alter table only t_test1 add constraint c_u1 unique (f_varchar);
alter table t_test1 add constraint "c_fk2" foreign key (f_fk2)
- references t_test2 (f_id) on update no action on delete cascade;
+ references t_test2 (f_id) match simple
+ on update no action on delete cascade deferrable;
alter table t_test1 drop column f_dropped restrict;
my $f11 = shift @t1_fields;
is( $f11->name, 'f_timestamp', 'Eleventh field is "f_timestamp"' );
-is( $f11->data_type, 'timestamp', 'Field is a timestamp' );
+is( $f11->data_type, 'timestamp with time zone', 'Field is a timestamp with time zone' );
is( $f11->is_nullable, 1, 'Field can be null' );
is( $f11->size, 0, 'Size is "0"' );
is( $f11->default_value, undef, 'Default value is "undef"' );