Revision history for Perl extension Moose
+0.60 Fri October 25, 2008
* Moose::Exporter
- Passing "-traits" when loading Moose caused the
exports to be broken. Reported by t0m. (Dave Rolsky)
Moose::Meta::Attribute->does method, notably MooseX::Storage
- * Moose::Util::TypeConstraints
- - Put back the changes for parameterized constraints that
- shouldn't have been removed in 0.59. We still cannot parse
- them, but MooseX modules can create them in some other
- way. See the 0.58 changes for more details. (jnapiorkowski)
* Moose::Exporter
- Passing "-traits" when loading Moose caused the
exports to be broken. Reported by t0m. (Dave Rolsky)
shouldn't have been removed in 0.59. We still cannot parse
them, but MooseX modules can create them in some other
way. See the 0.58 changes for more details. (jnapiorkowski)
- - changed the way subtypes are created so that the job is delegated to a
- type constraint parent. This clears up some hardcoded checking and
- should allow correct subtypes of Moose::Meta::Type::Constraint
+ - Changed the way subtypes are created so that the job is
+ delegated to a type constraint parent. This clears up some
+ hardcoded checking and should allow correct subtypes of
+ Moose::Meta::Type::Constraint. Don't rely on this new API too
+ much (create_child_type) because it may go away in the
+ future. (jnapiorkowski)
* Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Union
- - more careful sorting of the type constraints that make up a name string
- - support for create_childtype customization
- * Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Parameterized
- - support for create_childtype customization
+ - Type constraint names are sorted as strings, not numbers.
+ (jnapiorkowski)
* Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Parameterizable
- - new parameterize method which is a type of factory method to make a new
- type constraint with a given parameterized type.
- * /t/040_type_constraints/027_parameterize_from.t
- - test to make sure the new parameterize method works.
- * /t/040_type_constraints/030-class_subtypes.t
- - test to make sure we can properly subclass Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint
+ - New parameterize method. This can be used as a factory method
+ to make a new type constraint with a given parameterized
+ type. (jnapiorkowski)
+ - added tests (jnapiorkowski)
0.59 Tue October 14, 2008
* Moose