($stmt, @bind) = $sql->delete($table, \%where);
+ # Then, use these in your DBI statements
+ my $sth = $dbh->prepare($stmt);
+ $sth->execute(@bind);
+ # Just generate the WHERE clause
+ my($stmt, @bind) = $sql->where(\%where, \@order);
+ # Return values in the same order, for hashed queries
+ # See PERFORMANCE section for more details
+ my @bind = $sql->values(\%fieldvals);
+This module was inspired by the excellent L<DBIx::Abstract>.
+However, in using that module I found that what I really wanted
+to do was generate SQL, but still retain complete control over my
+statement handles and use the DBI interface. So, I set out to
+create an abstract SQL generation module.
+While based on the concepts used by L<DBIx::Abstract>, there are
+several important differences, especially when it comes to WHERE
+clauses. I have modified the concepts used to make the SQL easier
+to generate from Perl data structures and, IMO, more intuitive.
+The underlying idea is for this module to do what you mean, based
+on the data structures you provide it. The big advantage is that
+you don't have to modify your code every time your data changes,
+as this module figures it out.
+To begin with, an SQL INSERT is as easy as just specifying a hash
+of C<key=value> pairs:
+ my %data = (
+ name => 'Jimbo Bobson',
+ phone => '123-456-7890',
+ address => '42 Sister Lane',
+ city => 'St. Louis',
+ state => 'Louisiana',
+ );
+The SQL can then be generated with this:
+ my($stmt, @bind) = $sql->insert('people', \%data);
+Which would give you something like this:
+ $stmt = "INSERT INTO people
+ (address, city, name, phone, state)
+ VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
+ @bind = ('42 Sister Lane', 'St. Louis', 'Jimbo Bobson',
+ '123-456-7890', 'Louisiana');
+These are then used directly in your DBI code:
+ my $sth = $dbh->prepare($stmt);
+ $sth->execute(@bind);
+In addition, you can apply SQL functions to elements of your C<%data>
+by specifying an arrayref for the given hash value. For example, if
+you need to execute the Oracle C<to_date> function on a value, you
+can say something like this:
+ my %data = (
+ name => 'Bill',
+ date_entered => ["to_date(?,'MM/DD/YYYY')", "03/02/2003"],
+ );
+The first value in the array is the actual SQL. Any other values are
+optional and would be included in the bind values array. This gives
+ my($stmt, @bind) = $sql->insert('people', \%data);
+ $stmt = "INSERT INTO people (name, date_entered)
+ VALUES (?, to_date(?,'MM/DD/YYYY'))";
+ @bind = ('Bill', '03/02/2003');
+An UPDATE is just as easy, all you change is the name of the function:
+ my($stmt, @bind) = $sql->update('people', \%data);
+Notice that your C<%data> isn't touched; the module will generate
+the appropriately quirky SQL for you automatically. Usually you'll
+want to specify a WHERE clause for your UPDATE, though, which is
+where handling C<%where> hashes comes in handy...
+This module can generate pretty complicated WHERE statements
+easily. For example, simple C<key=value> pairs are taken to mean
+equality, and if you want to see if a field is within a set
+of values, you can use an arrayref. Let's say we wanted to
+SELECT some data based on this criteria:
+ my %where = (
+ requestor => 'inna',
+ worker => ['nwiger', 'rcwe', 'sfz'],
+ status => { '!=', 'completed' }
+ );
+ my($stmt, @bind) = $sql->select('tickets', '*', \%where);
+The above would give you something like this:
+ $stmt = "SELECT * FROM tickets WHERE
+ ( requestor = ? ) AND ( status != ? )
+ AND ( worker = ? OR worker = ? OR worker = ? )";
+ @bind = ('inna', 'completed', 'nwiger', 'rcwe', 'sfz');
+Which you could then use in DBI code like so:
+ my $sth = $dbh->prepare($stmt);
+ $sth->execute(@bind);
+Easy, eh?
+The functions are simple. There's one for each major SQL operation,
+and a constructor you use first. The arguments are specified in a
+similar order to each function (table, then fields, then a where
+clause) to try and simplify things.
+use Carp;
+use strict;
+our $VERSION = do { my @r=(q$Revision: 1.21 $=~/\d+/g); sprintf "%d."."%02d"x$#r,@r };
+# Fix SQL case, if so requested
+sub _sqlcase {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{case} ? $_[0] : uc($_[0]);
+# Anon copies of arrays/hashes
+# Based on deep_copy example by merlyn
+# http://www.stonehenge.com/merlyn/UnixReview/col30.html
+sub _anoncopy {
+ my $orig = shift;
+ return (ref $orig eq 'HASH') ? +{map { $_ => _anoncopy($orig->{$_}) } keys %$orig}
+ : (ref $orig eq 'ARRAY') ? [map _anoncopy($_), @$orig]
+ : $orig;
+# Debug
+sub _debug {
+ return unless $_[0]->{debug}; shift; # a little faster
+ my $func = (caller(1))[3];
+ warn "[$func] ", @_, "\n";
+sub belch (@) {
+ my($func) = (caller(1))[3];
+ carp "[$func] Warning: ", @_;
+sub puke (@) {
+ my($func) = (caller(1))[3];
+ croak "[$func] Fatal: ", @_;
+# Utility functions
+sub _table {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $tab = shift;
+ if (ref $tab eq 'ARRAY') {
+ return join ', ', map { $self->_quote($_) } @$tab;
+ } else {
+ return $self->_quote($tab);
+ }
+sub _quote {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $label = shift;
+ return $label
+ if $label eq '*';
+ return $self->{quote_char} . $label . $self->{quote_char}
+ if !defined $self->{name_sep};
+ return join $self->{name_sep},
+ map { $self->{quote_char} . $_ . $self->{quote_char} }
+ split /\Q$self->{name_sep}\E/, $label;
+# Conversion, if applicable
+sub _convert ($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return @_ unless $self->{convert};
+ my $conv = $self->_sqlcase($self->{convert});
+ my @ret = map { $conv.'('.$_.')' } @_;
+ return wantarray ? @ret : $ret[0];
+# And bindtype
+sub _bindtype (@) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my($col,@val) = @_;
+ return $self->{bindtype} eq 'columns' ? [ @_ ] : @val;
+# Modified -logic or -nest
+sub _modlogic ($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $sym = @_ ? lc(shift) : $self->{logic};
+ $sym =~ tr/_/ /;
+ $sym = $self->{logic} if $sym eq 'nest';
+ return $self->_sqlcase($sym); # override join
+=head2 new(option => 'value')
+The C<new()> function takes a list of options and values, and returns
+a new B<SQL::Abstract> object which can then be used to generate SQL
+through the methods below. The options accepted are:
+=item case
+If set to 'lower', then SQL will be generated in all lowercase. By
+default SQL is generated in "textbook" case meaning something like:
+ SELECT a_field FROM a_table WHERE some_field LIKE '%someval%'
+=item cmp
+This determines what the default comparison operator is. By default
+it is C<=>, meaning that a hash like this:
+ %where = (name => 'nwiger', email => 'nate@wiger.org');
+Will generate SQL like this:
+ WHERE name = 'nwiger' AND email = 'nate@wiger.org'
+However, you may want loose comparisons by default, so if you set
+C<cmp> to C<like> you would get SQL such as:
+ WHERE name like 'nwiger' AND email like 'nate@wiger.org'
+You can also override the comparsion on an individual basis - see
+the huge section on L</"WHERE CLAUSES"> at the bottom.
