ok(! -S $Curdir, '!-S cwd');
- skip "No setuid", 3 if $Is_MPE or $Is_Amiga or $Is_Dosish or $Is_Cygwin;
my($cnt, $uid);
$cnt = $uid = 0;
closedir BIN;
- if( !isnt($cnt, 0, 'found some programs') ||
- !isnt($uid, 0, 'found some setuid programs') ||
- !ok($uid < $cnt, " they're not all setuid") )
- {
- print <<DIAG;
-# The above two tests assume that at least one of these directories
-# are readable, executable and contain at least one setuid file
-# (but aren't all setuid).
-# @bin
- }
+ skip "No setuid programs", 3 if $uid == 0;
+ isnt($cnt, 0, 'found some programs');
+ isnt($uid, 0, ' found some setuid programs');
+ ok($uid < $cnt, " they're not all setuid");