use Carp qw(carp croak);
our $VERSION = '1.60';
-our $DEFAULT_COMMENT = '-- ';
+our $DEFAULT_COMMENT = '--';
use base qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(
my $header_comment =<<"HEADER_COMMENT";
-${comment_char}Created by $producer
-${comment_char}Created on $now
+${comment_char} Created by $producer
+${comment_char} Created on $now
# Any additional stuff passed in
for my $additional_comment (@_) {
- $header_comment .= "${comment_char}${additional_comment}\n";
+ $header_comment .= "${comment_char} ${additional_comment}\n";
return $header_comment;
-This is the default comment string, '-- ' by default. Useful for
+This is the default comment string, '--' by default. Useful for
=head2 parse_mysql_version
# Superfluous test, but that's ok
-is($DEFAULT_COMMENT, '-- ', 'default comment');
+is($DEFAULT_COMMENT, '--', 'default comment');
like(header_comment("foo"), qr/[-][-] Created by foo/, "Created by...");
my $comm = header_comment("My::Producer",