-# $Id: /mirror/svn.schwern.org/CPAN/ExtUtils-MakeMaker/trunk/lib/ExtUtils/MakeMaker.pm 32220 2007-07-02T03:54:00.548844Z schwern $
+# $Id: /mirror/svn.schwern.org/CPAN/ExtUtils-MakeMaker/trunk/lib/ExtUtils/MakeMaker.pm 32261 2007-07-03T08:08:29.826721Z schwern $
package ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
BEGIN {require 5.005_03;}
use vars qw($Revision);
use strict;
-$VERSION = '6.35';
-($Revision) = q$Revision: 32220 $ =~ /Revision:\s+(\S+)/;
+$VERSION = '6.36';
+($Revision) = q$Revision: 32261 $ =~ /Revision:\s+(\S+)/;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(&WriteMakefile &writeMakefile $Verbose &prompt);
$VERSION = '1.00';
*VERSION = \'1.01';
- ($VERSION) = q$Revision: 32220 $ =~ /(\d+)/g;
+ ($VERSION) = q$Revision: 32261 $ =~ /(\d+)/g;
$FOO::VERSION = '1.10';
*FOO::VERSION = \'1.11';
our $VERSION = 1.2.3; # new for perl5.6.0
is $warnings,
- "Warning: prerequisite strict 99999 not found. We have $strict::VERSION.\n";
+ sprintf("Warning: prerequisite strict 99999 not found. We have %s.\n",
+ strict->VERSION);
$warnings = '';
is $warnings,
"Warning: prerequisite I::Do::Not::Exist 0 not found.\n".
- "Warning: prerequisite strict 99999 not found. We have $strict::VERSION.\n";
+ sprintf("Warning: prerequisite strict 99999 not found. We have %s.\n",
+ strict->VERSION);
$warnings = '';
eval {