sub fatpack_file {
my ($self, $file) = @_;
- my $cwd = cwd;
- my @dirs = grep -d, map rel2abs($_, $cwd), ('lib','fatlib');
+ my $shebang = "";
+ my $script = "";
+ if ( defined $file and -r $file ) {
+ ($shebang, $script) = $self->load_main_script($file);
+ }
+ my @dirs = $self->collect_dirs();
my %files;
- foreach my $dir (@dirs) {
- find(sub {
- return unless -f $_;
- !/\.pm$/ and warn "File ${File::Find::name} isn't a .pm file - can't pack this -- if you hoped we were going to, things may not be what you expected later\n" and return;
- $files{File::Spec::Unix->abs2rel($File::Find::name,$dir)} = do {
- local (@ARGV, $/) = ($File::Find::name); <>
- };
- close ARGV;
- }, $dir);
+ $self->collect_files($_, \%files) for @dirs;
+ return join "\n", $shebang, $self->fatpack_code(\%files), $script;
+# This method can be overload in sub classes
+# For example to skip POD
+sub load_file {
+ my ($self, $file) = @_;
+ my $content = do {
+ local (@ARGV, $/) = ($file);
+ <>
+ };
+ close ARGV;
+ return $content;
+sub collect_dirs {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ my $cwd = cwd;
+ return grep -d, map rel2abs($_, $cwd), ('lib','fatlib');
+sub collect_files {
+ my ($self, $dir, $files) = @_;
+ find(sub {
+ return unless -f $_;
+ !/\.pm$/ and warn "File ${File::Find::name} isn't a .pm file - can't pack this -- if you hoped we were going to, things may not be what you expected later\n" and return;
+ $files->{File::Spec::Unix->abs2rel($File::Find::name,$dir)} =
+ $self->load_file($File::Find::name);
+ }, $dir);
+sub load_main_script {
+ my ($self, $file) = @_;
+ open my $fh, "<", $file or die("Can't read $file: $!");
+ my $shebang = <$fh>;
+ my $script = join "", <$fh>;
+ close $fh;
+ unless ( index($shebang, '#!') == 0 ) {
+ $script = $shebang . $script;
+ $shebang = "";
- my $start = stripspace <<' END_START';
+ return ($shebang, $script);
+sub fatpack_start {
+ return stripspace <<' END_START';
# This chunk of stuff was generated by App::FatPacker. To find the original
# file's code, look for the end of this BEGIN block or the string 'FATPACK'
my %fatpacked;
- my $end = stripspace <<' END_END';
+sub fatpack_end {
+ return stripspace <<' END_END';
s/^ //mg for values %fatpacked;
unshift @INC, sub {
+sub fatpack_code {
+ my ($self, $files) = @_;
my @segments = map {
(my $stub = $_) =~ s/\.pm$//;
my $name = uc join '_', split '/', $stub;
- my $data = $files{$_}; $data =~ s/^/ /mg; $data =~ s/(?<!\n)\z/\n/;
+ my $data = $files->{$_}; $data =~ s/^/ /mg; $data =~ s/(?<!\n)\z/\n/;
'$fatpacked{'.perlstring($_).qq!} = <<'${name}';\n!
- } sort keys %files;
- my $shebang = "";
- my $script = "";
- if ( defined $file and -r $file ) {
- open my $fh, "<", $file or die("Can't read $file: $!");
- $shebang = <$fh>;
- $script = join "", <$fh>;
- close $fh;
- unless ( index($shebang, '#!') == 0 ) {
- $script = $shebang . $script;
- $shebang = "";
- }
- }
- return join "\n", $shebang, $start, @segments, $end, $script;
+ } sort keys %$files;
+ return join "\n", $self->fatpack_start, @segments, $self->fatpack_end;
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