--- /dev/null
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More tests => 29;
+use Test::Exception;
+ use_ok('Class::MOP');
+# make sure the Class::MOP::Class->meta does the right thing
+my $meta = Class::MOP::Class->meta();
+isa_ok($meta, 'Class::MOP::Class');
+my $new_meta = $meta->new_object(':package' => 'Class::MOP::Class');
+isa_ok($new_meta, 'Class::MOP::Class');
+is($new_meta, $meta, '... it still creates the singleton');
+my $cloned_meta = $meta->clone_object($meta);
+isa_ok($cloned_meta, 'Class::MOP::Class');
+is($cloned_meta, $meta, '... it creates the singleton even if you try to clone it');
+# make sure other metaclasses do the right thing
+ package Foo;
+ use metaclass;
+my $foo_meta = Foo->meta;
+isa_ok($foo_meta, 'Class::MOP::Class');
+is($meta->new_object(':package' => 'Foo'), $foo_meta, '... got the right Foo->meta singleton');
+is($meta->clone_object($foo_meta), $foo_meta, '... cloning got the right Foo->meta singleton');
+# make sure subclassed of Class::MOP::Class do the right thing
+ package MyMetaClass;
+ use base 'Class::MOP::Class';
+my $my_meta = MyMetaClass->meta;
+isa_ok($my_meta, 'Class::MOP::Class');
+my $new_my_meta = $my_meta->new_object(':package' => 'MyMetaClass');
+isa_ok($new_my_meta, 'Class::MOP::Class');
+is($new_my_meta, $my_meta, '... even subclasses still create the singleton');
+my $cloned_my_meta = $meta->clone_object($my_meta);
+isa_ok($cloned_my_meta, 'Class::MOP::Class');
+is($cloned_my_meta, $my_meta, '... and subclasses creates the singleton even if you try to clone it');
+is($my_meta->new_object(':package' => 'Foo'), $foo_meta, '... got the right Foo->meta singleton (w/subclass)');
+is($meta->clone_object($foo_meta), $foo_meta, '... cloning got the right Foo->meta singleton (w/subclass)');
+# now create a metaclass for real
+my $bar_meta = $my_meta->new_object(':package' => 'Bar');
+isa_ok($bar_meta, 'Class::MOP::Class');
+is($bar_meta->name, 'Bar', '... got the right name for the Bar metaclass');
+is($bar_meta->version, undef, '... Bar does not exists, so it has no version');
+# check with MyMetaClass
+ package Baz;
+ use metaclass 'MyMetaClass';
+my $baz_meta = Baz->meta;
+isa_ok($baz_meta, 'Class::MOP::Class');
+isa_ok($baz_meta, 'MyMetaClass');
+is($my_meta->new_object(':package' => 'Baz'), $baz_meta, '... got the right Baz->meta singleton');
+is($my_meta->clone_object($baz_meta), $baz_meta, '... cloning got the right Baz->meta singleton');
+# now create a regular objects for real
+my $foo = $foo_meta->new_object();
+isa_ok($foo, 'Foo');
+my $bar = $bar_meta->new_object();
+isa_ok($bar, 'Bar');
+isa_ok($bar, 'Foo');
+my $cloned_foo = $foo_meta->clone_object($foo);
+isa_ok($cloned_foo, 'Foo');
+isnt($cloned_foo, $foo, '... $cloned_foo is a new object different from $foo');
+# check some errors
+dies_ok {
+ $foo_meta->clone_object($meta);
+} '... this dies as expected';