+# XXX undocumented
sub fcntl {
@_ == 3 || croak 'usage: $io->fcntl( OP, VALUE );';
- my ($io, $op, $val) = @_;
- my $r = fcntl($io, $op, $val);
- defined $r && $r eq "0 but true" ? 0 : $r;
+ my ($io, $op) = @_;
+ return fcntl($io, $op, $_[2]);
+# XXX undocumented
sub ioctl {
@_ == 3 || croak 'usage: $io->ioctl( OP, VALUE );';
- my ($io, $op, $val) = @_;
- my $r = ioctl($io, $op, $val);
- defined $r && $r eq "0 but true" ? 0 : $r;
+ my ($io, $op) = @_;
+ return ioctl($io, $op, $_[2]);
# this sub is for compatability with older releases of IO that used