use Log::Log4perl ':easy';
my $logger = Log::Log4perl->get_logger;
set_logger $logger;
-This module is a simple interface to extensible logging. It is bundled with a
-really basic logger, L<Log::Contextual::SimpleLogger>, but in general you
-should use a real logger instead of that. For something more serious but not
-overly complicated, try L<Log::Dispatchouli> (see L</SYNOPSIS> for example.)
+Major benefits:
+=over 2
+=item * Efficient
+The logging functions take blocks, so if a log level is disabled, the
+block will not run:
+ # the following won't run if debug is off
+ log_debug { "the new count in the database is " . $rs->count };
+Similarly, the C<D> prefixed methods only C<Dumper> the input if the level is
+=item * Handy
+The logging functions return their arguments, so you can stick them in
+the middle of expressions:
+ for (log_debug { "downloading:\n" . join qq(\n), @_ } @urls) { ... }
+=item * Generic
+C<Log::Contextual> is an interface for all major loggers. If you log through
+C<Log::Contextual> you will be able to swap underlying loggers later.
+=item * Powerful
+C<Log::Contextual> chooses which logger to use based on user defined C<CodeRef>s.
+Normally you don't need to know this, but you can take advantage of it when you
+need to later
+=item * Scalable
+If you just want to add logging to your extremely basic application, start with
+L<Log::Contextual::SimpleLogger> and then as your needs grow you can switch to
+L<Log::Dispatchouli> or L<Log::Dispatch> or L<Log::Log4perl> or whatever else.
+This module is a simple interface to extensible logging. It exists to
+abstract your logging interface so that logging is as painless as possible,
+while still allowing you to switch from one logger to another.
-The reason for this module is to abstract your logging interface so that
-logging is as painless as possible, while still allowing you to switch from one
-logger to another.
+It is bundled with a really basic logger, L<Log::Contextual::SimpleLogger>,
+but in general you should use a real logger instead of that. For something
+more serious but not overly complicated, try L<Log::Dispatchouli> (see
+L</SYNOPSIS> for example.)