+=item logic
+This determines the default logical operator for multiple WHERE
+statements in arrays. By default it is "or", meaning that a WHERE
+array of the form:
+ @where = (
+ event_date => {'>=', '2/13/99'},
+ event_date => {'<=', '4/24/03'},
+ );
+Will generate SQL like this:
+ WHERE event_date >= '2/13/99' OR event_date <= '4/24/03'
+This is probably not what you want given this query, though (look
+at the dates). To change the "OR" to an "AND", simply specify:
+ my $sql = SQL::Abstract->new(logic => 'and');
+Which will change the above C<WHERE> to:
+ WHERE event_date >= '2/13/99' AND event_date <= '4/24/03'
+=item convert
+This will automatically convert comparisons using the specified SQL
+function for both column and value. This is mostly used with an argument
+of C<upper> or C<lower>, so that the SQL will have the effect of
+case-insensitive "searches". For example, this:
+ $sql = SQL::Abstract->new(convert => 'upper');
+ %where = (keywords => 'MaKe iT CAse inSeNSItive');
+Will turn out the following SQL:
+ WHERE upper(keywords) like upper('MaKe iT CAse inSeNSItive')
+The conversion can be C<upper()>, C<lower()>, or any other SQL function
+that can be applied symmetrically to fields (actually B<SQL::Abstract> does
+not validate this option; it will just pass through what you specify verbatim).
+=item bindtype
+This is a kludge because many databases suck. For example, you can't
+just bind values using DBI's C<execute()> for Oracle C<CLOB> or C<BLOB> fields.
+Instead, you have to use C<bind_param()>:
+ $sth->bind_param(1, 'reg data');
+ $sth->bind_param(2, $lots, {ora_type => ORA_CLOB});
+The problem is, B<SQL::Abstract> will normally just return a C<@bind> array,
+which loses track of which field each slot refers to. Fear not.
+If you specify C<bindtype> in new, you can determine how C<@bind> is returned.
+Currently, you can specify either C<normal> (default) or C<columns>. If you
+specify C<columns>, you will get an array that looks like this:
+ my $sql = SQL::Abstract->new(bindtype => 'columns');
+ my($stmt, @bind) = $sql->insert(...);
+ @bind = (
+ [ 'column1', 'value1' ],
+ [ 'column2', 'value2' ],
+ [ 'column3', 'value3' ],
+ );
+You can then iterate through this manually, using DBI's C<bind_param()>.
+ $sth->prepare($stmt);
+ my $i = 1;
+ for (@bind) {
+ my($col, $data) = @$_;
+ if ($col eq 'details' || $col eq 'comments') {
+ $sth->bind_param($i, $data, {ora_type => ORA_CLOB});
+ } elsif ($col eq 'image') {
+ $sth->bind_param($i, $data, {ora_type => ORA_BLOB});
+ } else {
+ $sth->bind_param($i, $data);
+ }
+ $i++;
+ }
+ $sth->execute; # execute without @bind now
+Now, why would you still use B<SQL::Abstract> if you have to do this crap?
+Basically, the advantage is still that you don't have to care which fields
+are or are not included. You could wrap that above C<for> loop in a simple
+sub called C<bind_fields()> or something and reuse it repeatedly. You still
+get a layer of abstraction over manual SQL specification.
+=item quote_char
+This is the character that a table or column name will be quoted
+with. By default this is an empty string, but you could set it to
+the character C<`>, to generate SQL like this:
+ SELECT `a_field` FROM `a_table` WHERE `some_field` LIKE '%someval%'
+This is useful if you have tables or columns that are reserved words
+in your database's SQL dialect.
+=item name_sep
+This is the character that separates a table and column name. It is
+necessary to specify this when the C<quote_char> option is selected,
+so that tables and column names can be individually quoted like this:
+ SELECT `table`.`one_field` FROM `table` WHERE `table`.`other_field` = 1
+sub new {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $class = ref($self) || $self;
+ my %opt = (ref $_[0] eq 'HASH') ? %{$_[0]} : @_;
+ # choose our case by keeping an option around
+ delete $opt{case} if $opt{case} && $opt{case} ne 'lower';
+ # override logical operator
+ $opt{logic} = uc $opt{logic} if $opt{logic};
+ # how to return bind vars
+ $opt{bindtype} ||= delete($opt{bind_type}) || 'normal';
+ # default comparison is "=", but can be overridden
+ $opt{cmp} ||= '=';
+ # default quotation character around tables/columns
+ $opt{quote_char} ||= '';
+ return bless \%opt, $class;
+=head2 insert($table, \@values || \%fieldvals)
+This is the simplest function. You simply give it a table name
+and either an arrayref of values or hashref of field/value pairs.
+It returns an SQL INSERT statement and a list of bind values.
+sub insert {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $table = $self->_table(shift);
+ my $data = shift || return;
+ my $sql = $self->_sqlcase('insert into') . " $table ";
+ my(@sqlf, @sqlv, @sqlq) = ();
+ my $ref = ref $data;
+ if ($ref eq 'HASH') {
+ for my $k (sort keys %$data) {
+ my $v = $data->{$k};
+ my $r = ref $v;
+ # named fields, so must save names in order
+ push @sqlf, $self->_quote($k);
+ if ($r eq 'ARRAY') {
+ # SQL included for values
+ my @val = @$v;
+ push @sqlq, shift @val;
+ push @sqlv, $self->_bindtype($k, @val);
+ } elsif ($r eq 'SCALAR') {
+ # embedded literal SQL
+ push @sqlq, $$v;
+ } else {
+ push @sqlq, '?';
+ push @sqlv, $self->_bindtype($k, $v);
+ }
+ }
+ $sql .= '(' . join(', ', @sqlf) .') '. $self->_sqlcase('values') . ' ('. join(', ', @sqlq) .')';
+ } elsif ($ref eq 'ARRAY') {
+ # just generate values(?,?) part
+ # no names (arrayref) so can't generate bindtype
+ carp "Warning: ",__PACKAGE__,"->insert called with arrayref when bindtype set"
+ if $self->{bindtype} ne 'normal';
+ for my $v (@$data) {
+ my $r = ref $v;
+ if ($r eq 'ARRAY') {
+ my @val = @$v;
+ push @sqlq, shift @val;
+ push @sqlv, @val;
+ } elsif ($r eq 'SCALAR') {
+ # embedded literal SQL
+ push @sqlq, $$v;
+ } else {
+ push @sqlq, '?';
+ push @sqlv, $v;
+ }
+ }
+ $sql .= $self->_sqlcase('values') . ' ('. join(', ', @sqlq) .')';
+ } elsif ($ref eq 'SCALAR') {
+ # literal SQL
+ $sql .= $$data;
+ } else {
+ puke "Unsupported data type specified to \$sql->insert";
+ }
+ return wantarray ? ($sql, @sqlv) : $sql;
+=head2 update($table, \%fieldvals, \%where)
+This takes a table, hashref of field/value pairs, and an optional
+hashref WHERE clause. It returns an SQL UPDATE function and a list
+of bind values.
