return ($self->_convert('?'), $self->_bindtype(undef, $value));
-my %unop_postfix = map +($_ => 1), 'is null', 'is not null';
+my %unop_postfix = map +($_ => 1),
+ 'is null', 'is not null',
+ 'asc', 'desc',
my %special = (
(map +($_ => do {
sub _order_by_chunks {
my ($self, $arg) = @_;
- return $self->_SWITCH_refkind($arg, {
- ARRAYREF => sub {
- map { $self->_order_by_chunks($_ ) } @$arg;
- },
- ARRAYREFREF => sub {
- my ($s, @b) = @$$arg;
- $self->_assert_bindval_matches_bindtype(@b);
- +{ -literal => [ $s, @b ] };
- },
- SCALAR => sub { +{ -ident => $arg } },
- UNDEF => sub {return () },
- SCALARREF => sub { +{ -literal => [ $$arg ] } },
- HASHREF => sub {
- # get first pair in hash
- my ($key, $val, @rest) = %$arg;
- return () unless $key;
- if (@rest or not $key =~ /^-(desc|asc)/i) {
- puke "hash passed to _order_by must have exactly one key (-desc or -asc)";
- }
- my $direction = $1;
+ if (ref($arg) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ return map $self->_order_by_chunks($_), @$arg;
+ }
+ if (my $l = is_literal_value($arg)) {
+ return +{ -literal => $l };
+ }
+ if (!ref($arg)) {
+ return +{ -ident => $arg };
+ }
+ if (!defined($arg)) {
+ # Seriously?
+ return
+ }
+ if (ref($arg) eq 'HASH') {
+ my ($key, $val, @rest) = %$arg;
- my @ret;
- for my $c ($self->_order_by_chunks($val)) {
- my ($sql, @bind) = $self->_render_expr($c);
+ return () unless $key;
- $sql = $sql . ' ' . $self->_sqlcase($direction);
+ if (@rest or not $key =~ /^-(desc|asc)/i) {
+ puke "hash passed to _order_by must have exactly one key (-desc or -asc)";
+ }
- push @ret, { -literal => [ $sql, @bind ] };
- }
+ my $dir = $1;
- return @ret;
- },
- });
+ map +{ -op => [ $dir, $_ ] }, $self->_order_by_chunks($val);
+ };