confess "Can't generate view without connected schema, sorry"
unless $schema && $schema->storage;
my $sqla = $schema->storage->sql_maker;
- my @sources = my $table = $self->schema->source($self->raw_source_name);
+ my $table = $self->schema->source($self->raw_source_name);
my $super_view = $self->parent_source;
- push(@sources, $super_view) if defined($super_view);
+ my @all_parents = my @other_parents = @{$self->additional_parents||[]};
+ push(@all_parents, $super_view) if defined($super_view);
+ my @sources = ($table, @all_parents);
my @body_cols = map body_cols($_), @sources;
my @pk_cols = pk_cols $self;
# SELECT statement
+ my $am_root = !($super_view || @other_parents);
my $select = $sqla->select(
- ($super_view
- ? ([ # FROM _tbl _tbl
+ ($am_root
+ ? ($table->name)
+ : ([ # FROM _tbl _tbl
{ $table->name => $table->name },
- [ # JOIN view view
- { $super_view->name => $super_view->name },
- # ON =
- { map +(qualify_with($super_view, $_), qualify_with($table, $_)),
- names_of @pk_cols }
- ]
+ map {
+ my $parent = $_;
+ [ # JOIN view view
+ { $parent->name => $parent->name },
+ # ON =
+ { map +(qualify_with($parent, $_), qualify_with($table, $_)),
+ names_of @pk_cols }
+ ]
+ } @all_parents
- : ($table->name)),
+ ),
[ (qualify_with $table, names_of @pk_cols), names_of @body_cols ],
- my ($now, $next) = grep defined, $super_view, $table;
+ my ($now, @next) = grep defined, $super_view, $table, @other_parents;
# INSERT function
- $sqla->insert( # INSERT INTO _tbl (foo, ...) VALUES (_foo, ...)
+ $sqla->insert( # INSERT INTO tbl/super_view (foo, ...) VALUES (_foo, ...)
{ arg_hash $now },
- ($next
- ? $sqla->insert( # INSERT INTO super_view (id, ...)
- # VALUES (currval('_root_tbl_id_seq'), ...)
- $next->name,
- {
- (arg_hash $next),
- id => \"currval('${\$self->root_table->name}_id_seq')",
- }
- )
- : ()
- )
+ (map {
+ $sqla->insert( # INSERT INTO parent (id, ...)
+ # VALUES (currval('_root_tbl_id_seq'), ...)
+ $_->name,
+ {
+ (arg_hash $_),
+ id => \"currval('${\$self->root_table->name}_id_seq')",
+ }
+ )
+ } @next)
# note - similar to arg_hash but not quite enough to share code sanely