is( $sc->end->rank, 14, "There are fourteen ranks in the graph" );
# Detach the erroneously collated reading
-my $newr = $sc->duplicate_reading( 'n131', 'Ba96' );
+my( $newr, @del_rdgs ) = $sc->duplicate_reading( 'n131', 'Ba96' );
ok( $newr, "New reading was created" );
ok( $sc->reading('n131_0'), "Detached the bad collation with a new reading" );
is( scalar( $sc->readings ), $numr + 1, "A reading was added to the graph" );
is( $csucc->id, 'n136', "Found correct common successor to duped reading" );
# Check that the bad transposition is gone
+is( scalar @del_rdgs, 1, "Deleted reading was returned by API call" );
is( $sc->get_relationship( 'n130', 'n135' ), undef, "Bad transposition relationship is gone" );
# The collation should not be fixed
# remove them. If not, we can skip it.
my $succ;
my %rrk;
+ my @deleted_relations;
if( $self->end->has_rank ) {
# Find the point where we can stop checking
$succ = $self->common_successor( $r, $newr );
my @noncolo = $rdg->related_readings( sub { !$_[0]->colocated } );
next unless @noncolo;
foreach my $nc ( @noncolo ) {
- $self->relations->verify_or_delete( $rdg, $nc );
+ unless( $self->relations->verify_or_delete( $rdg, $nc ) ) {
+ push( @deleted_relations, $nc );
+ }
- return $newr;
+ return ( $newr, @deleted_relations );
sub _generate_dup_id {
is( $sc->end->rank, 14, "There are fourteen ranks in the graph" );
# Detach the erroneously collated reading
-my $newr = $sc->duplicate_reading( 'n131', 'Ba96' );
+my( $newr, @del_rdgs ) = $sc->duplicate_reading( 'n131', 'Ba96' );
ok( $newr, "New reading was created" );
ok( $sc->reading('n131_0'), "Detached the bad collation with a new reading" );
is( scalar( $sc->readings ), $numr + 1, "A reading was added to the graph" );
is( $csucc->id, 'n136', "Found correct common successor to duped reading" );
# Check that the bad transposition is gone
+is( scalar @del_rdgs, 1, "Deleted reading was returned by API call" );
is( $sc->get_relationship( 'n130', 'n135' ), undef, "Bad transposition relationship is gone" );
# The collation should not be fixed