use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
-use 5.008001;
+use 5.008003;
use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
+(do 'maint/Makefile.PL.include' or die $@) unless -f 'META.yml';
unless (-e 'META.yml') {
warn "MYMETA.yml is going to be completely wrong. Sorry.\n";
NAME => 'Moo',
VERSION_FROM => 'lib/',
- ABSTRACT_FROM => 'lib/',
- AUTHOR => 'Matt S Trout <>',
($] >= 5.010 ? () : ('MRO::Compat' => 0)),
--- /dev/null
+use strict;
+use warnings FATAL => 'all';
+ package MY;
+ {
+ no warnings 'once'; push @ExtUtils::MakeMaker::Overridable, 'find_tests';
+ }
+ sub find_tests {
+ shift->SUPER::find_tests.' xt/*.t';
+ }
+ sub postamble { 'include maint/Makefile.include' }
+ no warnings 'redefine';
+ sub WriteMakefile {
+ my %args = @_;
+ ExtUtils::MakeMaker::WriteMakefile(
+ %args,
+ AUTHOR => 'Matt S Trout <>',
+ );
+ }
+sub manifest_include {
+ use autodie;
+ my @files = @_;
+ my @parts;
+ while (my ($dir, $spec) = splice(@files, 0, 2)) {
+ my $re = ($dir ? $dir.'/' : '').
+ ((ref($spec) eq 'Regexp')
+ ? $spec
+ : !ref($spec)
+ ? ".*\Q${spec}\E"
+ : die "spec must be string or regexp, was: ${spec} (${\ref $spec})");
+ push @parts, $re;
+ }
+ my $final = '^(?!'.join('|', map "${_}\$", @parts).')';
+ open my $skip, '>', 'MANIFEST.SKIP';
+ print $skip "${final}\n";
+ close $skip;
+ 'lib' => '.pm',
+ 't' => '.t',
+ 't/lib' => '.pm',
+ 'xt' => '.t',
+ 'xt/lib' => '.pm',
+ '' => qr{([^/]+).PL},
+ '' => qr{Changes|MANIFEST|README|META\.yml},
+ 'maint' => qr{[^.].*},
--- /dev/null
+ maint/bump-version
+ rm Makefile
+ maint/bump-version minor
+ rm Makefile
+ maint/bump-version major
+ rm Makefile
+ pod2text lib/ >README
+upload: $(DISTVNAME).tar$(SUFFIX)
+ cpan-upload $<
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+use 5.010;
+use strict;
+use warnings FATAL => 'all';
+use autodie;
+chomp(my $LATEST = qx(grep '^[0-9]' Changes | head -1 | awk '{print \$1}'));
+my @parts = split /\./, $LATEST;
+my $OLD_DECIMAL = sprintf('%i.%03i%03i', @parts);
+my %bump_part = (major => 0, minor => 1, bugfix => 2);
+my $bump_this =
+ $bump_part{$ARGV[0]||'bugfix'}
+ // die "no idea which part to bump - $ARGV[0] means nothing to me";
+my @new_parts = @parts;
+my $NEW_DECIMAL = sprintf('%i.%03i%03i', @new_parts);
+warn "Bumping $OLD_DECIMAL -> $NEW_DECIMAL\n";
+my $PM_FILE = 'lib/Module/';
+my $file = do { local (@ARGV, $/) = ($PM_FILE); <> };
+$file =~ s/(?<=\$VERSION = ')${\quotemeta $OLD_DECIMAL}/${NEW_DECIMAL}/;
+open my $out, '>', $PM_FILE;
+print $out $file;