+sub update {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $table = $self->_table(shift);
+ my $data = shift || return;
+ my $where = shift;
+ my $sql = $self->_sqlcase('update') . " $table " . $self->_sqlcase('set ');
+ my(@sqlf, @sqlv) = ();
+ puke "Unsupported data type specified to \$sql->update"
+ unless ref $data eq 'HASH';
+ for my $k (sort keys %$data) {
+ my $v = $data->{$k};
+ my $r = ref $v;
+ my $label = $self->_quote($k);
+ if ($r eq 'ARRAY') {
+ # SQL included for values
+ my @bind = @$v;
+ my $sql = shift @bind;
+ push @sqlf, "$label = $sql";
+ push @sqlv, $self->_bindtype($k, @bind);
+ } elsif ($r eq 'SCALAR') {
+ # embedded literal SQL
+ push @sqlf, "$label = $$v";
+ } else {
+ push @sqlf, "$label = ?";
+ push @sqlv, $self->_bindtype($k, $v);
+ }
+ }
+ $sql .= join ', ', @sqlf;
+ if ($where) {
+ my($wsql, @wval) = $self->where($where);
+ $sql .= $wsql;
+ push @sqlv, @wval;
+ }
+ return wantarray ? ($sql, @sqlv) : $sql;
+=head2 select($table, \@fields, \%where, \@order)
+This takes a table, arrayref of fields (or '*'), optional hashref
+WHERE clause, and optional arrayref order by, and returns the
+corresponding SQL SELECT statement and list of bind values.
+sub select {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $table = $self->_table(shift);
+ my $fields = shift || '*';
+ my $where = shift;
+ my $order = shift;
+ my $f = (ref $fields eq 'ARRAY') ? join ', ', map { $self->_quote($_) } @$fields : $fields;
+ my $sql = join ' ', $self->_sqlcase('select'), $f, $self->_sqlcase('from'), $table;
+ my(@sqlf, @sqlv) = ();
+ my($wsql, @wval) = $self->where($where, $order);
+ $sql .= $wsql;
+ push @sqlv, @wval;
+ return wantarray ? ($sql, @sqlv) : $sql;
+=head2 delete($table, \%where)
+This takes a table name and optional hashref WHERE clause.
+It returns an SQL DELETE statement and list of bind values.
+sub delete {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $table = $self->_table(shift);
+ my $where = shift;
+ my $sql = $self->_sqlcase('delete from') . " $table";
+ my(@sqlf, @sqlv) = ();
+ if ($where) {
+ my($wsql, @wval) = $self->where($where);
+ $sql .= $wsql;
+ push @sqlv, @wval;
+ }
+ return wantarray ? ($sql, @sqlv) : $sql;
+=head2 where(\%where, \@order)
+This is used to generate just the WHERE clause. For example,
+if you have an arbitrary data structure and know what the
+rest of your SQL is going to look like, but want an easy way
+to produce a WHERE clause, use this. It returns an SQL WHERE
+clause and list of bind values.
+# Finally, a separate routine just to handle WHERE clauses
+sub where {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $where = shift;
+ my $order = shift;
+ # Need a separate routine to properly wrap w/ "where"
+ my $sql = '';
+ my @ret = $self->_recurse_where($where);
+ if (@ret) {
+ my $wh = shift @ret;
+ $sql .= $self->_sqlcase(' where ') . $wh if $wh;
+ }
+ # order by?
+ if ($order) {
+ $sql .= $self->_order_by($order);
+ }
+ return wantarray ? ($sql, @ret) : $sql;
+sub _recurse_where {
+ local $^W = 0; # really, you've gotta be fucking kidding me
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $where = _anoncopy(shift); # prevent destroying original
+ my $ref = ref $where || '';
+ my $join = shift || $self->{logic} ||
+ ($ref eq 'ARRAY' ? $self->_sqlcase('or') : $self->_sqlcase('and'));
+ # For assembling SQL fields and values
+ my(@sqlf, @sqlv) = ();
+ # If an arrayref, then we join each element
+ if ($ref eq 'ARRAY') {
+ # need to use while() so can shift() for arrays
+ my $subjoin;
+ while (my $el = shift @$where) {
+ # skip empty elements, otherwise get invalid trailing AND stuff
+ if (my $ref2 = ref $el) {
+ if ($ref2 eq 'ARRAY') {
+ next unless @$el;
+ } elsif ($ref2 eq 'HASH') {
+ next unless %$el;
+ $subjoin ||= $self->_sqlcase('and');
+ } elsif ($ref2 eq 'SCALAR') {
+ # literal SQL
+ push @sqlf, $$el;
+ next;
+ }
+ $self->_debug("$ref2(*top) means join with $subjoin");
+ } else {
+ # top-level arrayref with scalars, recurse in pairs
+ $self->_debug("NOREF(*top) means join with $subjoin");
+ $el = {$el => shift(@$where)};
+ }
+ my @ret = $self->_recurse_where($el, $subjoin);
+ push @sqlf, shift @ret;
+ push @sqlv, @ret;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($ref eq 'HASH') {
+ # Note: during recursion, the last element will always be a hashref,
+ # since it needs to point a column => value. So this be the end.
