# /dev/stdout might be either character special or a named pipe,
# depending on which OS and how are you running the test, so let's
# censor that one away.
- $DEV =~ s{^[cp].+?\bstdout$}{}m;
- @DEV = grep { ! m{\bstdout$} } @DEV;
+ $DEV =~ s{^[cp].+?\sstdout$}{}m;
+ @DEV = grep { $_ ne 'stdout' } @DEV;
+ # If running as root, we will see .files in the ls result,
+ # and readdir() will see them always. Potential for conflict,
+ # so let's weed them out.
+ $DEV =~ s{^.+?\s\..+?$}{}m;
+ @DEV = grep { ! m{^\..+$} } @DEV;
my $try = sub {
my @c1 = eval qq[\$DEV =~ /^$_[0].*/mg];