. "$existing->{package_defined_in} and cannot be created again in $package_defined_in");
- $args{constraint} = delete($args{where}) if exists $args{where};
- $args{optimized} = delete $args{optimized_as} if exists $args{optimized_as};
+ $args{constraint} = delete($args{where}) if exists $args{where};
+ $args{optimized} = delete $args{optimized_as} if exists $args{optimized_as};
my $constraint;
if($mode eq 'subtype'){
- my $parent = exists($args{as}) ? delete($args{as}) : delete($args{name});
+ my $parent = delete($args{as})
+ or confess('A subtype cannot consist solely of a name, it must have a parent');
- $parent = find_or_create_isa_type_constraint($parent);
- $constraint = $parent->create_child_type(%args);
+ $constraint = find_or_create_isa_type_constraint($parent)->create_child_type(%args);
$constraint = Mouse::Meta::TypeConstraint->new(%args);
=head1 METHODS
-=head2 optimized_constraints -> HashRef[CODE]
+=head2 C<< list_all_builtin_type_constraints -> (Names) >>
-Returns the simple type constraints that Mouse understands.
+Returns the names of builtin type constraints.
+=head2 C<< list_all_type_constraints -> (Names) >>
+Returns the names of all the type constraints.