=head1 NAME
-SDL::Rect - a SDL perl extension
+SDL::Rect - raw object for storing rectangular coordinates
- $rect = new SDL::Rect ( -height => 4, -width => 40 );
+ my $rect = SDL::Rect->new( -height => 4, -width => 40 );
+ $rect->x(12); # same as $rect->left(12)
+ $rect->y(9); # same as $rect->top(9)
C<SDL::Rect::new> creates a SDL_Rect structure which is
-used for specifying regions for filling, blitting, and updating.
+used for specifying regions of pixels for filling, blitting, and updating.
These objects make it easy to cut and backfill.
-By default, x, y, h, w are 0.
+By default, x, y, height and width are all set to 0.
=head2 METHODS
The four fields of a rectangle can be set simply
by passing a value to the applicable method. These are:
-=over 4
+=head3 x
+=head3 left
+sets and fetches the x (lefmost) position of the rectangle.
-=item *
+=head3 y
-C<SDL::Rect::x> sets and fetches the x position.
+=head3 top
-=item *
+sets and fetches the y (topmost) position.
-C<SDL::Rect::y> sets and fetches the y position.
+=head3 w
-=item *
+=head3 width
-C<SDL::Rect::width> sets and fetched the width.
+sets and fetched the width of the rectangle (in pixels).
-=item *
+=head3 h
-C<SDL::Rect::height> sets and fetched the height.
+=head3 height
+sets and fetched the height of the rectangle (in pixels).
=head1 SEE ALSO
perl(1) SDL::Surface(3)