BEGIN { require "./test.pl"; }
-plan( tests => 110 );
+plan( tests => 112 );
eval '%@x=0;';
like( $@, qr/^Can't modify hash dereference in repeat \(x\)/, '%@x=0' );
#line 47 bang eth
check(qr/^"BBFRPRAFPGHPP$/, 46, "but spaces aren't allowed without quotes");
+#line 77sevenseven
+check(qr/^"BBFRPRAFPGHPP$/, 49, "need a space after the line number");
eval <<'EOSTANZA'; die $@ if $@;
#line 51 "With wonderful deathless ditties|We build up the world's great cities,|And out of a fabulous story|We fashion an empire's glory:|One man with a dream, at pleasure,|Shall go forth and conquer a crown;|And three with a new song's measure|Can trample a kingdom down."
check(qr/^With.*down\.$/, 51, "Overflow the second small buffer check");
n = s;
while (isDIGIT(*s))
+ if (!SPACE_OR_TAB(*s) && *s != '\n' && *s != '\0')
+ return;
while (SPACE_OR_TAB(*s))
if (*s == '"' && (t = strchr(s+1, '"'))) {