is => 'rw',
default => 10,
trigger => sub {
- my ($self, $value, $attr) = @_;
- push @trigger, [$self, $value, $attr];
+ my ($self, $value) = @_;
+ push @trigger, [$self, $value];
is($object->attr(50), 50, "setting the value");
is(@trigger, 1, "trigger was called on read");
-is_deeply([splice @trigger], [[$object, 50, undef]], "correct arguments to trigger in the accessor");
+is_deeply([splice @trigger], [[$object, 50]], "correct arguments to trigger in the accessor");
is($object->foobar, 'piyo');
-is($object->foobar('baz'), 'baz');
+lives_ok { $object->foobar('baz') } "triggers that clear the attr";
is($object->foobar, 'piyo', "call clearer in triggers");
my $object2 = Class->new(attr => 100);
is(@trigger, 1, "trigger was called on new with the attribute specified");
-is_deeply([splice @trigger], [[$object2, 100, undef]], "correct arguments to trigger in the constructor");
+is_deeply([splice @trigger], [[$object2, 100]], "correct arguments to trigger in the constructor");