return @$literal;
-sub _where_hashpair_ARRAYREF {
- my ($self, $k, $v) = @_;
- if (@$v) {
- my @v = @$v; # need copy because of shift below
- $self->_debug("ARRAY($k) means distribute over elements");
- # put apart first element if it is an operator (-and, -or)
- my $op = (
- (defined $v[0] && $v[0] =~ /^ - (?: AND|OR ) $/ix)
- ? shift @v
- : ''
- );
- my @distributed = map { {$k => $_} } @v;
- if ($op) {
- $self->_debug("OP($op) reinjected into the distributed array");
- unshift @distributed, $op;
- }
- my $logic = $op ? substr($op, 1) : '';
- return $self->_recurse_where(\@distributed, $logic);
- }
- else {
- $self->_debug("empty ARRAY($k) means 0=1");
- return ($self->{sqlfalse});
- }
-sub _where_hashpair_HASHREF {
- my ($self, $k, $v, $logic) = @_;
- $logic ||= 'and';
- local $self->{_nested_func_lhs} = defined $self->{_nested_func_lhs}
- ? $self->{_nested_func_lhs}
- : $k
- ;
- my ($all_sql, @all_bind);
- for my $orig_op (sort keys %$v) {
- my $val = $v->{$orig_op};
- # put the operator in canonical form
- my $op = $orig_op;
- # FIXME - we need to phase out dash-less ops
- $op =~ s/^-//; # remove possible initial dash
- $op =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;# remove leading/trailing space
- $op =~ s/\s+/ /g; # compress whitespace
- $self->_assert_pass_injection_guard($op);
- # fixup is_not
- $op =~ s/^is_not/IS NOT/i;
- # so that -not_foo works correctly
- $op =~ s/^not_/NOT /i;
- # another retarded special case: foo => { $op => { -value => undef } }
- if (ref $val eq 'HASH' and keys %$val == 1 and exists $val->{-value} and ! defined $val->{-value} ) {
- $val = undef;
- }
- my ($sql, @bind);
- # CASE: col-value logic modifiers
- if ($orig_op =~ /^ \- (and|or) $/xi) {
- ($sql, @bind) = $self->_where_hashpair_HASHREF($k, $val, $1);
- }
- # CASE: special operators like -in or -between
- elsif (my $special_op = List::Util::first { $op =~ $_->{regex} } @{$self->{special_ops}}) {
- my $handler = $special_op->{handler};
- if (! $handler) {
- puke "No handler supplied for special operator $orig_op";
- }
- elsif (not ref $handler) {
- ($sql, @bind) = $self->$handler($k, $op, $val);
- }
- elsif (ref $handler eq 'CODE') {
- ($sql, @bind) = $handler->($self, $k, $op, $val);
- }
- else {
- puke "Illegal handler for special operator $orig_op - expecting a method name or a coderef";
- }
- }
- else {
- $self->_SWITCH_refkind($val, {
- ARRAYREF => sub { # CASE: col => {op => \@vals}
- ($sql, @bind) = $self->_where_field_op_ARRAYREF($k, $op, $val);
- },
- ARRAYREFREF => sub { # CASE: col => {op => \[$sql, @bind]} (literal SQL with bind)
- my ($sub_sql, @sub_bind) = @$$val;
- $self->_assert_bindval_matches_bindtype(@sub_bind);
- $sql = join ' ', $self->_convert($self->_quote($k)),
- $self->_sqlcase($op),
- $sub_sql;
- @bind = @sub_bind;
- },
- UNDEF => sub { # CASE: col => {op => undef} : sql "IS (NOT)? NULL"
- my $is =
- $op =~ /^not$/i ? 'is not' # legacy
- : $op =~ $self->{equality_op} ? 'is'
- : $op =~ $self->{like_op} ? belch("Supplying an undefined argument to '@{[ uc $op]}' is deprecated") && 'is'
- : $op =~ $self->{inequality_op} ? 'is not'
- : $op =~ $self->{not_like_op} ? belch("Supplying an undefined argument to '@{[ uc $op]}' is deprecated") && 'is not'
- : puke "unexpected operator '$orig_op' with undef operand";
- $sql = $self->_quote($k) . $self->_sqlcase(" $is null");
- },
- FALLBACK => sub { # CASE: col => {op/func => $stuff}
- ($sql, @bind) = $self->_where_unary_op($op, $val);
- $sql = join(' ',
- $self->_convert($self->_quote($k)),
- $self->{_nested_func_lhs} eq $k ? $sql : "($sql)", # top level vs nested
