directory => '/home/me/app/fixtures' # output directory
+ or
+ $fixtures->dump({
+ all => 1, # just dump everything that's in the schema
+ schema => $source_dbic_schema,
+ directory => '/home/me/app/fixtures' # output directory
+ });
In this case objects will be dumped to subdirectories in the specified directory. For example:
-config, schema and directory are all required attributes.
+schema and directory are required attributes. also, one of config or all must be specified.
return DBIx::Class::Exception->throw('first arg to dump must be hash ref');
- foreach my $param (qw/config schema directory/) {
+ foreach my $param (qw/schema directory/) {
unless ($params->{$param}) {
return DBIx::Class::Exception->throw($param . ' param not specified');
- my $config_file = file($self->config_dir, $params->{config});
- unless (-e $config_file) {
- return DBIx::Class::Exception->throw('config does not exist at ' . $config_file);
- }
+ my $schema = $params->{schema};
+ my $config_file;
+ my $config;
+ if ($params->{config}) {
+ $config_file = file($self->config_dir, $params->{config});
+ unless (-e $config_file) {
+ return DBIx::Class::Exception->throw('config does not exist at ' . $config_file);
+ }
+ $config = Config::Any::JSON->load($config_file);
+ unless ($config && $config->{sets} && ref $config->{sets} eq 'ARRAY' && scalar(@{$config->{sets}})) {
+ return DBIx::Class::Exception->throw('config has no sets');
+ }
- my $config = Config::Any::JSON->load($config_file);
- unless ($config && $config->{sets} && ref $config->{sets} eq 'ARRAY' && scalar(@{$config->{sets}})) {
- return DBIx::Class::Exception->throw('config has no sets');
+ $config->{might_have} = { fetch => 0 } unless (exists $config->{might_have});
+ $config->{has_many} = { fetch => 0 } unless (exists $config->{has_many});
+ $config->{belongs_to} = { fetch => 1 } unless (exists $config->{belongs_to});
+ } elsif ($params->{all}) {
+ $config = { might_have => { fetch => 0 }, has_many => { fetch => 0 }, belongs_to => { fetch => 0 }, sets => [map {{ class => $_, quantity => 'all' }} $schema->sources] };
+ print Dumper($config);
+ } else {
+ return DBIx::Class::Exception->throw('must pass config or set all');
my $output_dir = dir($params->{directory});
unless (-e $output_dir) {
$output_dir->mkpath ||
- return DBIx::Class::Exception->throw('output directory does not exist at ' . $output_dir);
+ return DBIx::Class::Exception->throw('output directory does not exist at ' . $output_dir);
- my $schema = $params->{schema};
$self->msg("generating fixtures");
my $tmp_output_dir = dir($output_dir, '-~dump~-' . $<);
$source = merge( $source, $rule ) if ($rule);
# fetch objects
- my $rs = $schema->resultset($source->{class});
- $rs = $rs->search($source->{cond}, { join => $source->{join} }) if ($source->{cond});
+ my $rs = $schema->resultset($source->{class});
+ $rs = $rs->search($source->{cond}, { join => $source->{join} }) if ($source->{cond});
$self->msg("- dumping $source->{class}");
my @objects;
my %source_options = ( set => { %{$config}, %{$source} } );
my $mode = 0777; chmod $mode, $file->stringify;
+ # don't bother looking at rels unless we are actually planning to dump at least one type
+ return unless ($set->{might_have}->{fetch} || $set->{belongs_to}->{fetch} || $set->{has_many}->{fetch} || $set->{fetch});
# dump rels of object
my $s = $object->result_source;
unless ($exists) {
--- /dev/null
+use DBIx::Class::Fixtures;
+use Test::More;
+use lib qw(t/lib);
+use DBICTest;
+use Path::Class;
+use Data::Dumper;
+plan tests => 9;
+# set up and populate schema
+ok(my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema( ), 'got schema');
+my $config_dir = 't/var/configs';
+my $fixture_dir = 't/var/fixtures';
+# do dump
+ok(my $fixtures = DBIx::Class::Fixtures->new({ config_dir => $config_dir, debug => 0 }), 'object created with correct config dir');
+ok($fixtures->dump({ all => 1, schema => $schema, directory => 't/var/fixtures' }), 'fetch dump executed okay');
+foreach my $source ($schema->sources) {
+ my $rs = $schema->resultset($source);
+ my $dir = dir($fixture_dir, $rs->result_source->from);
+ my @children = $dir->children;
+ is (scalar(@children), $rs->count, 'all objects from $source dumped');