+ for my $k (sort keys %$where) {
+ my $v = $where->{$k};
+ my $label = $self->_quote($k);
+ if ($k =~ /^-(\D+)/) {
+ # special nesting, like -and, -or, -nest, so shift over
+ my $subjoin = $self->_modlogic($1);
+ $self->_debug("OP(-$1) means special logic ($subjoin), recursing...");
+ my @ret = $self->_recurse_where($v, $subjoin);
+ push @sqlf, shift @ret;
+ push @sqlv, @ret;
+ } elsif (! defined($v)) {
+ # undef = null
+ $self->_debug("UNDEF($k) means IS NULL");
+ push @sqlf, $label . $self->_sqlcase(' is null');
+ } elsif (ref $v eq 'ARRAY') {
+ my @v = @$v;
+ # multiple elements: multiple options
+ $self->_debug("ARRAY($k) means multiple elements: [ @v ]");
+ # special nesting, like -and, -or, -nest, so shift over
+ my $subjoin = $self->_sqlcase('or');
+ if ($v[0] =~ /^-(\D+)/) {
+ $subjoin = $self->_modlogic($1); # override subjoin
+ $self->_debug("OP(-$1) means special logic ($subjoin), shifting...");
+ shift @v;
+ }
+ # map into an array of hashrefs and recurse
+ my @ret = $self->_recurse_where([map { {$k => $_} } @v], $subjoin);
+ # push results into our structure
+ push @sqlf, shift @ret;
+ push @sqlv, @ret;
+ } elsif (ref $v eq 'HASH') {
+ # modified operator { '!=', 'completed' }
+ for my $f (sort keys %$v) {
+ my $x = $v->{$f};
+ $self->_debug("HASH($k) means modified operator: { $f }");
+ # check for the operator being "IN" or "BETWEEN" or whatever
+ if (ref $x eq 'ARRAY') {
+ if ($f =~ /^-?\s*(not[\s_]+)?(in|between)\s*$/i) {
+ my $u = $self->_modlogic($1 . $2);
+ $self->_debug("HASH($f => $x) uses special operator: [ $u ]");
+ if ($u =~ /between/i) {
+ # SQL sucks
+ push @sqlf, join ' ', $self->_convert($label), $u, $self->_convert('?'),
+ $self->_sqlcase('and'), $self->_convert('?');
+ } else {
+ push @sqlf, join ' ', $self->_convert($label), $u, '(',
+ join(', ', map { $self->_convert('?') } @$x),
+ ')';
+ }
+ push @sqlv, $self->_bindtype($k, @$x);
+ } else {
+ # multiple elements: multiple options
+ $self->_debug("ARRAY($x) means multiple elements: [ @$x ]");
+ # map into an array of hashrefs and recurse
+ my @ret = $self->_recurse_where([map { {$k => {$f, $_}} } @$x]);
+ # push results into our structure
+ push @sqlf, shift @ret;
+ push @sqlv, @ret;
+ }
+ } elsif (! defined($x)) {
+ # undef = NOT null
+ my $not = ($f eq '!=' || $f eq 'not like') ? ' not' : '';
+ push @sqlf, $label . $self->_sqlcase(" is$not null");
+ } else {
+ # regular ol' value
+ $f =~ s/^-//; # strip leading -like =>
+ $f =~ s/_/ /; # _ => " "
+ push @sqlf, join ' ', $self->_convert($label), $self->_sqlcase($f), $self->_convert('?');
+ push @sqlv, $self->_bindtype($k, $x);
+ }
+ }
+ } elsif (ref $v eq 'SCALAR') {
+ # literal SQL
+ $self->_debug("SCALAR($k) means literal SQL: $$v");
+ push @sqlf, "$label $$v";
+ } else {
+ # standard key => val
+ $self->_debug("NOREF($k) means simple key=val: $k $self->{cmp} $v");
+ push @sqlf, join ' ', $self->_convert($label), $self->_sqlcase($self->{cmp}), $self->_convert('?');
+ push @sqlv, $self->_bindtype($k, $v);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($ref eq 'SCALAR') {
+ # literal sql
+ $self->_debug("SCALAR(*top) means literal SQL: $$where");
+ push @sqlf, $$where;
+ }
+ elsif (defined $where) {
+ # literal sql
+ $self->_debug("NOREF(*top) means literal SQL: $where");
+ push @sqlf, $where;
+ }
+ # assemble and return sql
+ my $wsql = @sqlf ? '( ' . join(" $join ", @sqlf) . ' )' : '';
+ return wantarray ? ($wsql, @sqlv) : $wsql;
+sub _order_by {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $ref = ref $_[0];
+ my @vals = $ref eq 'ARRAY' ? @{$_[0]} :
+ $ref eq 'SCALAR' ? ${$_[0]} :
+ $ref eq '' ? $_[0] :
+ puke "Unsupported data struct $ref for ORDER BY";
+ my $val = join ', ', map { $self->_quote($_) } @vals;
+ return $val ? $self->_sqlcase(' order by')." $val" : '';
+=head2 values(\%data)
+This just returns the values from the hash C<%data>, in the same
+order that would be returned from any of the other above queries.
+Using this allows you to markedly speed up your queries if you
+are affecting lots of rows. See below under the L</"PERFORMANCE"> section.
+sub values {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $data = shift || return;
+ puke "Argument to ", __PACKAGE__, "->values must be a \\%hash"
+ unless ref $data eq 'HASH';
+ return map { $self->_bindtype($_, $data->{$_}) } sort keys %$data;
+=head2 generate($any, 'number', $of, \@data, $struct, \%types)
+Warning: This is an experimental method and subject to change.
+This returns arbitrarily generated SQL. It's a really basic shortcut.
+It will return two different things, depending on return context:
+ my($stmt, @bind) = $sql->generate('create table', \$table, \@fields);
+ my $stmt_and_val = $sql->generate('create table', \$table, \@fields);
+These would return the following:
+ # First calling form
+ $stmt = "CREATE TABLE test (?, ?)";
+ @bind = (field1, field2);
+ # Second calling form
+ $stmt_and_val = "CREATE TABLE test (field1, field2)";
+Depending on what you're trying to do, it's up to you to choose the correct
+format. In this example, the second form is what you would want.
+By the same token:
+ $sql->generate('alter session', { nls_date_format => 'MM/YY' });
+Might give you:
+ ALTER SESSION SET nls_date_format = 'MM/YY'
+You get the idea. Strings get their case twiddled, but everything
+else remains verbatim.
+sub generate {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my(@sql, @sqlq, @sqlv);
+ for (@_) {
+ my $ref = ref $_;
+ if ($ref eq 'HASH') {
+ for my $k (sort keys %$_) {
+ my $v = $_->{$k};
+ my $r = ref $v;
+ my $label = $self->_quote($k);
+ if ($r eq 'ARRAY') {
+ # SQL included for values
+ my @bind = @$v;
+ my $sql = shift @bind;
+ push @sqlq, "$label = $sql";
+ push @sqlv, $self->_bindtype($k, @bind);
+ } elsif ($r eq 'SCALAR') {
+ # embedded literal SQL
+ push @sqlq, "$label = $$v";
+ } else {
+ push @sqlq, "$label = ?";
+ push @sqlv, $self->_bindtype($k, $v);
+ }
+ }
+ push @sql, $self->_sqlcase('set'), join ', ', @sqlq;
+ } elsif ($ref eq 'ARRAY') {
+ # unlike insert(), assume these are ONLY the column names, i.e. for SQL
+ for my $v (@$_) {
+ my $r = ref $v;
+ if ($r eq 'ARRAY') {
+ my @val = @$v;
+ push @sqlq, shift @val;
+ push @sqlv, @val;
+ } elsif ($r eq 'SCALAR') {
+ # embedded literal SQL
+ push @sqlq, $$v;
+ } else {
+ push @sqlq, '?';
+ push @sqlv, $v;
+ }
+ }
+ push @sql, '(' . join(', ', @sqlq) . ')';
+ } elsif ($ref eq 'SCALAR') {
+ # literal SQL
+ push @sql, $$_;
+ } else {
+ # strings get case twiddled
+ push @sql, $self->_sqlcase($_);
+ }
+ }
+ my $sql = join ' ', @sql;
+ # this is pretty tricky
+ # if ask for an array, return ($stmt, @bind)
+ # otherwise, s/?/shift @sqlv/ to put it inline
+ if (wantarray) {
+ return ($sql, @sqlv);
+ } else {
+ 1 while $sql =~ s/\?/my $d = shift(@sqlv);
+ ref $d ? $d->[1] : $d/e;
+ return $sql;
+ }
+sub DESTROY { 1 }
+ # This allows us to check for a local, then _form, attr
+ my $self = shift;
+ my($name) = $AUTOLOAD =~ /.*::(.+)/;
+ return $self->generate($name, @_);
+This module uses a variation on the idea from L<DBIx::Abstract>. It
+is B<NOT>, repeat I<not> 100% compatible. B<The main logic of this
+module is that things in arrays are OR'ed, and things in hashes
+are AND'ed.>
+The easiest way to explain is to show lots of examples. After
+each C<%where> hash shown, it is assumed you used:
+ my($stmt, @bind) = $sql->where(\%where);
+However, note that the C<%where> hash can be used directly in any
+of the other functions as well, as described above.
