my @found_illegal_options = grep { exists $options{$_} && exists $self->{$_} ? $_ : undef } @illegal_options;
(scalar @found_illegal_options == 0)
- || $self->throw_error(message => "Illegal inherited options => (" . (join ', ' => @found_illegal_options) . ")", data => \%options);
+ || $self->throw_error("Illegal inherited options => (" . (join ', ' => @found_illegal_options) . ")", data => \%options);
if ($options{isa}) {
my $type_constraint;
else {
$type_constraint = Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::find_or_create_isa_type_constraint($options{isa}, { package_defined_in => $options{definition_context}->{package} });
(defined $type_constraint)
- || $self->throw_error(message => "Could not find the type constraint '" . $options{isa} . "'", data => $options{isa});
+ || $self->throw_error("Could not find the type constraint '" . $options{isa} . "'", data => $options{isa});
$options{type_constraint} = $type_constraint;
else {
$type_constraint = Moose::Util::TypeConstraints::find_or_create_does_type_constraint($options{does}, { package_defined_in => $options{definition_context}->{package} });
(defined $type_constraint)
- || $self->throw_error(message => "Could not find the type constraint '" . $options{does} . "'", data => $options{does});
+ || $self->throw_error("Could not find the type constraint '" . $options{does} . "'", data => $options{does});
$options{type_constraint} = $type_constraint;
if ( $options->{is} eq 'ro' ) {
- message => "Cannot define an accessor name on a read-only attribute, accessors are read/write",
+ "Cannot define an accessor name on a read-only attribute, accessors are read/write",
data => $options )
if exists $options->{accessor};
$options->{reader} ||= $name;
# do nothing, but don't complain (later) about missing methods
else {
- $class->throw_error(
- message => "I do not understand this option (is => "
- . $options->{is}
- . ") on attribute ($name)", data => $options->{is}
- );
+ $class->throw_error( "I do not understand this option (is => "
+ . $options->{is}
+ . ") on attribute ($name)", data => $options->{is} );
if ( try { $options->{isa}->can('does') } ) {
( $options->{isa}->does( $options->{does} ) )
|| $class->throw_error(
- message => "Cannot have an isa option and a does option if the isa does not do the does on attribute ($name)",
+ "Cannot have an isa option and a does option if the isa does not do the does on attribute ($name)",
data => $options );
else {
- message => "Cannot have an isa option which cannot ->does() on attribute ($name)",
+ "Cannot have an isa option which cannot ->does() on attribute ($name)",
data => $options );
( exists $options->{type_constraint} )
|| $class->throw_error(
- message => "You cannot have coercion without specifying a type constraint on attribute ($name)",
+ "You cannot have coercion without specifying a type constraint on attribute ($name)",
data => $options );
- message => "You cannot have a weak reference to a coerced value on attribute ($name)",
+ "You cannot have a weak reference to a coerced value on attribute ($name)",
data => $options )
if $options->{weak_ref};
return unless exists $options->{trigger};
( 'CODE' eq ref $options->{trigger} )
- || $class->throw_error(message => "Trigger must be a CODE ref on attribute ($name)", data => $options->{trigger});
+ || $class->throw_error("Trigger must be a CODE ref on attribute ($name)", data => $options->{trigger});
sub _process_auto_deref_option {
( exists $options->{type_constraint} )
|| $class->throw_error(
- message => "You cannot auto-dereference without specifying a type constraint on attribute ($name)",
+ "You cannot auto-dereference without specifying a type constraint on attribute ($name)",
data => $options );
( $options->{type_constraint}->is_a_type_of('ArrayRef')
|| $options->{type_constraint}->is_a_type_of('HashRef') )
|| $class->throw_error(
- message => "You cannot auto-dereference anything other than a ArrayRef or HashRef on attribute ($name)",
+ "You cannot auto-dereference anything other than a ArrayRef or HashRef on attribute ($name)",
data => $options );
return unless $options->{lazy_build};
- message => "You can not use lazy_build and default for the same attribute ($name)",
+ "You can not use lazy_build and default for the same attribute ($name)",
data => $options )
if exists $options->{default};
( exists $options->{default} || defined $options->{builder} )
|| $class->throw_error(
- message => "You cannot have a lazy attribute ($name) without specifying a default value for it",
+ "You cannot have a lazy attribute ($name) without specifying a default value for it",
