our $Get_Logger;
-sub set_logger {
+sub set_logger (&) {
$Get_Logger = $_[0];
+sub with_logger (&$) {
+ local $Get_Logger = $_[1];
+ $_[0]->();
sub log_trace (&) {
my $log = $Get_Logger->();
if $log->is_fatal;
-sub with_logger (&$) {
- local $Get_Logger = $_[1];
- $_[0]->();
+=head1 NAME
+Log::Contextual - Super simple logging interface
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use Log::Contextual;
+ my $logger = WarnLogger->new;
+ my $logger2 = FileLogger->new;
+ set_logger { $logger };
+ log_debug { "program started" };
+ sub foo {
+ with_logger {
+ log_trace { "foo entered" };
+ # ...
+ log_trace { "foo left" };
+ } $logger2;
+ }
+This module is for simplistic but very extensible logging.
+=head2 set_logger
+ my $logger = WarnLogger->new;
+ set_logger { $logger };
+Arguments: CodeRef $returning_logger
+=head2 with_logger
+ my $logger = WarnLogger->new;
+ with_logger {
+ if (1 == 0) {
+ log_fatal { 'Non Logical Universe Detected' };
+ } else {
+ log_info { 'All is good' };
+ }
+ }, sub { $logger};
+Arguments: CodeRef $to_execute, CodeRef $returning_logger
+=head2 log_trace
+ log_trace { 'entered method foo with args ' join q{,}, @args };
+Arguments: CodeRef $returning_message
+=head2 log_debug
+ log_debug { 'entered method foo' };
+Arguments: CodeRef $returning_message
+=head2 log_info
+ log_info { 'started process foo' };
+Arguments: CodeRef $returning_message
+=head2 log_warn
+ log_warn { 'possible misconfiguration at line 10' };
+Arguments: CodeRef $returning_message
+=head2 log_error
+ log_error { 'non-numeric user input!' };
+Arguments: CodeRef $returning_message
+=head2 log_fatal
+ log_fatal { '1 is never equal to 0!' };
+Arguments: CodeRef $returning_message
+This package also provides:
+L<Log::Contextual::Sugar> - provides Dlog_$level and DlogS_$level convenience
+=head1 AUTHOR
+frew - Arthur Axel "fREW" Schmidt <frioux@gmail.com>
+=head1 DESIGNER
+mst - Matt S. Trout <mst@shadowcat.co.uk>
+Copyright (c) 2010 the Log::Contextual L</AUTHOR> and L</DESIGNER> as listed
+=head1 LICENSE
+This library is free software and may be distributed under the same terms as
+Perl 5 itself.
.:12:44:33:. <@mst> we have a $Get_Logger global that contains a subref
.:12:45:11:. <@mst> sub log_debug (&) { my $log = $Get_Logger->(); if ($log->is_debug) {
$log->debug($_[0]->()} } }