When putting out a new Perl release, think about if any of the Deprecated
properties should be moved to Suppressed.
+perlrecharclass.pod has a list of all the characters that are white space,
+which needs to be updated if there are changes. A quick way to check if there
+have been changes would be to see if the number of such characters listed in
+perluniprops.pod (generated by running mktables) for the property
+\p{White_Space} is no longer 26. Further investigation would then be necessary
+to classify the new characters as horizontal and vertical.
The code in regexec.c for the \X match construct is intimately tied to the
regular expression in UAX #29 (http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr29/). You
should see if it has changed, and if so regexec.c should be modified. The