t/lib/Math/BigInt/Scalar.pm Pure Perl module to support Math::BigInt
t/lib/Math/BigInt/Subclass.pm Empty subclass of BigInt for test
t/lib/Math/BigRat/Test.pm Math::BigRat test helper
+t/lib/mypragma.pm An example user pragma
+t/lib/mypragma.t Test the example user pragma
t/lib/NoExporter.pm Part of Test-Simple
t/lib/sample-tests/bailout Test data for Test::Harness
t/lib/sample-tests/bignum Test data for Test::Harness
--- /dev/null
+=head1 NAME
+mypragma - an example of a user pragma
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+In your code
+ use mypragma; # Enable the pragma
+ mypragma::in_effect() # returns true; pragma is enabled
+ no mypragma;
+ mypragma::in_effect() # returns false; pragma is not enabled
+An example of how to write a pragma.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Rafael Garcia-Suarez
+package mypragma;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+sub import {
+ $^H{mypragma} = 1;
+ $^H |= 0x00020000;
+sub unimport {
+ $^H{mypragma} = 0;
+sub in_effect {
+ my $hinthash = (caller(0))[10];
+ return $hinthash->{mypragma};
--- /dev/null
+ chdir 't';
+ @INC = ('../lib', 'lib');
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More tests => 5;
+use mypragma (); # don't enable this pragma yet
+ is($^H{mypragma}, undef, "Shouldn't be in %^H yet");
+is(mypragma::in_effect(), undef, "pragma not in effect yet");
+ use mypragma;
+ is(mypragma::in_effect(), 1, "pragma is in effect within this block");
+is(mypragma::in_effect(), undef, "pragma no longer in effect");
+ is($^H{mypragma}, undef, "Should no longer be in %^H");