-plan tests => @and_or_tests*3 + @numbered_mods*4;
+my @nest_tests = (
+ {
+ where => {a => 1, -nest => [b => 2, c => 3]},
+ stmt => 'WHERE ( ( (b = ? OR c = ?) AND a = ? ) )',
+ bind => [qw/2 3 1/],
+ },
+ {
+ where => {a => 1, -nest => {b => 2, c => 3}},
+ stmt => 'WHERE ( ( (b = ? AND c = ?) AND a = ? ) )',
+ bind => [qw/2 3 1/],
+ },
+ {
+ where => {a => 1, -or => {-nest => {b => 2, c => 3}}},
+ stmt => 'WHERE ( ( (b = ? AND c = ?) AND a = ? ) )',
+ bind => [qw/2 3 1/],
+ },
+ {
+ where => {a => 1, -or => {-nest => [b => 2, c => 3]}},
+ stmt => 'WHERE ( ( (b = ? OR c = ?) AND a = ? ) )',
+ bind => [qw/2 3 1/],
+ },
+ {
+ where => {a => 1, -nest => {-or => {b => 2, c => 3}}},
+ stmt => 'WHERE ( ( (c = ? OR b = ?) AND a = ? ) )',
+ bind => [qw/3 2 1/],
+ },
+plan tests => @and_or_tests*3 + @numbered_mods*4 + @nest_tests*2;
for my $case (@and_or_tests) {
+for my $case (@nest_tests) {
+ TODO: {
+ local $TODO = $case->{todo} if $case->{todo};
+ local $SQL::Abstract::Test::parenthesis_significant = 1;
+ local $Data::Dumper::Terse = 1;
+ my $sql = SQL::Abstract->new ($case->{args} || {});
+ lives_ok (sub {
+ my ($stmt, @bind) = $sql->where($case->{where});
+ is_same_sql_bind(
+ $stmt,
+ \@bind,
+ $case->{stmt},
+ $case->{bind},
+ )
+ || diag "Search term:\n" . Dumper $case->{where};
+ });
+ }
my $w_str = "\QUse of [and|or|nest]_N modifiers is deprecated and will be removed in SQLA v2.0\E";
for my $case (@numbered_mods) {
+ TODO: {
+ local $TODO = $case->{todo} if $case->{todo};
local $Data::Dumper::Terse = 1;
my @w;
is (@non_match, 0, 'All warnings match the deprecation message')
|| diag join "\n", 'Rogue warnings:', @non_match;
+ }