+So, let's get started. To begin, a simple hash:
+ my %where = (
+ user => 'nwiger',
+ status => 'completed'
+ );
+Is converted to SQL C<key = val> statements:
+ $stmt = "WHERE user = ? AND status = ?";
+ @bind = ('nwiger', 'completed');
+One common thing I end up doing is having a list of values that
+a field can be in. To do this, simply specify a list inside of
+an arrayref:
+ my %where = (
+ user => 'nwiger',
+ status => ['assigned', 'in-progress', 'pending'];
+ );
+This simple code will create the following:
+ $stmt = "WHERE user = ? AND ( status = ? OR status = ? OR status = ? )";
+ @bind = ('nwiger', 'assigned', 'in-progress', 'pending');
+If you want to specify a different type of operator for your comparison,
+you can use a hashref for a given column:
+ my %where = (
+ user => 'nwiger',
+ status => { '!=', 'completed' }
+ );
+Which would generate:
+ $stmt = "WHERE user = ? AND status != ?";
+ @bind = ('nwiger', 'completed');
+To test against multiple values, just enclose the values in an arrayref:
+ status => { '!=', ['assigned', 'in-progress', 'pending'] };
+Which would give you:
+ "WHERE status != ? OR status != ? OR status != ?"
+But, this is probably not what you want in this case (look at it). So
+the hashref can also contain multiple pairs, in which case it is expanded
+into an C<AND> of its elements:
+ my %where = (
+ user => 'nwiger',
+ status => { '!=', 'completed', -not_like => 'pending%' }
+ );
+ # Or more dynamically, like from a form
+ $where{user} = 'nwiger';
+ $where{status}{'!='} = 'completed';
+ $where{status}{'-not_like'} = 'pending%';
+ # Both generate this
+ $stmt = "WHERE user = ? AND status != ? AND status NOT LIKE ?";
+ @bind = ('nwiger', 'completed', 'pending%');
+To get an OR instead, you can combine it with the arrayref idea:
+ my %where => (
+ user => 'nwiger',
+ priority => [ {'=', 2}, {'!=', 1} ]
+ );
+Which would generate:
+ $stmt = "WHERE user = ? AND priority = ? OR priority != ?";
+ @bind = ('nwiger', '2', '1');
+However, there is a subtle trap if you want to say something like
+this (notice the C<AND>):
+ WHERE priority != ? AND priority != ?
+Because, in Perl you I<can't> do this:
+ priority => { '!=', 2, '!=', 1 }
+As the second C<!=> key will obliterate the first. The solution
+is to use the special C<-modifier> form inside an arrayref:
+ priority => [ -and => {'!=', 2}, {'!=', 1} ]
+Normally, these would be joined by C<OR>, but the modifier tells it
+to use C<AND> instead. (Hint: You can use this in conjunction with the
+C<logic> option to C<new()> in order to change the way your queries
+work by default.) B<Important:> Note that the C<-modifier> goes
+B<INSIDE> the arrayref, as an extra first element. This will
+B<NOT> do what you think it might:
+ priority => -and => [{'!=', 2}, {'!=', 1}] # WRONG!
+Here is a quick list of equivalencies, since there is some overlap:
+ # Same
+ status => {'!=', 'completed', 'not like', 'pending%' }
+ status => [ -and => {'!=', 'completed'}, {'not like', 'pending%'}]
+ # Same
+ status => {'=', ['assigned', 'in-progress']}
+ status => [ -or => {'=', 'assigned'}, {'=', 'in-progress'}]
+ status => [ {'=', 'assigned'}, {'=', 'in-progress'} ]
+In addition to C<-and> and C<-or>, there is also a special C<-nest>
+operator which adds an additional set of parens, to create a subquery.
+For example, to get something like this:
+ $stmt = WHERE user = ? AND ( workhrs > ? OR geo = ? )
+ @bind = ('nwiger', '20', 'ASIA');
+You would do:
+ my %where = (
+ user => 'nwiger',
+ -nest => [ workhrs => {'>', 20}, geo => 'ASIA' ],
+ );
+You can also use the hashref format to compare a list of fields using the
+C<IN> comparison operator, by specifying the list as an arrayref:
+ my %where = (
+ status => 'completed',
+ reportid => { -in => [567, 2335, 2] }
+ );
+Which would generate:
+ $stmt = "WHERE status = ? AND reportid IN (?,?,?)";
+ @bind = ('completed', '567', '2335', '2');
+You can use this same format to use other grouping functions, such
+as C<BETWEEN>, C<SOME>, and so forth. For example:
+ my %where = (
+ user => 'nwiger',
+ completion_date => {
+ -not_between => ['2002-10-01', '2003-02-06']
+ }
+ );
+Would give you:
+ WHERE user = ? AND completion_date NOT BETWEEN ( ? AND ? )
+So far, we've seen how multiple conditions are joined with a top-level
+C<AND>. We can change this by putting the different conditions we want in
+hashes and then putting those hashes in an array. For example:
+ my @where = (
+ {
+ user => 'nwiger',
+ status => { -like => ['pending%', 'dispatched'] },
+ },
+ {
+ user => 'robot',
+ status => 'unassigned',
+ }
+ );
+This data structure would create the following:
+ $stmt = "WHERE ( user = ? AND ( status LIKE ? OR status LIKE ? ) )
+ OR ( user = ? AND status = ? ) )";
+ @bind = ('nwiger', 'pending', 'dispatched', 'robot', 'unassigned');
+This can be combined with the C<-nest> operator to properly group
+SQL statements:
+ my @where = (
+ -and => [
+ user => 'nwiger',
+ -nest => [
+ -and => [workhrs => {'>', 20}, geo => 'ASIA' ],
+ -and => [workhrs => {'<', 50}, geo => 'EURO' ]
+ ],
+ ],
+ );
+That would yield:
+ WHERE ( user = ? AND
+ ( ( workhrs > ? AND geo = ? )
+ OR ( workhrs < ? AND geo = ? ) ) )
+Finally, sometimes only literal SQL will do. If you want to include
+literal SQL verbatim, you can specify it as a scalar reference, namely:
+ my $inn = 'is Not Null';
+ my %where = (
+ priority => { '<', 2 },
+ requestor => \$inn
+ );
+This would create:
+ $stmt = "WHERE priority < ? AND requestor is Not Null";
+ @bind = ('2');
+Note that in this example, you only get one bind parameter back, since
+the verbatim SQL is passed as part of the statement.
+Of course, just to prove a point, the above can also be accomplished
+with this:
+ my %where = (
+ priority => { '<', 2 },
+ requestor => { '!=', undef },
+ );
+These pages could go on for a while, since the nesting of the data
+structures this module can handle are pretty much unlimited (the
+module implements the C<WHERE> expansion as a recursive function
+internally). Your best bet is to "play around" with the module a
+little to see how the data structures behave, and choose the best
+format for your data based on that.
