use Class::MOP;
package Foo;
use strict;
- my $meta = Foo->meta;
+ my $meta = Foo->meta;
- my $transformer;
- lives_ok{ $transformer = $meta->create_immutable_transformer }
+ my $transformer;
+ lives_ok { $transformer = $meta->create_immutable_transformer }
"Created immutable transformer";
- isa_ok($transformer, 'Class::MOP::Immutable', '... transformer isa Class::MOP::Immutable');
- my $methods = $transformer->create_methods_for_immutable_metaclass;
- my $immutable_metaclass = $transformer->immutable_metaclass;
- is($transformer->metaclass, $meta, '... transformer has correct metaclass');
- ok(!$transformer->inlined_constructor, '... transformer says it did not inline the constructor');
- ok($immutable_metaclass->is_anon_class, '... immutable_metaclass is an anonymous class');
- #I don't understand why i need to ->meta here...
- my $obj = $immutable_metaclass->name;
- ok(!$obj->is_mutable, '... immutable_metaclass is not mutable');
- ok($obj->is_immutable, '... immutable_metaclass is immutable');
- ok(!$obj->make_immutable, '... immutable_metaclass make_mutable is noop');
- is($obj->meta, $immutable_metaclass, '... immutable_metaclass meta hack works');
- is_deeply(
- [ $immutable_metaclass->superclasses ],
- [ Scalar::Util::blessed($meta) ],
- '... immutable_metaclass superclasses are correct'
- );
- ok($immutable_metaclass->has_method('get_mutable_metaclass_name'),
- 'immutable metaclass has get_mutable_metaclass_name method');
+ isa_ok( $transformer, 'Class::MOP::Immutable',
+ '... transformer isa Class::MOP::Immutable' );
+ my $methods = $transformer->create_methods_for_immutable_metaclass;
+ my $immutable_metaclass = $transformer->immutable_metaclass;
+ is( $transformer->metaclass, $meta,
+ '... transformer has correct metaclass' );
+ ok( !$transformer->inlined_constructor,
+ '... transformer says it did not inline the constructor' );
+ ok( $immutable_metaclass->is_anon_class,
+ '... immutable_metaclass is an anonymous class' );
+ #I don't understand why i need to ->meta here...
+ my $obj = $immutable_metaclass->name;
+ ok( !$obj->is_mutable, '... immutable_metaclass is not mutable' );
+ ok( $obj->is_immutable, '... immutable_metaclass is immutable' );
+ ok( !$obj->make_immutable,
+ '... immutable_metaclass make_mutable is noop' );
+ is( $obj->meta, $immutable_metaclass,
+ '... immutable_metaclass meta hack works' );
+ is_deeply(
+ [ $immutable_metaclass->superclasses ],
+ [ Scalar::Util::blessed($meta) ],
+ '... immutable_metaclass superclasses are correct'
+ );
+ ok(
+ $immutable_metaclass->has_method('get_mutable_metaclass_name'),
+ 'immutable metaclass has get_mutable_metaclass_name method'
+ );
my $meta = Foo->meta;
- is($meta->name, 'Foo', '... checking the Foo metaclass');
+ is( $meta->name, 'Foo', '... checking the Foo metaclass' );
- ok($meta->is_mutable, '... our class is mutable');
- ok(!$meta->is_immutable, '... our class is not immutable');
+ ok( $meta->is_mutable, '... our class is mutable' );
+ ok( !$meta->is_immutable, '... our class is not immutable' );
my $transformer = $meta->get_immutable_transformer;
lives_ok {
- } '... changed Foo to be immutable';
+ }
+ '... changed Foo to be immutable';
- ok($transformer->inlined_constructor, '... transformer says it did inline the constructor');
- is($transformer, $meta->get_immutable_transformer, '... immutable transformer cache works');
- ok(!$meta->make_immutable, '... make immutable now returns nothing');
+ ok( $transformer->inlined_constructor,
+ '... transformer says it did inline the constructor' );
+ is( $transformer, $meta->get_immutable_transformer,
+ '... immutable transformer cache works' );
+ ok( !$meta->make_immutable, '... make immutable now returns nothing' );
- ok(!$meta->is_mutable, '... our class is no longer mutable');
- ok($meta->is_immutable, '... our class is now immutable');
+ ok( !$meta->is_mutable, '... our class is no longer mutable' );
+ ok( $meta->is_immutable, '... our class is now immutable' );
- isa_ok($meta, 'Class::MOP::Class');
+ isa_ok( $meta, 'Class::MOP::Class' );
- dies_ok { $meta->add_method() } '... exception thrown as expected';
- dies_ok { $meta->alias_method() } '... exception thrown as expected';
+ dies_ok { $meta->add_method() } '... exception thrown as expected';
+ dies_ok { $meta->alias_method() } '... exception thrown as expected';
dies_ok { $meta->remove_method() } '... exception thrown as expected';
- dies_ok { $meta->add_attribute() } '... exception thrown as expected';