- );
- },
- });
- }
- ($all_sql) = (defined $all_sql and $all_sql) ? $self->_join_sql_clauses($logic, [$all_sql, $sql], []) : $sql;
- push @all_bind, @bind;
- }
- return ($all_sql, @all_bind);
-sub _where_field_IS {
- my ($self, $k, $op, $v) = @_;
- my ($s) = $self->_SWITCH_refkind($v, {
- UNDEF => sub {
- join ' ',
- $self->_convert($self->_quote($k)),
- map { $self->_sqlcase($_)} ($op, 'null')
- },
- FALLBACK => sub {
- puke "$op can only take undef as argument";
- },
- });
- $s;
-sub _where_field_op_ARRAYREF {
- my ($self, $k, $op, $vals) = @_;
- my @vals = @$vals; #always work on a copy
- if (@vals) {
- $self->_debug(sprintf '%s means multiple elements: [ %s ]',
- $vals,
- join(', ', map { defined $_ ? "'$_'" : 'NULL' } @vals ),
- );
- # see if the first element is an -and/-or op
- my $logic;
- if (defined $vals[0] && $vals[0] =~ /^ - (AND|OR) $/ix) {
- $logic = uc $1;
- shift @vals;
- }
- # a long standing API wart - an attempt to change this behavior during
- # the 1.50 series failed *spectacularly*. Warn instead and leave the
- # behavior as is
- if (
- @vals > 1
- and
- (!$logic or $logic eq 'OR')
- and
- ($op =~ $self->{inequality_op} or $op =~ $self->{not_like_op})
- ) {
- my $o = uc($op);
- belch "A multi-element arrayref as an argument to the inequality op '$o' "
- . 'is technically equivalent to an always-true 1=1 (you probably wanted '
- . "to say ...{ \$inequality_op => [ -and => \@values ] }... instead)"
- ;
- }
- # distribute $op over each remaining member of @vals, append logic if exists
- return $self->_recurse_where([map { {$k => {$op, $_}} } @vals], $logic);
- }
- else {
- # try to DWIM on equality operators
- return
- $op =~ $self->{equality_op} ? $self->{sqlfalse}
- : $op =~ $self->{like_op} ? belch("Supplying an empty arrayref to '@{[ uc $op]}' is deprecated") && $self->{sqlfalse}
- : $op =~ $self->{inequality_op} ? $self->{sqltrue}
- : $op =~ $self->{not_like_op} ? belch("Supplying an empty arrayref to '@{[ uc $op]}' is deprecated") && $self->{sqltrue}
- : puke "operator '$op' applied on an empty array (field '$k')";
- }
-sub _where_hashpair_SCALARREF {
- my ($self, $k, $v) = @_;
- $self->_debug("SCALAR($k) means literal SQL: $$v");
- my $sql = $self->_quote($k) . " " . $$v;
- return ($sql);
-# literal SQL with bind
-sub _where_hashpair_ARRAYREFREF {
- my ($self, $k, $v) = @_;
- $self->_debug("REF($k) means literal SQL: @${$v}");
- my ($sql, @bind) = @$$v;
- $self->_assert_bindval_matches_bindtype(@bind);
- $sql = $self->_quote($k) . " " . $sql;
- return ($sql, @bind );
-# literal SQL without bind
-sub _where_hashpair_SCALAR {
- my ($self, $k, $v) = @_;
- $self->_debug("NOREF($k) means simple key=val: $k $self->{cmp} $v");
- return ($self->_where_hashpair_HASHREF($k, { $self->{cmp} => $v }));
-sub _where_hashpair_UNDEF {
- my ($self, $k, $v) = @_;
- $self->_debug("UNDEF($k) means IS NULL");
- return $self->_where_hashpair_HASHREF($k, { -is => undef });
-sub _where_SCALARREF {
- my ($self, $where) = @_;
- # literal sql
- $self->_debug("SCALAR(*top) means literal SQL: $$where");
- return ($$where);
-sub _where_SCALAR {
- my ($self, $where) = @_;
- # literal sql
- $self->_debug("NOREF(*top) means literal SQL: $where");
- return ($where);
-sub _where_UNDEF {
- my ($self) = @_;
- return ();
-sub _where_field_BETWEEN {
- my ($self, $k, $op, $vals) = @_;
- my ($label, $and, $placeholder);
- $label = $self->_convert($self->_quote($k));
- $and = ' ' . $self->_sqlcase('and') . ' ';
- $placeholder = $self->_convert('?');
- $op = $self->_sqlcase($op);