+And of course, all the values above will probably be replaced with
+variables gotten from forms or the command line. After all, if you
+knew everything ahead of time, you wouldn't have to worry about
+dynamically-generating SQL and could just hardwire it into your
+Thanks to some benchmarking by Mark Stosberg, it turns out that
+this module is many orders of magnitude faster than using C<DBIx::Abstract>.
+I must admit this wasn't an intentional design issue, but it's a
+byproduct of the fact that you get to control your C<DBI> handles
+To maximize performance, use a code snippet like the following:
+ # prepare a statement handle using the first row
+ # and then reuse it for the rest of the rows
+ my($sth, $stmt);
+ for my $href (@array_of_hashrefs) {
+ $stmt ||= $sql->insert('table', $href);
+ $sth ||= $dbh->prepare($stmt);
+ $sth->execute($sql->values($href));
+ }
+The reason this works is because the keys in your C<$href> are sorted
+internally by B<SQL::Abstract>. Thus, as long as your data retains
+the same structure, you only have to generate the SQL the first time
+around. On subsequent queries, simply use the C<values> function provided
+by this module to return your values in the correct order.
+If you use my C<CGI::FormBuilder> module at all, you'll hopefully
+really like this part (I do, at least). Building up a complex query
+can be as simple as the following:
+ #!/usr/bin/perl
+ use CGI::FormBuilder;
+ use SQL::Abstract;
+ my $form = CGI::FormBuilder->new(...);
+ my $sql = SQL::Abstract->new;
+ if ($form->submitted) {
+ my $field = $form->field;
+ my $id = delete $field->{id};
+ my($stmt, @bind) = $sql->update('table', $field, {id => $id});
+ }
+Of course, you would still have to connect using C<DBI> to run the
+query, but the point is that if you make your form look like your
+table, the actual query script can be extremely simplistic.
+If you're B<REALLY> lazy (I am), check out C<HTML::QuickTable> for
+a fast interface to returning and formatting data. I frequently
+use these three modules together to write complex database query
+apps in under 50 lines.
+=head1 NOTES
+There is not (yet) any explicit support for SQL compound logic
+statements like "AND NOT". Instead, just do the de Morgan's
+law transformations yourself. For example, this:
+ "lname LIKE '%son%' AND NOT ( age < 10 OR age > 20 )"
+ "lname LIKE '%son%' AND ( age >= 10 AND age <= 20 )"
+With the corresponding C<%where> hash:
+ %where = (
+ lname => {like => '%son%'},
+ age => [-and => {'>=', 10}, {'<=', 20}],
+ );
+Again, remember that the C<-and> goes I<inside> the arrayref.
+There are a number of individuals that have really helped out with
+this module. Unfortunately, most of them submitted bugs via CPAN
+so I have no idea who they are! But the people I do know are:
+ Mark Stosberg (benchmarking)
+ Chas Owens (initial "IN" operator support)
+ Philip Collins (per-field SQL functions)
+ Eric Kolve (hashref "AND" support)
+ Mike Fragassi (enhancements to "BETWEEN" and "LIKE")
+ Dan Kubb (support for "quote_char" and "name_sep")
+=head1 BUGS
+If found, please DO NOT submit anything via C<rt.cpan.org> - that
+just causes me a ton of work. Email me a patch (or script demonstrating
+the problem) to the below address, and include the VERSION string you'll
+be seeing shortly.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<DBIx::Abstract>, L<DBI|DBI>, L<CGI::FormBuilder>, L<HTML::QuickTable>
+=head1 VERSION
+$Id: Abstract.pm,v 1.21 2006/03/08 01:27:56 nwiger Exp $
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Nathan Wiger <nate@wiger.org>. All Rights Reserved.
+This module is free software; you may copy this under the terms of
+the GNU General Public License, or the Artistic License, copies of
+which should have accompanied your Perl kit.
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/perl -I. -w
+use strict;
+use vars qw($TESTING);
+$TESTING = 1;
+use Test;
+# use a BEGIN block so we print our plan before SQL::Abstract is loaded
+BEGIN { plan tests => 60 }
+use SQL::Abstract;
+my @tests = (
+ #1
+ {
+ func => 'select',
+ args => ['test', '*'],
+ stmt => 'SELECT * FROM test',
+ stmt_q => 'SELECT * FROM `test`',
+ bind => []
+ },
+ #2
+ {
+ func => 'select',
+ args => ['test', [qw(one two three)]],
+ stmt => 'SELECT one, two, three FROM test',
+ stmt_q => 'SELECT `one`, `two`, `three` FROM `test`',
+ bind => []
+ },
+ #3
+ {
+ func => 'select',
+ args => ['test', '*', { a => 0 }, [qw/boom bada bing/]],
+ stmt => 'SELECT * FROM test WHERE ( a = ? ) ORDER BY boom, bada, bing',
+ stmt_q => 'SELECT * FROM `test` WHERE ( `a` = ? ) ORDER BY `boom`, `bada`, `bing`',
+ bind => [0]
+ },
+ #4
+ {
+ func => 'select',
+ args => ['test', '*', [ { a => 5 }, { b => 6 } ]],
+ stmt => 'SELECT * FROM test WHERE ( ( a = ? ) OR ( b = ? ) )',
+ stmt_q => 'SELECT * FROM `test` WHERE ( ( `a` = ? ) OR ( `b` = ? ) )',
+ bind => [5,6]
+ },
+ #5
+ {
+ func => 'select',
+ args => ['test', '*', undef, ['id']],
+ stmt => 'SELECT * FROM test ORDER BY id',
+ stmt_q => 'SELECT * FROM `test` ORDER BY `id`',
+ bind => []
+ },
+ #6
+ {
+ func => 'select',
+ args => ['test', '*', { a => 'boom' } , ['id']],
+ stmt => 'SELECT * FROM test WHERE ( a = ? ) ORDER BY id',
+ stmt_q => 'SELECT * FROM `test` WHERE ( `a` = ? ) ORDER BY `id`',
+ bind => ['boom']
+ },
+ #7
+ {
+ func => 'select',
+ args => ['test', '*', { a => ['boom', 'bang'] }],
+ stmt => 'SELECT * FROM test WHERE ( ( ( a = ? ) OR ( a = ? ) ) )',