+ dies_ok { $meta->add_attribute() } '... exception thrown as expected';
dies_ok { $meta->remove_attribute() } '... exception thrown as expected';
- dies_ok { $meta->add_package_symbol() } '... exception thrown as expected';
- dies_ok { $meta->remove_package_symbol() } '... exception thrown as expected';
+ dies_ok { $meta->add_package_symbol() }
+ '... exception thrown as expected';
+ dies_ok { $meta->remove_package_symbol() }
+ '... exception thrown as expected';
- lives_ok { $meta->identifier() } '... no exception for get_package_symbol special case';
+ lives_ok { $meta->identifier() }
+ '... no exception for get_package_symbol special case';
my @supers;
lives_ok {
@supers = $meta->superclasses;
- } '... got the superclasses okay';
+ }
+ '... got the superclasses okay';
- dies_ok { $meta->superclasses([ 'UNIVERSAL' ]) } '... but could not set the superclasses okay';
+ dies_ok { $meta->superclasses( ['UNIVERSAL'] ) }
+ '... but could not set the superclasses okay';
my $meta_instance;
lives_ok {
$meta_instance = $meta->get_meta_instance;
- } '... got the meta instance okay';
- isa_ok($meta_instance, 'Class::MOP::Instance');
- is($meta_instance, $meta->get_meta_instance, '... and we know it is cached');
+ }
+ '... got the meta instance okay';
+ isa_ok( $meta_instance, 'Class::MOP::Instance' );
+ is( $meta_instance, $meta->get_meta_instance,
+ '... and we know it is cached' );
my @cpl;
lives_ok {
@cpl = $meta->class_precedence_list;
- } '... got the class precedence list okay';
+ }
+ '... got the class precedence list okay';
- \@cpl,
- [ 'Foo' ],
- '... we just have ourselves in the class precedence list');
+ \@cpl,
+ ['Foo'],
+ '... we just have ourselves in the class precedence list'
+ );
my @attributes;
lives_ok {
@attributes = $meta->compute_all_applicable_attributes;
- } '... got the attribute list okay';
+ }
+ '... got the attribute list okay';
- \@attributes,
- [ $meta->get_attribute('bar') ],
- '... got the right list of attributes');
+ \@attributes,
+ [ $meta->get_attribute('bar') ],
+ '... got the right list of attributes'
+ );
my $meta = Bar->meta;
- is($meta->name, 'Bar', '... checking the Bar metaclass');
+ is( $meta->name, 'Bar', '... checking the Bar metaclass' );
- ok($meta->is_mutable, '... our class is mutable');
- ok(!$meta->is_immutable, '... our class is not immutable');
+ ok( $meta->is_mutable, '... our class is mutable' );
+ ok( !$meta->is_immutable, '... our class is not immutable' );
lives_ok {
- } '... changed Bar to be immutable';
+ }
+ '... changed Bar to be immutable';
- ok(!$meta->make_immutable, '... make immutable now returns nothing');
+ ok( !$meta->make_immutable, '... make immutable now returns nothing' );
- ok(!$meta->is_mutable, '... our class is no longer mutable');
- ok($meta->is_immutable, '... our class is now immutable');
+ ok( !$meta->is_mutable, '... our class is no longer mutable' );
+ ok( $meta->is_immutable, '... our class is now immutable' );
- isa_ok($meta, 'Class::MOP::Class');
+ isa_ok( $meta, 'Class::MOP::Class' );
- dies_ok { $meta->add_method() } '... exception thrown as expected';
- dies_ok { $meta->alias_method() } '... exception thrown as expected';
+ dies_ok { $meta->add_method() } '... exception thrown as expected';
+ dies_ok { $meta->alias_method() } '... exception thrown as expected';
dies_ok { $meta->remove_method() } '... exception thrown as expected';
- dies_ok { $meta->add_attribute() } '... exception thrown as expected';
+ dies_ok { $meta->add_attribute() } '... exception thrown as expected';
dies_ok { $meta->remove_attribute() } '... exception thrown as expected';
- dies_ok { $meta->add_package_symbol() } '... exception thrown as expected';
- dies_ok { $meta->remove_package_symbol() } '... exception thrown as expected';
+ dies_ok { $meta->add_package_symbol() }
+ '... exception thrown as expected';
+ dies_ok { $meta->remove_package_symbol() }
+ '... exception thrown as expected';
my @supers;
lives_ok {
@supers = $meta->superclasses;
- } '... got the superclasses okay';
+ }
+ '... got the superclasses okay';
- dies_ok { $meta->superclasses([ 'UNIVERSAL' ]) } '... but could not set the superclasses okay';
+ dies_ok { $meta->superclasses( ['UNIVERSAL'] ) }
+ '... but could not set the superclasses okay';
my $meta_instance;
lives_ok {
$meta_instance = $meta->get_meta_instance;
- } '... got the meta instance okay';
- isa_ok($meta_instance, 'Class::MOP::Instance');
- is($meta_instance, $meta->get_meta_instance, '... and we know it is cached');
+ }
