+ - Rely on B::Hooks::EndOfScope version 0.10 to fix issues with
+ new Module::Runtime versions (>= 0.012) on perl 5.10 due
+ to incorrect hook firing due to %^H localisation.
- Fix failures on 5.13.6 due to incorrect version number threshold
my %OPT_RUN_DEPS = (can_cc() ? (
- 'B::Hooks::EndOfScope' => '0.07', # when changing, also change $b_h_eos_req in namespace/clean.pm
+ 'B::Hooks::EndOfScope' => '0.10', # when changing, also change $b_h_eos_req in namespace/clean.pm
# these pieces are needed if using the debugger on the perl range
($] > 5.008_008_9 && $] < 5.013_005_1)
# FIXME - all of this buggery will migrate to B::H::EOS soon
# when changing also change in Makefile.PL
- my $b_h_eos_req = '0.07';
+ my $b_h_eos_req = '0.10';
if (! $ENV{NAMESPACE_CLEAN_USE_PP} and eval {
require B::Hooks::EndOfScope;