use Scalar::Util 'weaken';
use Sub::Name 'subname';
use DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::Utils 'array_eq';
+use Try::Tiny;
+use Hash::Merge 'merge';
use namespace::clean;
# Always remember to do all digits for the version even if they're 0
my $args = $self->_loader_args;
- # set up the schema/schema_class arguments
- $args->{schema} = $self;
+ # temporarily copy $self's storage to class
+ my $class_storage = $class->storage;
+ if (ref $self) {
+ $class->storage($self->storage);
+ $class->storage->set_schema($class);
+ }
+ $args->{schema} = $class;
$args->{schema_class} = $class;
- weaken($args->{schema}) if ref $self;
$args->{dump_directory} ||= $self->dump_to_dir;
$args->{naming} = $self->naming if $self->naming;
$args->{use_namespaces} = $self->use_namespaces if defined $self->use_namespaces;
my $impl = $loader_class || "DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader" . $self->storage_type;
- eval { $self->ensure_class_loaded($impl) };
- croak qq/Could not load loader_class "$impl": "$@"/ if $@;
+ try {
+ $self->ensure_class_loaded($impl)
+ }
+ catch {
+ croak qq/Could not load loader_class "$impl": "$_"/;
+ };
- $self->loader($impl->new(%$args));
- $self->loader->load;
- $self->_loader_invoked(1);
+ $class->loader($impl->new(%$args));
+ $class->loader->load;
+ $class->_loader_invoked(1);
- $self;
+ # copy to $self
+ if (ref $self) {
+ $self->loader($class->loader);
+ $self->_loader_invoked(1);
+ $self->_merge_state_from($class);
+ }
+ # restore $class's storage
+ $class->storage($class_storage);
+ return $self;
+# FIXME This needs to be moved into DBIC at some point, otherwise we are
+# maintaining things to do with DBIC guts, which we have no business of
+# maintaining. But at the moment it would be just dead code in DBIC, so we'll
+# maintain it here.
+sub _merge_state_from {
+ my ($self, $from) = @_;
+ my $orig_class_mappings = $self->class_mappings;
+ my $orig_source_registrations = $self->source_registrations;
+ $self->_copy_state_from($from);
+ $self->class_mappings(merge($orig_class_mappings, $self->class_mappings))
+ if $orig_class_mappings;
+ $self->source_registrations(merge($orig_source_registrations, $self->source_registrations))
+ if $orig_source_registrations;
+sub _copy_state_from {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($from) = @_;
+ # older DBIC's do not have this method
+ if (try { DBIx::Class->VERSION('0.08197'); 1 }) {
+ return $self->next::method(@_);
+ }
+ else {
+ # this is a copy from DBIC git master pre 0.08197
+ $self->class_mappings({ %{$from->class_mappings} });
+ $self->source_registrations({ %{$from->source_registrations} });
+ foreach my $moniker ($from->sources) {
+ my $source = $from->source($moniker);
+ my $new = $source->new($source);
+ # we use extra here as we want to leave the class_mappings as they are
+ # but overwrite the source_registrations entry with the new source
+ $self->register_extra_source($moniker => $new);
+ }
+ if ($from->storage) {
+ $self->storage($from->storage);
+ $self->storage->set_schema($self);
+ }
+ }
=head2 connection
@{$target . '::ISA'} = qw/DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader/;
- eval { $target->_loader_invoked(0) };
+ $target->_loader_invoked(0);
- $target->connection(@$connect_info);
+ my $temp_schema = $target->connect(@$connect_info);
+ $target->storage($temp_schema->storage);
+ $target->storage->set_schema($target);
+ return $target;
=head2 rescan