my $edi = 0;
my %edge_data_keys;
my %edge_data = (
- class => 'string', # Path or relationship?
witness => 'string', # ID/label for a path
relationship => 'string', # ID/label for a relationship
extra => 'boolean', # Path key
$key->setAttribute( 'id', $edge_data_keys{$datum} );
- # Add the collation graph itself
- my $graph = $root->addNewChild( $graphml_ns, 'graph' );
- $graph->setAttribute( 'edgedefault', 'directed' );
- $graph->setAttribute( 'id', $self->tradition->name );
- $graph->setAttribute( 'parse.edgeids', 'canonical' );
- $graph->setAttribute( 'parse.edges', scalar($self->paths) );
- $graph->setAttribute( 'parse.nodeids', 'canonical' );
- $graph->setAttribute( 'parse.nodes', scalar($self->readings) );
- $graph->setAttribute( 'parse.order', 'nodesfirst' );
+ # Add the collation graphs themselves
+ my $sgraph = $root->addNewChild( $graphml_ns, 'graph' );
+ $sgraph->setAttribute( 'edgedefault', 'directed' );
+ $sgraph->setAttribute( 'id', $self->tradition->name );
+ $sgraph->setAttribute( 'parse.edgeids', 'canonical' );
+ $sgraph->setAttribute( 'parse.edges', scalar($self->paths) );
+ $sgraph->setAttribute( 'parse.nodeids', 'canonical' );
+ $sgraph->setAttribute( 'parse.nodes', scalar($self->readings) );
+ $sgraph->setAttribute( 'parse.order', 'nodesfirst' );
+ my $rgraph = $root->addNewChild( $graphml_ns, 'graph' );
+ $rgraph->setAttribute( 'edgedefault', 'undirected' );
+ $rgraph->setAttribute( 'id', 'relationships' );
+ $rgraph->setAttribute( 'parse.edgeids', 'canonical' );
+ $rgraph->setAttribute( 'parse.edges', scalar($self->relationships) );
+ $rgraph->setAttribute( 'parse.nodeids', 'canonical' );
+ $rgraph->setAttribute( 'parse.nodes', scalar($self->readings) );
+ $rgraph->setAttribute( 'parse.order', 'nodesfirst' );
# Collation attribute data
foreach my $datum ( @graph_attributes ) {
- my $value = $datum eq 'version' ? '2.0' : $self->$datum;
- _add_graphml_data( $graph, $graph_data_keys{$datum}, $value );
+ my $value = $datum eq 'version' ? '3.0' : $self->$datum;
+ _add_graphml_data( $sgraph, $graph_data_keys{$datum}, $value );
my $node_ctr = 0;
my %node_hash;
- # Add our readings to the graph
+ # Add our readings to the graphs
foreach my $n ( sort { $a->id cmp $b->id } $self->readings ) {
- my $node_el = $graph->addNewChild( $graphml_ns, 'node' );
+ # Add to the main graph
+ my $node_el = $sgraph->addNewChild( $graphml_ns, 'node' );
my $node_xmlid = 'n' . $node_ctr++;
$node_hash{ $n->id } = $node_xmlid;
$node_el->setAttribute( 'id', $node_xmlid );
_add_graphml_data( $node_el, $node_data_keys{$d}, $nval )
if defined $nval;
+ # Add to the relationships graph
+ my $rnode_el = $rgraph->addNewChild( $graphml_ns, 'node' );
+ $rnode_el->setAttribute( 'id', $node_xmlid );
- # Add the path edges
+ # Add the path edges to the sequence graph
my $edge_ctr = 0;
foreach my $e ( sort { $a->[0] cmp $b->[0] } $self->sequence->edges() ) {
# We add an edge in the graphml for every witness in $e.
my( $id, $from, $to ) = ( 'e'.$edge_ctr++,
$node_hash{ $e->[0] },
$node_hash{ $e->[1] } );
- my $edge_el = $graph->addNewChild( $graphml_ns, 'edge' );
+ my $edge_el = $sgraph->addNewChild( $graphml_ns, 'edge' );
$edge_el->setAttribute( 'source', $from );
$edge_el->setAttribute( 'target', $to );
$edge_el->setAttribute( 'id', $id );
- # Add the edge class
- _add_graphml_data( $edge_el, $edge_data_keys{'class'}, 'path' );
# It's a witness path, so add the witness
my $base = $wit;
- # Add the relationship edges
+ # Add the relationship edges to the relationships graph
foreach my $e ( sort { $a->[0] cmp $b->[0] } $self->relationships ) {
my( $id, $from, $to ) = ( 'e'.$edge_ctr++,
$node_hash{ $e->[0] },
$node_hash{ $e->[1] } );
- my $edge_el = $graph->addNewChild( $graphml_ns, 'edge' );
+ my $edge_el = $rgraph->addNewChild( $graphml_ns, 'edge' );
$edge_el->setAttribute( 'source', $from );
$edge_el->setAttribute( 'target', $to );
$edge_el->setAttribute( 'id', $id );
- # Add the edge class
- _add_graphml_data( $edge_el, $edge_data_keys{'class'}, 'relationship' );
my $data = $self->relations->get_edge_attributes( @$e );
# It's a relationship, so save the relationship data
print $graph->as_csv( $recalculate )
Returns a CSV alignment table representation of the collation graph, one
-row per witness (or witness uncorrected.) Unless $recalculate is passed
-(and is a true value), the method will return a cached copy of the CSV
-after the first call to the method.