+ stmt_q => 'SELECT * FROM `test` WHERE ( ( ( `a` = ? ) OR ( `a` = ? ) ) )',
+ bind => ['boom', 'bang']
+ },
+ #8
+ {
+ func => 'select',
+ args => [[qw/test1 test2/], '*', { 'test1.a' => { 'In', ['boom', 'bang'] } }],
+ stmt => 'SELECT * FROM test1, test2 WHERE ( test1.a IN ( ?, ? ) )',
+ stmt_q => 'SELECT * FROM `test1`, `test2` WHERE ( `test1`.`a` IN ( ?, ? ) )',
+ bind => ['boom', 'bang']
+ },
+ #9
+ {
+ func => 'select',
+ args => ['test', '*', { a => { 'between', ['boom', 'bang'] } }],
+ stmt => 'SELECT * FROM test WHERE ( a BETWEEN ? AND ? )',
+ stmt_q => 'SELECT * FROM `test` WHERE ( `a` BETWEEN ? AND ? )',
+ bind => ['boom', 'bang']
+ },
+ #10
+ {
+ func => 'select',
+ args => ['test', '*', { a => { '!=', 'boom' } }],
+ stmt => 'SELECT * FROM test WHERE ( a != ? )',
+ stmt_q => 'SELECT * FROM `test` WHERE ( `a` != ? )',
+ bind => ['boom']
+ },
+ #11
+ {
+ func => 'update',
+ args => ['test', {a => 'boom'}, {a => undef}],
+ stmt => 'UPDATE test SET a = ? WHERE ( a IS NULL )',
+ stmt_q => 'UPDATE `test` SET `a` = ? WHERE ( `a` IS NULL )',
+ bind => ['boom']
+ },
+ #12
+ {
+ func => 'update',
+ args => ['test', {a => 'boom'}, { a => {'!=', "bang" }} ],
+ stmt => 'UPDATE test SET a = ? WHERE ( a != ? )',
+ stmt_q => 'UPDATE `test` SET `a` = ? WHERE ( `a` != ? )',
+ bind => ['boom', 'bang']
+ },
+ #13
+ {
+ func => 'update',
+ args => ['test', {'a-funny-flavored-candy' => 'yummy', b => 'oops'}, { a42 => "bang" }],
+ stmt => 'UPDATE test SET a-funny-flavored-candy = ?, b = ? WHERE ( a42 = ? )',
+ stmt_q => 'UPDATE `test` SET `a-funny-flavored-candy` = ?, `b` = ? WHERE ( `a42` = ? )',
+ bind => ['yummy', 'oops', 'bang']
+ },
+ #14
+ {
+ func => 'delete',
+ args => ['test', {requestor => undef}],
+ stmt => 'DELETE FROM test WHERE ( requestor IS NULL )',
+ stmt_q => 'DELETE FROM `test` WHERE ( `requestor` IS NULL )',
+ bind => []
+ },
+ #15
+ {
+ func => 'delete',
+ args => [[qw/test1 test2 test3/],
+ { 'test1.field' => \'!= test2.field',
+ user => {'!=','nwiger'} },
+ ],
+ stmt => 'DELETE FROM test1, test2, test3 WHERE ( test1.field != test2.field AND user != ? )',
+ stmt_q => 'DELETE FROM `test1`, `test2`, `test3` WHERE ( `test1`.`field` != test2.field AND `user` != ? )', # test2.field is a literal value, cannnot be quoted.
+ bind => ['nwiger']
+ },
+ #16
+ {
+ func => 'insert',
+ args => ['test', {a => 1, b => 2, c => 3, d => 4, e => 5}],
+ stmt => 'INSERT INTO test (a, b, c, d, e) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)',
+ stmt_q => 'INSERT INTO `test` (`a`, `b`, `c`, `d`, `e`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)',
+ bind => [qw/1 2 3 4 5/],
+ },
+ #17
+ {
+ func => 'insert',
+ args => ['test', [qw/1 2 3 4 5/]],
+ stmt => 'INSERT INTO test VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)',
+ stmt_q => 'INSERT INTO `test` VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)',
+ bind => [qw/1 2 3 4 5/],
+ },
+ #18
+ {
+ func => 'insert',
+ args => ['test', [qw/1 2 3 4 5/, undef]],
+ stmt => 'INSERT INTO test VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)',
+ stmt_q => 'INSERT INTO `test` VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)',
+ bind => [qw/1 2 3 4 5/, undef],
+ },
+ #19
+ {
+ func => 'update',
+ args => ['test', {a => 1, b => 2, c => 3, d => 4, e => 5}],
+ stmt => 'UPDATE test SET a = ?, b = ?, c = ?, d = ?, e = ?',
+ stmt_q => 'UPDATE `test` SET `a` = ?, `b` = ?, `c` = ?, `d` = ?, `e` = ?',
+ bind => [qw/1 2 3 4 5/],
+ },
+ #20
+ {
+ func => 'update',
+ args => ['test', {a => 1, b => 2, c => 3, d => 4, e => 5}, {a => {'in', [1..5]}}],
+ stmt => 'UPDATE test SET a = ?, b = ?, c = ?, d = ?, e = ? WHERE ( a IN ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ? ) )',
+ stmt_q => 'UPDATE `test` SET `a` = ?, `b` = ?, `c` = ?, `d` = ?, `e` = ? WHERE ( `a` IN ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ? ) )',
+ bind => [qw/1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5/],
+ },
+ #21
+ {
+ func => 'update',
+ args => ['test', {a => 1, b => ["to_date(?, 'MM/DD/YY')", '02/02/02']}, {a => {'between', [1,2]}}],
+ stmt => 'UPDATE test SET a = ?, b = to_date(?, \'MM/DD/YY\') WHERE ( a BETWEEN ? AND ? )',
+ stmt_q => 'UPDATE `test` SET `a` = ?, `b` = to_date(?, \'MM/DD/YY\') WHERE ( `a` BETWEEN ? AND ? )',
+ bind => [qw(1 02/02/02 1 2)],
+ },
+ #22
+ {
+ func => 'insert',
+ args => ['test.table', {high_limit => \'max(all_limits)', low_limit => 4} ],
+ stmt => 'INSERT INTO test.table (high_limit, low_limit) VALUES (max(all_limits), ?)',
+ stmt_q => 'INSERT INTO `test`.`table` (`high_limit`, `low_limit`) VALUES (max(all_limits), ?)',
+ bind => ['4'],
+ },
+ #23
+ {
+ func => 'insert',
+ new => {bindtype => 'columns'},
+ args => ['test.table', {one => 2, three => 4, five => 6} ],
+ stmt => 'INSERT INTO test.table (five, one, three) VALUES (?, ?, ?)',
+ stmt_q => 'INSERT INTO `test`.`table` (`five`, `one`, `three`) VALUES (?, ?, ?)',
+ bind => [['five', 6], ['one', 2], ['three', 4]], # alpha order, man...
+ },
+ #24
+ {
+ func => 'select',
+ new => {bindtype => 'columns', case => 'lower'},
+ args => ['test.table', [qw/one two three/], {one => 2, three => 4, five => 6} ],
+ stmt => 'select one, two, three from test.table where ( five = ? and one = ? and three = ? )',
+ stmt_q => 'select `one`, `two`, `three` from `test`.`table` where ( `five` = ? and `one` = ? and `three` = ? )',
+ bind => [['five', 6], ['one', 2], ['three', 4]], # alpha order, man...
