use Carp::Clan qw/^DBIx::Class/;
use List::Util ();
+__PACKAGE__->mk_group_accessors('simple' =>
+ qw/_identity _blob_log_on_update/
=head1 NAME
DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Sybase - Sybase support for DBIx::Class
-__PACKAGE__->mk_group_accessors('simple' =>
- qw/_blob_log_on_update/
sub _rebless {
my $self = shift;
# return (@non_blobs, @blobs);
+# the select-piggybacking-on-insert trick stolen from odbc/mssql
+sub _prep_for_execute {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($op, $extra_bind, $ident, $args) = @_;
+ my ($sql, $bind) = $self->next::method (@_);
+ if ($op eq 'insert') {
+ my ($identity_insert_on, $identity_insert_off, $identity_col);
+ my $table = $ident->from;
+ my $bind_info = $self->_resolve_column_info($ident, [map $_->[0], @{$bind}]);
+ $identity_col =
+List::Util::first { $bind_info->{$_}{is_auto_increment} } (keys %$bind_info);
+ if ($identity_col) {
+ $identity_insert_on = "SET IDENTITY_INSERT $table ON";
+ $identity_insert_off = "SET IDENTITY_INSERT $table OFF";
+ } else {
+ $identity_col = List::Util::first {
+ $ident->column_info($_)->{is_auto_increment}
+ } $ident->columns;
+ }
+ if ($identity_col) {
+# Sybase has nested transactions, only the outermost is actually committed
+ $sql =
+ ($identity_insert_on ? "$identity_insert_on\n" : '') .
+ "$sql\n" .
+ ($identity_insert_off ? "$identity_insert_off\n" : '') .
+ $self->_fetch_identity_sql($ident, $identity_col) . "\n" .
+ }
+ }
+ return ($sql, $bind);
+sub _fetch_identity_sql {
+ my ($self, $source, $col) = @_;
+ return "SELECT MAX($col) FROM ".$source->from;
+sub _execute {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($op) = @_;
+ my ($rv, $sth, @bind) = $self->dbh_do($self->can('_dbh_execute'), @_);
+ if ($op eq 'insert') {
+ $self->_identity($sth->fetchrow_array);
+ $sth->finish;
+ }
+ return wantarray ? ($rv, $sth, @bind) : $rv;
+sub last_insert_id { shift->_identity }
# override to handle TEXT/IMAGE
sub insert {
my ($self, $source, $to_insert) = splice @_, 0, 3;
my $blob_cols = $self->_remove_blob_cols($source, $to_insert);
-# check if we need to set IDENTITY_INSERT
- my $identity_insert = 0;
- my %col_info = map { ($_, $source->column_info($_)) } keys %$to_insert;
- my $table = $source->from;
- if (List::Util::first { $_->{is_auto_increment} } (values %col_info)) {
- $identity_insert = 1;
- $dbh->do("SET IDENTITY_INSERT $table ON");
- }
my $updated_cols = $self->next::method($source, $to_insert, @_);
- $dbh->do("SET IDENTITY_INSERT $table OFF") if $identity_insert;
$self->_insert_blobs($source, $blob_cols, $to_insert) if %$blob_cols;
return $updated_cols;
sub datetime_parser_type { "DateTime::Format::Sybase" }
-sub _dbh_last_insert_id {
- my ($self, $dbh, $source, $col) = @_;
- # sorry, there's no other way!
- my $sth = $self->sth("select max($col) from ".$source->from);
- my ($id) = $dbh->selectrow_array($sth);
- $sth->finish;
- return $id;
# savepoint support using ASE syntax
sub _svp_begin {