+row per witness (or witness uncorrected.)
my $table = $self->make_alignment_table;
my $csv = Text::CSV_XS->new( { binary => 1, quote_null => 0 } );
my @result;
- foreach my $row ( @$table ) {
- $csv->combine( @$row );
+ # Make the header row
+ $csv->combine( map { $_->{'witness'} } @{$table->{'alignment'}} );
+ push( @result, decode_utf8( $csv->string ) );
+ # Make the rest of the rows
+ foreach my $idx ( 0 .. $table->{'length'} - 1 ) {
+ my @rowobjs = map { $_->[$idx] } @{$table->{'alignment'}};
+ my @row = map { $_ ? $_->{'t'} : $_ } @rowobjs;
+ $csv->combine( @row );
push( @result, decode_utf8( $csv->string ) );
return join( "\n", @result );
-# Make an alignment table - $noderefs controls whether the objects
-# in the table are the nodes or simply their readings.
+=item B<make_alignment_table>
+my $table = $graph->make_alignment_table( $use_refs, \@wits_to_include )
+Return a reference to an alignment table, in the format described at
+L<>. If $use_refs is set to 1, the reading
+object is returned in the table; if not, the text of the reading is returned.
+If $wits_to_include is set to an arrayref, only the witnesses listed will be
+included in the table.
sub make_alignment_table {
my( $self, $noderefs, $include ) = @_;
warn "Need a linear graph in order to make an alignment table";
- my $table;
+ my $table = { 'alignment' => [], 'length' => $self->end->rank - 1 };
my @all_pos = ( 1 .. $self->end->rank - 1 );
foreach my $wit ( $self->tradition->witnesses ) {
+ if( $include ) {
+ next unless grep { $_ eq $wit->sigil } @$include;
+ }
+ $DB::single = 1 if $wit->sigil eq 'U';
# print STDERR "Making witness row(s) for " . $wit->sigil . "\n";
my @wit_path = $self->reading_sequence( $self->start, $self->end, $wit->sigil );
my @row = _make_witness_row( \@wit_path, \@all_pos, $noderefs );
- unshift( @row, $wit->sigil );
- push( @$table, \@row );
+ push( @{$table->{'alignment'}},
+ { 'witness' => $wit->sigil, 'tokens' => \@row } );
if( $wit->is_layered ) {
my @wit_ac_path = $self->reading_sequence( $self->start, $self->end,
$wit->sigil.$self->ac_label, $wit->sigil );
my @ac_row = _make_witness_row( \@wit_ac_path, \@all_pos, $noderefs );
- unshift( @ac_row, $wit->sigil . $self->ac_label );
- push( @$table, \@ac_row );
+ push( @{$table->{'alignment'}},
+ { 'witness' => $wit->sigil.$self->ac_label, 'tokens' => \@ac_row } );
- if( $include ) {
- my $winnowed = [];
- # Winnow out the rows for any witness not included.
- foreach my $row ( @$table ) {
- next unless $include->{$row->[0]};
- push( @$winnowed, $row );
- }
- $table = $winnowed;
- }
- # Return a table where the witnesses read in columns rather than rows.
- my $turned = _turn_table( $table );
- # TODO We should really go through and delete empty rows.
- return $turned;
+ return $table;
sub _make_witness_row {
my( $path, $positions, $noderefs ) = @_;
my %char_hash;
map { $char_hash{$_} = undef } @$positions;
+ my $debug = 0;
foreach my $rdg ( @$path ) {
my $rtext = $rdg->text;
$rtext = '#LACUNA#' if $rdg->is_lacuna;
+ print STDERR "rank " . $rdg->rank . "\n" if $debug;
# print STDERR "No rank for " . $rdg->id . "\n" unless defined $rdg->rank;
- $char_hash{$rdg->rank} = $noderefs ? $rdg : $rtext;
+ $char_hash{$rdg->rank} = $noderefs ? { 't' => $rdg }
+ : { 't' => $rtext };
my @row = map { $char_hash{$_} } @$positions;
# Fill in lacuna markers for undef spots in the row
# If we are using node reference, make the lacuna node appear many times
# in the table. If not, use the lacuna tag.
if( $last_el && _el_is_lacuna( $last_el ) && !defined $el ) {
- $el = $noderefs ? $last_el : '#LACUNA#';
+ $el = $noderefs ? { 't' => $last_el } : { 't' => '#LACUNA#' };
push( @filled_row, $el );
$last_el = $el;
# Tiny utility function to say if a table element is a lacuna
sub _el_is_lacuna {
my $el = shift;
- return 1 if $el eq '#LACUNA#';
- return 1 if ref( $el ) eq 'Text::Tradition::Collation::Reading'
- && $el->is_lacuna;
+ return 1 if $el->{'t'} eq '#LACUNA#';
+ return 1 if ref( $el->{'t'} ) eq 'Text::Tradition::Collation::Reading'
+ && $el->{'t'}->is_lacuna;
return 0;
# Return the successor via the corresponding path.
my $self = shift;
my $answer = $self->_find_linked_reading( 'next', @_ );
+ return undef unless $answer;
return $self->reading( $answer );
if $base_le;
# Got this far? We have no appropriate path.
- warn "Could not find $direction node from " . $node->label
+ warn "Could not find $direction node from " . $node->id
. " along path $path";
return undef;