use warnings;
use Test::More;
+use Test::Deep;
use Test::Exception;
use Test::Differences;
use DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader;
$num_rescans++ if $self->{vendor} eq 'Firebird';
plan tests => @connect_info *
- (228 + $num_rescans * $col_accessor_map_tests + $extra_count + ($self->{data_type_tests}{test_count} || 0));
+ (225 + $num_rescans * $col_accessor_map_tests + $extra_count + ($self->{data_type_tests}{test_count} || 0));
foreach my $info_idx (0..$#connect_info) {
my $info = $connect_info[$info_idx];
isa_ok(try { $rs_rel17->single }, $class17);
is(try { $rs_rel17->single->id }, 3, "search_related with multiple FKs from same table");
- # XXX test m:m 18 <- 20 -> 19
+ # test many_to_many detection 18 -> 20 -> 19 and 19 -> 20 -> 18
ok($class20->column_info('parent')->{is_foreign_key}, 'Foreign key detected');
ok($class20->column_info('child')->{is_foreign_key}, 'Foreign key detected');
- # XXX test double-fk m:m 21 <- 22 -> 21
- ok($class22->column_info('parent')->{is_foreign_key}, 'Foreign key detected');
- ok($class22->column_info('child')->{is_foreign_key}, 'Foreign key detected');
- # test many_to_many detection 18 -> 20 -> 19 and 19 -> 20 -> 18
- my $m2m;
+ cmp_deeply(
+ $class18->_m2m_metadata->{children},
+ superhashof({
+ relation => 'loader_test20s',
+ foreign_relation => 'child',
+ attrs => superhashof({ order_by => '' })
+ }),
+ 'children m2m correct with ordering'
+ );
- ok($m2m = (try { $class18->_m2m_metadata->{children} }), 'many_to_many created');
+ cmp_deeply(
+ $class19->_m2m_metadata->{parents},
+ superhashof({
+ relation => 'loader_test20s',
+ foreign_relation => 'parent',
+ attrs => superhashof({ order_by => '' })
+ }),
+ 'parents m2m correct with ordering'
+ );
- is $m2m->{relation}, 'loader_test20s', 'm2m near rel';
- is $m2m->{foreign_relation}, 'child', 'm2m far rel';
- is $m2m->{attrs}->{order_by}, '', 'm2m bridge attrs';
- ok($m2m = (try { $class19->_m2m_metadata->{parents} }), 'many_to_many created');
+ # test double-fk m:m 21 <- 22 -> 21
+ ok($class22->column_info('parent')->{is_foreign_key}, 'Foreign key detected');
+ ok($class22->column_info('child')->{is_foreign_key}, 'Foreign key detected');
+ is_deeply(
+ $class21->relationship_info("loader_test22_parents")->{cond},
+ { 'foreign.parent' => '' },
+ 'rel to foreign.parent correct'
+ );
+ is_deeply(
+ $class21->relationship_info("loader_test22_children")->{cond},
+ { 'foreign.child' => '' },
+ 'rel to foreign.child correct'
+ );
- is $m2m->{relation}, 'loader_test20s', 'm2m near rel';
- is $m2m->{foreign_relation}, 'parent', 'm2m far rel';
- is $m2m->{attrs}->{order_by}, '', 'm2m bridge attrs';
+ cmp_deeply(
+ $class21->_m2m_metadata,
+ {
+ parents => superhashof({
+ accessor => 'parents',
+ relation => 'loader_test22_children',
+ foreign_relation => 'parent',
+ }),
+ children => superhashof({
+ accessor => 'children',
+ relation => 'loader_test22_parents',
+ foreign_relation => 'child',
+ }),
+ },
+ 'self-m2m correct'
+ );
ok( $class37->relationship_info('parent'), 'parents rel created' );
ok( $class37->relationship_info('child'), 'child rel created' );