for (;;) {
if (!sv_gets(sv, fp, offset)
- && (type == OP_GLOB || SNARF_EOF(gimme, PL_rs, io, sv)))
+ && (type == OP_GLOB
+ || SNARF_EOF(gimme, PL_rs, io, sv)
+ || PerlIO_error(fp)))
if (IoFLAGS(io) & IOf_ARGV) {
require './';
-plan tests => 11;
+plan tests => 13;
eval { for (\2) { $_ = <FH> } };
like($@, 'Modification of a read-only value attempted', '[perl #19566]');
$k .= <DATA>;
is ($k, "$perl rules\n", 'rcatline to COW sv for length ' . length $perl);
+use strict;
+use File::Spec;
+open F, File::Spec->curdir and sysread F, $_, 1;
+my $err = $! + 0;
+close F;
+SKIP: {
+ skip 2 => "you can read directories as plain files" unless( $err );
+ $!=0;
+ open F, File::Spec->curdir and $_=<F>;
+ ok( $!==$err && !defined($_) => 'readline( DIRECTORY )' );
+ close F;
+ $!=0;
+ { local $/;
+ open F, File::Spec->curdir and $_=<F>;
+ ok( $!==$err && !defined($_) => 'readline( DIRECTORY ) slurp mode' );
+ close F;
+ }