$IMMUTABLE_TRANSFORMERS{$class} ||= $self->create_immutable_transformer;
my $transformer = $IMMUTABLE_TRANSFORMERS{$class};
- $transformer->make_metaclass_immutable($self, %options);
+ $transformer->make_metaclass_immutable($self, \%options);
$IMMUTABLE_OPTIONS{$self->name} =
{ %options, IMMUTABLE_TRANSFORMER => $transformer };
my $options = delete $IMMUTABLE_OPTIONS{$self->name};
confess "unable to find immutabilizing options" unless ref $options;
my $transformer = delete $options->{IMMUTABLE_TRANSFORMER};
- $transformer->make_metaclass_mutable($self, %$options);
+ $transformer->make_metaclass_mutable($self, $options);
# existing metaclass to an immutable
# version of itself
sub make_metaclass_immutable {
- my ($self, $metaclass, %options) = @_;
+ my ($self, $metaclass, $options) = @_;
+ foreach my $pair (
+ [ inline_accessors => 1 ],
+ [ inline_constructor => 1 ],
+ [ inline_destructor => 0 ],
+ [ constructor_name => 'new' ],
+ [ debug => 0 ],
+ ) {
+ $options->{$pair->[0]} = $pair->[1] unless exists $options->{$pair->[0]};
+ }
- $options{inline_accessors} = 1 unless exists $options{inline_accessors};
- $options{inline_constructor} = 1 unless exists $options{inline_constructor};
- $options{inline_destructor} = 0 unless exists $options{inline_destructor};
- $options{constructor_name} = 'new' unless exists $options{constructor_name};
- $options{debug} = 0 unless exists $options{debug};
+ my %options = %$options;
if ($options{inline_accessors}) {
foreach my $attr_name ($metaclass->get_attribute_list) {
sub make_metaclass_mutable {
- my ($self, $immutable, %options) = @_;
+ my ($self, $immutable, $options) = @_;
+ my %options = %$options;
my $original_class = $immutable->get_mutable_metaclass_name;
delete $immutable->{'___original_class'} ;
# 14:26 <@stevan> the only user of ::Method::Constructor is immutable
# 14:27 <@stevan> if someone uses it outside of immutable,.. they are either: mst or groditi
# 14:27 <@stevan> so I am not worried
- $options{constructor_name} = 'new' unless exists $options{constructor_name};
if ($options{inline_constructor}) {
my $constructor_class = $options{constructor_class} || 'Class::MOP::Method::Constructor';
$immutable->remove_method( $options{constructor_name} )
use strict;
use warnings;
-use Test::More tests => 104;
+use Test::More tests => 108;
use Test::Exception;
use Scalar::Util;
ok(!$meta->is_mutable, '... our class is no longer mutable');
ok($meta->is_immutable, '... our class is now immutable');
ok(!$meta->make_immutable, '... make immutable now returns nothing');
+ ok($meta->get_method_map->{new}, '... inlined constructor created');
lives_ok { $meta->make_mutable; } '... changed Baz to be mutable';
ok($meta->is_mutable, '... our class is mutable');
ok(!$meta->is_immutable, '... our class is not immutable');
ok(!$meta->make_mutable, '... make mutable now returns nothing');
+ ok(!$meta->get_method_map->{new}, '... inlined constructor removed');
my @new_keys = sort keys %$meta;
is_deeply(\@orig_keys, \@new_keys, '... no straneous hashkeys');
ok( $meta->$_ , "... ${_} works")
for qw(get_meta_instance compute_all_applicable_attributes
class_precedence_list get_method_map );
+ lives_ok {$meta->make_immutable; } '... changed Baz to be immutable again';
+ ok($meta->get_method_map->{new}, '... inlined constructor recreated');