Perl_to_utf8_case(pTHX_ U8 *p, U8* ustrp, STRLEN *lenp, SV **swashp, char *normal, char *special)
UV uv0, uv1, uv2;
- U8 tmpbuf[UTF8_MAXLEN_FOLD+1], *d;
+ U8 tmpbuf[UTF8_MAXLEN_FOLD+1];
char *s = NULL;
- bool has_utf8 = FALSE;
if (!*swashp)
*swashp = swash_init("utf8", normal, &PL_sv_undef, 4, 0);
uv2 = swash_fetch(*swashp, tmpbuf, TRUE);
if (uv2) {
/* It was "normal" (a single character mapping). */
- d = uvuni_to_utf8(ustrp, uv2);
- has_utf8 = !UNI_IS_INVARIANT(uv2);
+ UV uv3 = UNI_TO_NATIVE(uv2);
+ len = uvuni_to_utf8(ustrp, uv2) - ustrp;
else {
/* It might be "special" (sometimes, but not always,
SV *keysv;
HE *he;
SV *val;
if ((hv = get_hv(special, FALSE)) &&
(keysv = sv_2mortal(Perl_newSVpvf(aTHX_ "%04"UVXf, uv1))) &&
(he = hv_fetch_ent(hv, keysv, FALSE, 0)) &&
(val = HeVAL(he))) {
+ U8* d;
s = SvPV(val, len);
- if (len == 1)
+ if (len == 1) {
d = uvuni_to_utf8(ustrp, NATIVE_TO_UNI(*(U8*)s));
+ len = d - ustrp;
+ }
else {
+#ifdef EBCDIC
+ /* If we have EBCDIC we need to remap the characters
+ * since any characters in the low 256 are Unicode
+ * code points, not EBCDIC. */
+ U8 *t = (U8*)s, *tend = t + len;
+ d = tmpbuf;
+ if (SvUTF8(val)) {
+ STRLEN tlen = 0;
+ while (t < tend) {
+ UV c = utf8_to_uvchr(t, &tlen);
+ if (tlen > 0) {
+ d = uvchr_to_utf8(d, UNI_TO_NATIVE(c));
+ t += tlen;
+ }
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ while (t < tend) {
+ d = uvchr_to_utf8(d, UNI_TO_NATIVE(*t));
+ t++;
+ }
+ }
+ len = d - tmpbuf;
+ Copy(tmpbuf, ustrp, len, U8);
Copy(s, ustrp, len, U8);
- d = ustrp + len;
- if (SvUTF8(val))
- has_utf8 = TRUE;
else {
/* It was not "special", either. */
- d = uvuni_to_utf8(ustrp, uv1);
- has_utf8 = !UNI_IS_INVARIANT(uv1);
+ len = uvchr_to_utf8(ustrp, uv0) - ustrp;
- len = d - ustrp;
-#ifdef EBCDIC
- {
- /* If we have EBCDIC we need to remap the characters since
- * any characters in the low 256 are in Unicode code points,
- * not EBCDIC. */
- U8 *t, *tend;
- d = tmpbuf;
- if (has_utf8) {
- STRLEN tlen = 0;
- for (t = ustrp, tend = t + len;
- t < tend; t += tlen) {
- UV c = utf8_to_uvchr(t, &tlen);
- if (tlen > 0)
- d = uvchr_to_utf8(d, UNI_TO_NATIVE(c));
- else
- break;
- }
- } else {
- for (t = ustrp, tend = t + len;
- t < tend; t++)
- d = uvchr_to_utf8(d, UNI_TO_NATIVE(*t));
- }
- len = d - tmpbuf;
- Copy(tmpbuf, ustrp, len, U8);
- }
if (lenp)
*lenp = len;