+ '... got the meta instance okay';
+ isa_ok( $meta_instance, 'Class::MOP::Instance' );
+ is( $meta_instance, $meta->get_meta_instance,
+ '... and we know it is cached' );
my @cpl;
lives_ok {
@cpl = $meta->class_precedence_list;
- } '... got the class precedence list okay';
+ }
+ '... got the class precedence list okay';
- \@cpl,
- [ 'Bar', 'Foo'],
- '... we just have ourselves in the class precedence list');
+ \@cpl,
+ [ 'Bar', 'Foo' ],
+ '... we just have ourselves in the class precedence list'
+ );
my @attributes;
lives_ok {
@attributes = $meta->compute_all_applicable_attributes;
- } '... got the attribute list okay';
+ }
+ '... got the attribute list okay';
- [ sort { $a->name cmp $b->name } @attributes ],
- [ Foo->meta->get_attribute('bar'), $meta->get_attribute('baz') ],
- '... got the right list of attributes');
+ [ sort { $a->name cmp $b->name } @attributes ],
+ [ Foo->meta->get_attribute('bar'), $meta->get_attribute('baz') ],
+ '... got the right list of attributes'
+ );
my $meta = Baz->meta;
- is($meta->name, 'Baz', '... checking the Baz metaclass');
+ is( $meta->name, 'Baz', '... checking the Baz metaclass' );
- ok($meta->is_mutable, '... our class is mutable');
- ok(!$meta->is_immutable, '... our class is not immutable');
+ ok( $meta->is_mutable, '... our class is mutable' );
+ ok( !$meta->is_immutable, '... our class is not immutable' );
lives_ok {
- } '... changed Baz to be immutable';
+ }
+ '... changed Baz to be immutable';
- ok(!$meta->make_immutable, '... make immutable now returns nothing');
+ ok( !$meta->make_immutable, '... make immutable now returns nothing' );
- ok(!$meta->is_mutable, '... our class is no longer mutable');
- ok($meta->is_immutable, '... our class is now immutable');
+ ok( !$meta->is_mutable, '... our class is no longer mutable' );
+ ok( $meta->is_immutable, '... our class is now immutable' );
- isa_ok($meta, 'Class::MOP::Class');
+ isa_ok( $meta, 'Class::MOP::Class' );
- dies_ok { $meta->add_method() } '... exception thrown as expected';
- dies_ok { $meta->alias_method() } '... exception thrown as expected';
+ dies_ok { $meta->add_method() } '... exception thrown as expected';
+ dies_ok { $meta->alias_method() } '... exception thrown as expected';
dies_ok { $meta->remove_method() } '... exception thrown as expected';
- dies_ok { $meta->add_attribute() } '... exception thrown as expected';
+ dies_ok { $meta->add_attribute() } '... exception thrown as expected';
dies_ok { $meta->remove_attribute() } '... exception thrown as expected';
- dies_ok { $meta->add_package_symbol() } '... exception thrown as expected';
- dies_ok { $meta->remove_package_symbol() } '... exception thrown as expected';
+ dies_ok { $meta->add_package_symbol() }
+ '... exception thrown as expected';
+ dies_ok { $meta->remove_package_symbol() }
+ '... exception thrown as expected';
my @supers;
lives_ok {
@supers = $meta->superclasses;
- } '... got the superclasses okay';
+ }
+ '... got the superclasses okay';
- dies_ok { $meta->superclasses([ 'UNIVERSAL' ]) } '... but could not set the superclasses okay';
+ dies_ok { $meta->superclasses( ['UNIVERSAL'] ) }
+ '... but could not set the superclasses okay';
my $meta_instance;
lives_ok {
$meta_instance = $meta->get_meta_instance;
- } '... got the meta instance okay';
- isa_ok($meta_instance, 'Class::MOP::Instance');
- is($meta_instance, $meta->get_meta_instance, '... and we know it is cached');
+ }
+ '... got the meta instance okay';
+ isa_ok( $meta_instance, 'Class::MOP::Instance' );
+ is( $meta_instance, $meta->get_meta_instance,
+ '... and we know it is cached' );
my @cpl;
lives_ok {
@cpl = $meta->class_precedence_list;
- } '... got the class precedence list okay';
+ }
+ '... got the class precedence list okay';
- \@cpl,
- [ 'Baz', 'Bar', 'Foo'],
- '... we just have ourselves in the class precedence list');
+ \@cpl,
+ [ 'Baz', 'Bar', 'Foo' ],
+ '... we just have ourselves in the class precedence list'
+ );
my @attributes;
lives_ok {
@attributes = $meta->compute_all_applicable_attributes;
- } '... got the attribute list okay';
+ }
+ '... got the attribute list okay';
- [ sort { $a->name cmp $b->name } @attributes ],
- [ $meta->get_attribute('bah'), Foo->meta->get_attribute('bar'), Bar->meta->get_attribute('baz') ],
- '... got the right list of attributes');
+ [ sort { $a->name cmp $b->name } @attributes ],
+ [
+ $meta->get_attribute('bah'), Foo->meta->get_attribute('bar'),
+ Bar->meta->get_attribute('baz')
+ ],
+ '... got the right list of attributes'
+ );