data => $options );
) {
- message => "You cannot have a required attribute ($name) without a default, builder, or an init_arg",
+ "You cannot have a required attribute ($name) without a default, builder, or an init_arg",
data => $options );
# skip it if it's lazy
return if $self->is_lazy;
# and die if it's required and doesn't have a default value
- $self->throw_error(message => "Attribute (" . $self->name . ") is required", object => $instance, data => $params)
+ $self->throw_error("Attribute (" . $self->name . ") is required", object => $instance, data => $params)
if $self->is_required && !$self->has_default && !$self->has_builder;
# if nothing was in the %params, we can use the
return $instance->$builder()
if $instance->can( $self->builder );
- $self->throw_error(
- message => blessed($instance)
- . " does not support builder method '"
- . $self->builder
- . "' for attribute '"
- . $self->name
- . "'",
+ $self->throw_error( blessed($instance)
+ . " does not support builder method '"
+ . $self->builder
+ . "' for attribute '"
+ . $self->name
+ . "'",
object => $instance,
my $attr_name = quotemeta($self->name);
if ($self->is_required and not @args) {
- $self->throw_error(message => "Attribute ($attr_name) is required", object => $instance);
+ $self->throw_error("Attribute ($attr_name) is required", object => $instance);
$value = $self->_coerce_and_verify( $value, $instance );
return wantarray ? %{ $rv } : $rv;
else {
- $self->throw_error(message => "Can not auto de-reference the type constraint '" . $type_constraint->name . "'", object => $instance, type_constraint => $type_constraint);
+ $self->throw_error("Can not auto de-reference the type constraint '" . $type_constraint->name . "'", object => $instance, type_constraint => $type_constraint);
if (!($self->has_default || $self->has_builder)) {
- message => 'You cannot have a lazy attribute '
+ 'You cannot have a lazy attribute '
. '(' . $self->name . ') '
. 'without specifying a default value for it',
attr => $self,
else {
- message => "Can't generate a default for " . $self->name
+ "Can't generate a default for " . $self->name
. " since no default or builder was specified"
else {
- message => 'Can not auto de-reference the type constraint \''
+ 'Can not auto de-reference the type constraint \''
. $type_constraint->name
. '\'',
type_constraint => $type_constraint,
if ( my $method = $associated_class->get_method($handle) ) {
- message => "You cannot overwrite a locally defined method ($handle) with a delegation",
+ "You cannot overwrite a locally defined method ($handle) with a delegation",
method_name => $handle
) unless $method->is_stub;
elsif ($handle_type eq 'Regexp') {
- || $self->throw_error(message => "Cannot delegate methods based on a Regexp without a type constraint (isa)", data => $handles);
+ || $self->throw_error("Cannot delegate methods based on a Regexp without a type constraint (isa)", data => $handles);
return map { ($_ => $_) }
grep { /$handles/ } $self->_get_delegate_method_list;
$handles = $handles->role;
else {
- $self->throw_error(message => "Unable to canonicalize the 'handles' option with $handles", data => $handles);
+ $self->throw_error("Unable to canonicalize the 'handles' option with $handles", data => $handles);
my $role_meta = Class::MOP::class_of($handles);
(blessed $role_meta && $role_meta->isa('Moose::Meta::Role'))
- || $self->throw_error(message => "Unable to canonicalize the 'handles' option with $handles because its metaclass is not a Moose::Meta::Role", data => $handles);
+ || $self->throw_error("Unable to canonicalize the 'handles' option with $handles because its metaclass is not a Moose::Meta::Role", data => $handles);
return map { $_ => $_ }
map { $_->name }
return $meta->get_method_list;
else {
- $self->throw_error(message => "Unable to recognize the delegate metaclass '$meta'", data => $meta);
+ $self->throw_error("Unable to recognize the delegate metaclass '$meta'", data => $meta);
if (my $class = $self->_isa_metadata) {
unless ( is_class_loaded($class) ) {
- message => sprintf(
+ sprintf(
'The %s attribute is trying to delegate to a class which has not been loaded - %s',
$self->name, $class
elsif (my $role = $self->_does_metadata) {
unless ( is_class_loaded($class) ) {
- message => sprintf(
+ sprintf(
'The %s attribute is trying to delegate to a role which has not been loaded - %s',
$self->name, $role
return Class::MOP::class_of($role);
else {
- $self->throw_error(message => "Cannot find delegate metaclass for attribute " . $self->name);
+ $self->throw_error("Cannot find delegate metaclass for attribute " . $self->name);