Revision history for SQL::Abstract
+ - fix a well masked error in the sql-test tokenizer
revision 1.59 2009-09-22 08:39 (UTC)
- fixed a couple of untrapped undefined warnings
# * BETWEEN without paranthesis around the ANDed arguments (which
# makes it a non-binary op) is detected and accomodated in
# _recurse_parse()
+my $stuff_around_mathops = qr/[\w\s\`\'\)]/;
my @binary_op_keywords = (
- (map { "\Q$_\E" } (qw/< > != = <= >=/)),
- '(?: NOT \s+)? IN',
- '(?: NOT \s+)? LIKE',
- '(?: NOT \s+)? BETWEEN',
+ ( map
+ { " (?<= $stuff_around_mathops) " . quotemeta $_ . "(?= $stuff_around_mathops )" }
+ (qw/< > != = <= >=/)
+ ),
+ ( map
+ { '\b (?: NOT \s+)?' . $_ . '\b' }
+ ),
my $tokenizer_re_str = join("\n\t|\n",
( map { '\b' . $_ . '\b' } @expression_terminator_sql_keywords, 'AND', 'OR', 'NOT'),
- ( map { q! (?<= [\w\s\`\'\)] ) ! . $_ . q! (?= [\w\s\`\'\(] ) ! } @binary_op_keywords ),
+ @binary_op_keywords,
my $tokenizer_re = qr/ \s* ( \( | \) | \? | $tokenizer_re_str ) \s* /xi;