+($sql, @bind) = $sqlac->insert({
+ with => [
+ faculty => {
+ -select => {
+ _ => [qw /p.person p.email/],
+ from => [ person => -as => 'p' ],
+ where => {
+ 'p.person_type' => 'faculty',
+ 'p.person_status' => { '!=' => 'pending' },
+ 'p.default_license_id' => undef,
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ grandfather => {
+ -insert => {
+ into => 'license',
+ fields => [ qw(kind expires_on valid_from) ],
+ select => {
+ select => [\(qw('grandfather' '2017-06-30' '2016-07-01'))],
+ from => 'faculty',
+ },
+ returning => 'license_id',
+ }
+ },
+ ],
+ into => 'license_person',
+ fields => [ qw(person_id, license_id) ],
+ select => {
+ _ => ['person_id', 'license_id'],
+ from => ['grandfather'],
+ where => {
+ 'a.index' => { -ident => 'b.index' },
+ },
+ },
+ $sql, \@bind,
+ q{
+ WITH faculty AS (
+ SELECT p.person, p.email FROM person AS p
+ p.default_license_id IS NULL
+ AND p.person_status != ?
+ AND p.person_type = ?
+ )
+ ), grandfather AS (
+ INSERT INTO license (kind, expires_on, valid_from)
+ SELECT 'grandfather', '2017-06-30', '2016-07-01'
+ FROM faculty RETURNING license_id
+ ) INSERT INTO license_person (person_id,, license_id)
+ SELECT person_id, license_id FROM grandfather WHERE a.index = b.index
+ },
+ [ qw(pending faculty) ],