- my $invalid_args = "Operator '$op' requires either an arrayref with two defined values or expressions, or a single literal scalarref/arrayref-ref";
- my ($clause, @bind) = $self->_SWITCH_refkind($vals, {
- ARRAYREFREF => sub {
- my ($s, @b) = @$$vals;
- $self->_assert_bindval_matches_bindtype(@b);
- ($s, @b);
- },
- SCALARREF => sub {
- return $$vals;
- },
- ARRAYREF => sub {
- puke $invalid_args if @$vals != 2;
- my (@all_sql, @all_bind);
- foreach my $val (@$vals) {
- my ($sql, @bind) = $self->_SWITCH_refkind($val, {
- SCALAR => sub {
- return ($placeholder, $self->_bindtype($k, $val) );
- },
- SCALARREF => sub {
- return $$val;
- },
- ARRAYREFREF => sub {
- my ($sql, @bind) = @$$val;
- $self->_assert_bindval_matches_bindtype(@bind);
- return ($sql, @bind);
- },
- HASHREF => sub {
- my ($func, $arg, @rest) = %$val;
- puke "Only simple { -func => arg } functions accepted as sub-arguments to BETWEEN"
- if (@rest or $func !~ /^ \- (.+)/x);
- $self->_where_unary_op($1 => $arg);
- },
- FALLBACK => sub {
- puke $invalid_args,
- },
- });
- push @all_sql, $sql;
- push @all_bind, @bind;
- }
- return (
- (join $and, @all_sql),
- @all_bind
- );
- },
- FALLBACK => sub {
- puke $invalid_args,
- },
- });
- my $sql = "( $label $op $clause )";
- return ($sql, @bind)
-sub _where_field_IN {
- my ($self, $k, $op, $vals) = @_;
- # backwards compatibility: if scalar, force into an arrayref
- $vals = [$vals] if defined $vals && ! ref $vals;
- my ($label) = $self->_convert($self->_quote($k));
- my ($placeholder) = $self->_convert('?');
- $op = $self->_sqlcase($op);
- my ($sql, @bind) = $self->_SWITCH_refkind($vals, {
- ARRAYREF => sub { # list of choices
- if (@$vals) { # nonempty list
- my (@all_sql, @all_bind);
- for my $val (@$vals) {
- my ($sql, @bind) = $self->_SWITCH_refkind($val, {
- SCALAR => sub {
- return ($placeholder, $val);
- },
- SCALARREF => sub {
- return $$val;
- },
- ARRAYREFREF => sub {
- my ($sql, @bind) = @$$val;
- $self->_assert_bindval_matches_bindtype(@bind);
- return ($sql, @bind);
- },
- HASHREF => sub {
- my ($func, $arg, @rest) = %$val;
- puke "Only simple { -func => arg } functions accepted as sub-arguments to IN"
- if (@rest or $func !~ /^ \- (.+)/x);
- $self->_where_unary_op($1 => $arg);
- },
- UNDEF => sub {
- puke(
- 'SQL::Abstract before v1.75 used to generate incorrect SQL when the '
- . "-$op operator was given an undef-containing list: !!!AUDIT YOUR CODE "
- . 'AND DATA!!! (the upcoming Data::Query-based version of SQL::Abstract '
- . 'will emit the logically correct SQL instead of raising this exception)'
- );
- },
- });
- push @all_sql, $sql;
- push @all_bind, @bind;
- }
- return (
- sprintf('%s %s ( %s )',
- $label,
- $op,
- join(', ', @all_sql)
- ),
- $self->_bindtype($k, @all_bind),
- );
- }
- else { # empty list: some databases won't understand "IN ()", so DWIM
- my $sql = ($op =~ /\bnot\b/i) ? $self->{sqltrue} : $self->{sqlfalse};
- return ($sql);
- }
- },
- SCALARREF => sub { # literal SQL
- my $sql = $self->_open_outer_paren($$vals);
- return ("$label $op ( $sql )");
- },
- ARRAYREFREF => sub { # literal SQL with bind
- my ($sql, @bind) = @$$vals;
- $self->_assert_bindval_matches_bindtype(@bind);
- $sql = $self->_open_outer_paren($sql);
- return ("$label $op ( $sql )", @bind);
- },
- UNDEF => sub {
- puke "Argument passed to the '$op' operator can not be undefined";
- },
- FALLBACK => sub {
- puke "special op $op requires an arrayref (or scalarref/arrayref-ref)";
- },
- });
- return ($sql, @bind);
# Some databases (SQLite) treat col IN (1, 2) different from
# col IN ( (1, 2) ). Use this to strip all outer parens while
# adding them back in the corresponding method