+ },
+ #25
+ {
+ func => 'update',
+ new => {bindtype => 'columns', cmp => 'like'},
+ args => ['testin.table2', {One => 22, Three => 44, FIVE => 66},
+ {Beer => 'is', Yummy => '%YES%', IT => ['IS','REALLY','GOOD']}],
+ stmt => 'UPDATE testin.table2 SET FIVE = ?, One = ?, Three = ? WHERE '
+ . '( Beer LIKE ? AND ( ( IT LIKE ? ) OR ( IT LIKE ? ) OR ( IT LIKE ? ) ) AND Yummy LIKE ? )',
+ stmt_q => 'UPDATE `testin`.`table2` SET `FIVE` = ?, `One` = ?, `Three` = ? WHERE '
+ . '( `Beer` LIKE ? AND ( ( `IT` LIKE ? ) OR ( `IT` LIKE ? ) OR ( `IT` LIKE ? ) ) AND `Yummy` LIKE ? )',
+ bind => [['FIVE', 66], ['One', 22], ['Three', 44], ['Beer','is'],
+ ['IT','IS'], ['IT','REALLY'], ['IT','GOOD'], ['Yummy','%YES%']],
+ },
+ #26
+ {
+ func => 'select',
+ args => ['test', '*', {priority => [ -and => {'!=', 2}, {'!=', 1} ]}],
+ stmt => 'SELECT * FROM test WHERE ( ( ( priority != ? ) AND ( priority != ? ) ) )',
+ stmt_q => 'SELECT * FROM `test` WHERE ( ( ( `priority` != ? ) AND ( `priority` != ? ) ) )',
+ bind => [qw(2 1)],
+ },
+ #27
+ {
+ func => 'select',
+ args => ['Yo Momma', '*', { user => 'nwiger',
+ -nest => [ workhrs => {'>', 20}, geo => 'ASIA' ] }],
+ stmt => 'SELECT * FROM Yo Momma WHERE ( ( ( workhrs > ? ) OR ( geo = ? ) ) AND user = ? )',
+ stmt_q => 'SELECT * FROM `Yo Momma` WHERE ( ( ( `workhrs` > ? ) OR ( `geo` = ? ) ) AND `user` = ? )',
+ bind => [qw(20 ASIA nwiger)],
+ },
+ #28
+ {
+ func => 'update',
+ args => ['taco_punches', { one => 2, three => 4 },
+ { bland => [ -and => {'!=', 'yes'}, {'!=', 'YES'} ],
+ tasty => { '!=', [qw(yes YES)] },
+ -nest => [ face => [ -or => {'=', 'mr.happy'}, {'=', undef} ] ] },
+ ],
+ stmt => 'UPDATE taco_punches SET one = ?, three = ? WHERE ( ( ( ( ( face = ? ) OR ( face IS NULL ) ) ) )'
+ . ' AND ( ( bland != ? ) AND ( bland != ? ) ) AND ( ( tasty != ? ) OR ( tasty != ? ) ) )',
+ stmt_q => 'UPDATE `taco_punches` SET `one` = ?, `three` = ? WHERE ( ( ( ( ( `face` = ? ) OR ( `face` IS NULL ) ) ) )'
+ . ' AND ( ( `bland` != ? ) AND ( `bland` != ? ) ) AND ( ( `tasty` != ? ) OR ( `tasty` != ? ) ) )',
+ bind => [qw(2 4 mr.happy yes YES yes YES)],
+ },
+ #29
+ {
+ func => 'select',
+ args => ['jeff', '*', { name => {'like', '%smith%', -not_in => ['Nate','Jim','Bob','Sally']},
+ -nest => [ -or => [ -and => [age => { -between => [20,30] }, age => {'!=', 25} ],
+ yob => {'<', 1976} ] ] } ],
+ stmt => 'SELECT * FROM jeff WHERE ( ( ( ( ( ( ( age BETWEEN ? AND ? ) AND ( age != ? ) ) ) OR ( yob < ? ) ) ) )'
+ . ' AND name NOT IN ( ?, ?, ?, ? ) AND name LIKE ? )',
+ stmt_q => 'SELECT * FROM `jeff` WHERE ( ( ( ( ( ( ( `age` BETWEEN ? AND ? ) AND ( `age` != ? ) ) ) OR ( `yob` < ? ) ) ) )'
+ . ' AND `name` NOT IN ( ?, ?, ?, ? ) AND `name` LIKE ? )',
+ bind => [qw(20 30 25 1976 Nate Jim Bob Sally %smith%)]
+ },
+ #30
+ {
+ # The "-maybe" should be ignored, as it sits at the top level (bug?)
+ func => 'update',
+ args => ['fhole', {fpoles => 4}, [-maybe => {race => [-and => [qw(black white asian)]]},
+ {-nest => {firsttime => [-or => {'=','yes'}, undef]}},
+ [ -and => {firstname => {-not_like => 'candace'}}, {lastname => {-in => [qw(jugs canyon towers)]}} ] ] ],
+ stmt => 'UPDATE fhole SET fpoles = ? WHERE ( ( ( ( ( ( ( race = ? ) OR ( race = ? ) OR ( race = ? ) ) ) ) ) )'
+ . ' OR ( ( ( ( firsttime = ? ) OR ( firsttime IS NULL ) ) ) ) OR ( ( ( firstname NOT LIKE ? ) ) AND ( lastname IN ( ?, ?, ? ) ) ) )',
+ stmt_q => 'UPDATE `fhole` SET `fpoles` = ? WHERE ( ( ( ( ( ( ( `race` = ? ) OR ( `race` = ? ) OR ( `race` = ? ) ) ) ) ) )'
+ . ' OR ( ( ( ( `firsttime` = ? ) OR ( `firsttime` IS NULL ) ) ) ) OR ( ( ( `firstname` NOT LIKE ? ) ) AND ( `lastname` IN ( ?, ?, ? ) ) ) )',
+ bind => [qw(4 black white asian yes candace jugs canyon towers)]
+ },
+use Data::Dumper;
+for (@tests) {
+ local $"=', ';
+ my $new = $_->{new} || {};
+ $new->{debug} = $ENV{DEBUG} || 0;
+ my $sql = SQL::Abstract->new(%$new);
+ #print "testing with args (@{$_->{args}}): ";
+ my $func = $_->{func};
+ my($stmt, @bind) = $sql->$func(@{$_->{args}});
+ ok($stmt eq $_->{stmt} && equal(\@bind, $_->{bind})) or
+ print "got\n",
+ "[$stmt] [",Dumper(\@bind),"]\n",
+ "instead of\n",
+ "[$_->{stmt}] [",Dumper($_->{bind}),"]\n\n";
+ # test with quoted labels
+ my $sql_q = SQL::Abstract->new(%$new, quote_char => '`', name_sep => '.');
+ my $func_q = $_->{func};
+ my($stmt_q, @bind_q) = $sql_q->$func_q(@{$_->{args}});
+ ok($stmt_q eq $_->{stmt_q} && equal(\@bind_q, $_->{bind})) or
+ print "got\n",
+ "[$stmt_q] [",Dumper(\@bind_q),"]\n",
+ "instead of\n",
+ "[$_->{stmt_q}] [",Dumper($_->{bind}),"]\n\n";
+sub equal {
+ my ($a, $b) = @_;
+ return 0 if @$a != @$b;
+ for (my $i = 0; $i < $#{$a}; $i++) {
+ next if (! defined($a->[$i])) && (! defined($b->[$i]));
+ if (ref $a->[$i] && ref $b->[$i]) {
+ return 0 if $a->[$i][0] ne $b->[$i][0]
+ || $a->[$i][1] ne $b->[$i][1];
+ } else {
+ return 0 if $a->[$i] ne $b->[$i];
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;