use 5.006;
use Carp;
use warnings;
-$VERSION = '0.75';
+$VERSION = '0.76';
# $DB::single=1;
my %symcache;
while (@_) {
my $cmd = shift;
if ($cmd =~ /^autotie((?:ref)?)$/) {
- my $tiedata = '($was_arrayref ? $data : @$data)';
- $tiedata = ($1 ? '$ref, ' : '') . $tiedata;
+ my $tiedata = ($1 ? '$ref, ' : '') . '@$data';
my $mapping = shift;
_usage_AH_ $class unless ref($mapping) eq 'HASH';
while (my($attr, $tieclass) = each %$mapping) {
=head1 VERSION
-This document describes version 0.75 of Attribute::Handlers,
-released September 3, 2001.
+This document describes version 0.76 of Attribute::Handlers,
+released November 15, 2001.
print $next;
-In fact, this pattern is so widely applicable that Attribute::Handlers
+Note that, because the C<Cycle> attribute receives its arguments in the
+C<$data> variable, if the attribute is given a list of arguments, C<$data>
+will consist of a single array reference; otherwise, it will consist of the
+single argument directly. Since Tie::Cycle requires its cycling values to
+be passed as an array reference, this means that we need to wrap
+non-array-reference arguments in an array constructor:
+ $data = [ $data ] unless ref $data eq 'ARRAY';
+Typically, however, things are the other way around: the tieable class expects
+its arguments as a flattened list, so the attribute looks like:
+ my ($package, $symbol, $referent, $attr, $data, $phase) = @_;
+ my @data = ref $data eq 'ARRAY' ? @$data : $data;
+ tie $$referent, 'Tie::Whatever', @data;
+ }
+This software pattern is so widely applicable that Attribute::Handlers
provides a way to automate it: specifying C<'autotie'> in the
-C<use Attribute::Handlers> statement. So, the previous example,
+C<use Attribute::Handlers> statement. So, the cycling example,
could also be written:
use Attribute::Handlers autotie => { Cycle => 'Tie::Cycle' };
package main;
- my $next : Cycle('A'..'Z'); # $next is now a tied variable
+ my $next : Cycle(['A'..'Z']); # $next is now a tied variable
while (<>) {
print $next;
+Note that we now have to pass the cycling values as an array reference,
+since the C<autotie> mechanism passes C<tie> a list of arguments as a list
+(as in the Tie::Whatever example), I<not> as an array reference (as in
+the original Tie::Cycle example at the start of this section).
The argument after C<'autotie'> is a reference to a hash in which each key is
the name of an attribute to be created, and each value is the class to which
variables ascribed that attribute should be tied.
- Release of version 0.75 of Attribute::Handlers
+ Release of version 0.76 of Attribute::Handlers
- - Cleaned up AUTOLOAD
+ - Fixed documentation nit (thanks Rick)
- - Numerous bug fixes (thanks Pete)
+ - Improving intuitiveness of autotie mechanism (thanks Marcel)
- - Fixed handling of attribute data that includes a newline (thanks Pete)
- - Added "autotieref" option (thanks Pete)
- - Switched off $DB::single
- - Changed licence for inclusion in core distribution
- - Fixed 'autotie' for tied classes with multi-level names (thanks Jeff)
+ - Added $VERSION numbrs to demo modules (seems bizarre to me, but
+ they're core too now).