This way the hash is on the right.
Some of those tests will need to become symmetrical later.
\%tied_hash \%tied_hash
# - an array ref
- \%:: [keys %main::]
-! \%:: []
- {"" => 1} [undef]
- { foo => 1 } ["foo"]
- { foo => 1 } ["foo", "bar"]
- \%hash ["foo", "bar"]
- \%hash ["foo"]
-! \%hash ["quux"]
- \%hash [qw(foo quux)]
+ [keys %main::] \%::
+! [] \%::
+ [undef] {"" => 1}
+ ["foo"] { foo => 1 }
+ ["foo", "bar"] { foo => 1 }
+ ["foo", "bar"] \%hash
+ ["foo"] \%hash
+! ["quux"] \%hash
+ [qw(foo quux)] \%hash
# - a regex
- {foo => 1} qr/^(fo[ox])$/
-! +{0..99} qr/[13579]$/
+ qr/^(fo[ox])$/ {foo => 1}
+! qr/[13579]$/ +{0..99}
# - a string
- +{foo => 1, bar => 2} "foo"
-! +{foo => 1, bar => 2} "baz"
+ "foo" +{foo => 1, bar => 2}
+! "baz" +{foo => 1, bar => 2}
# ARRAY ref against:
@nums [1..10]
! @nums [0..9]
- %hash "foo"
- %hash /bar/
- %hash [qw(bar)]
-! %hash [qw(a b c)]
+ "foo" %hash
+ /bar/ %hash
+ [qw(bar)] %hash
+! [qw(a b c)] %hash
%hash %hash
%hash +{%hash}
%hash \%hash