use Moose;
use Method::Signatures::Simple;
+# normally a VersionHandler will take
+# a to_version and yeild an iterator of
+# "version sets" or something like that.
+# A "version set" is basically an arrayref
+# of "version numbers" (which we already know
+# is vague as is.) Typically an call to a
+# VH w/ a db version of 1 and a "to_version"
+# of 5 will iterate over something like this:
+# [1, 2]
+# [2, 3]
+# [3, 4]
+# [4, 5]
+# Of course rob wants to be able to have dep
+# management with his versions, so I *think* his
+# would work like this:
+# to_version = 7, db_version = 1
+# [1]
+# [5]
+# [7]
+# Because 7 depended on 5, 5 was installed first;
+# note that this potentially never released module
+# doesn't use version pairs, instead it just yeilds
+# versions. Version pairs are too much work for users
+# to have to deal with in that sitation. We may
+# actually switch to this for other versioners.
+# The upshot of all this is that the DeploymentMethod
+# needs to be able to take an ArrayRef[VersionNumber],
+# instead of just a pair of VersionNumber.
has schema => (
isa => 'DBIx::Class::Schema',
is => 'ro',