Revision history for MooseX-Storage
+ * properly skip optional tests when the required JSON backends aren't
+ available
0.34 2013-06-20
* JSON storage works when Cpanel::JSON::XS is the only JSON backend installed
use Test::More;
+# NOTE:
+# this is because JSON::XS (and Cpanel::JSON::XS) is
+# the only one which really gets utf8 correct
+# - SL
+ $ENV{JSON_ANY_CONFIG} = "utf8=0,canonical=1";
use Test::Requires {
'Encode' => 0.01, # skip all if not installed
'JSON::Any' => 0.01,
- # NOTE:
- # this is because JSON::XS (and Cpanel::JSON::XS) is
- # the only one which really gets
- # utf8 correct
- # - SL
- $ENV{JSON_ANY_CONFIG} = "utf8=0,canonical=1";
- }
- plan tests => 16;
- use_ok('MooseX::Storage');
+plan tests => 16;
package Foo;
use File::Spec::Functions;
my $dir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 );
+# NOTE:
+# this is because JSON::XS (and Cpanel::JSON::XS) is
+# the only one which really gets utf8 correct
+# - SL
+ $ENV{JSON_ANY_CONFIG} = "utf8=0,canonical=1";
use Test::Requires {
'JSON::Any' => 0.01, # skip all if not installed
'IO::AtomicFile' => 0.01,
- # NOTE:
- # this is because JSON::XS (and Cpanel::JSON::XS) is
- # the only one which really gets
- # utf8 correct
- # - SL
- $ENV{JSON_ANY_CONFIG} = "utf8=0,canonical=1";
- }
- plan tests => 8;
- use_ok('MooseX::Storage');
+plan tests => 8;
use utf8;