Graham Barr wrote:
> OK, so I thought that prototypes in (which is probably
> a good idea) could help here, but... guess what the following
> script outputs
> sub fred ()
> {
> warn join(" ",@_);
> }
> fred;
> @_ = qw(a b c);
> &fred;
> fred;
> __END__
> It outputs ...
> Warning: something's wrong at yyy line 3.
> a b c at yyy line 3.
> a b c at yyy line 3.
> OK I can belive the second one as it has the & style call (which
> the pod states overrides prototypes) but I was very amazed at
> the last call.
> Is this a bug ?? I think so as the pod suggests that a sub defined
> as
> sub mytime ();
> and a statement such as
> mytime +2;
> will by the same as
> mytime() + 2
> but this is not the case, it seems it would be
> &mytime(@_) + 2
OK, here is a patch which fixes this. It requires a modification
to perly.y and perly.c (I cannot re-generate perly.c here
but it is a simple fix)
it chamges the output of the above script to
Warning: something's wrong at yyy line 3.
Warning: something's wrong at yyy line 3.
a b c at yyy line 3.
case 142:
#line 531 "perly.y"
-{ yyval.opval = newUNOP(OP_ENTERSUB, 0,
+{ yyval.opval = newUNOP(OP_ENTERSUB, OPf_STACKED,
scalar(yyvsp[0].opval)); }
case 143:
| FUNC0 '(' ')'
{ $$ = newOP($1, 0); }
- { $$ = newUNOP(OP_ENTERSUB, 0,
scalar($1)); }
| FUNC1 '(' ')'
{ $$ = newOP($1, OPf_SPECIAL); }