--- /dev/null
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Cwd;
+use File::Spec::Functions;
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Exception;
+use Test::Moose;
+ eval 'use POE::Kernel;';
+ plan skip_all => "POE required for this test" if $@;
+ plan no_plan => 1;
+ use_ok('MooseX::Daemonize::Core');
+use constant DEBUG => 0;
+my $CWD = Cwd::cwd;
+my $PIDFILE = catfile($CWD, 'test-app.pid');
+$ENV{MX_DAEMON_STDOUT} = catfile($CWD, 'Out.txt');
+$ENV{MX_DAEMON_STDERR} = catfile($CWD, 'Err.txt');
+ package MyFooDaemon;
+ use Moose;
+ use POE;
+ with 'MooseX::Daemonize::WithPidFile';
+ sub init_pidfile {
+ MooseX::Daemonize::Pid::File->new( file => $PIDFILE )
+ }
+ sub start {
+ my $self = shift;
+ # this tests our bad PID
+ # cleanup functionality.
+ print "Our parent PID is " . $self->pidfile->pid . "\n" if ::DEBUG;
+ $self->daemonize;
+ return unless $self->is_daemon;
+ my $session = POE::Session->create(
+ inline_states => {
+ say_hello => sub {
+ my ($kernel, $heap) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP];
+ print "Hello from $$\n";
+ $heap->[0] = $kernel->delay_set('say_hello', 10);
+ },
+ _start => sub {
+ my ($kernel, $heap) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP];
+ $kernel->sig( INT => 'terminate');
+ $kernel->yield('say_hello');
+ },
+ terminate => sub {
+ my ($kernel, $heap) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP];
+ }
+ },
+ heap => [ 0 ]
+ );
+ # make it easy to find with ps
+ $0 = 'test-app-2';
+ POE::Kernel->run;
+ exit;
+ }
+my $d = MyFooDaemon->new( pidfile => $PIDFILE );
+isa_ok($d, 'MyFooDaemon');
+does_ok($d, 'MooseX::Daemonize::Core');
+does_ok($d, 'MooseX::Daemonize::WithPidFile');
+ok($d->has_pidfile, '... we have a pidfile value');
+ my $p = $d->pidfile;
+ isa_ok($p, 'MooseX::Daemonize::Pid::File');
+ #diag $p->dump;
+ok(!(-e $PIDFILE), '... the PID file does not exist yet');
+lives_ok {
+ $d->start;
+} '... successfully daemonized from (' . $$ . ')';
+my $p = $d->pidfile;
+isa_ok($p, 'MooseX::Daemonize::Pid::File');
+#diag $p->dump;
+ok($p->does_file_exist, '... the PID file exists');
+ok($p->is_running, '... the daemon process is running (' . $p->pid . ')');
+my $pid = $p->pid;
+if (DEBUG) {
+ diag `ps $pid`;
+ diag "-------";
+ diag `ps -x | grep test-app`;
+ diag "-------";
+ diag "killing $pid";
+kill INT => $p->pid;
+diag "killed $pid" if DEBUG;
+if (DEBUG) {
+ diag `ps $pid`;
+ diag "-------";
+ diag `ps -x | grep test-app`;
+ok(!$p->is_running, '... the daemon process is no longer running (' . $p->pid . ')');
+ok(!(-e $PIDFILE), '... the PID file has been removed');