my %opt;
BEGIN { map { $opt{$_}=1 if s/^-// } @ARGV; }
use constant DEBUG => (exists $opt{d} ? 1 : 0);
-local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { diag "[warn] ", @_; };
use FindBin qw/$Bin/;
# Testing 1,2,3,..
-plan tests => 111;
+plan tests => 103;
use SQL::Translator;
use SQL::Translator::Schema::Constants;
# Basic tests
my $obj;
$obj = SQL::Translator->new(
filename => $testschema,
-} # end basic tests
-# Visibility tests
-# Classes
-my @testd = (
- "" => [qw/Foo PrivateFoo Recording CD Track ProtectedFoo/],
- [qw/fooid name protectedname privatename/],
- "public" => [qw/Foo Recording CD Track/],
- [qw/fooid name /],
- "protected" => [qw/Foo Recording CD Track ProtectedFoo/],
- [qw/fooid name protectedname/],
- "private" => [qw/Foo PrivateFoo Recording CD Track ProtectedFoo/],
- [qw/fooid name protectedname privatename/],
- while ( my ($vis,$tables,$foofields) = splice @testd,0,3 ) {
- my $obj;
- $obj = SQL::Translator->new(
- filename => $testschema,
- from => 'XML-XMI',
- to => 'MySQL',
- debug => DEBUG,
- show_warnings => 1,
- add_drop_table => 1,
- parser_args => {
- visibility => $vis,
- },
- );
- my $sql = $obj->translate;
- my $scma = $obj->schema;
- my @tblnames = map {$_->name} $scma->get_tables;
- is_deeply( \@tblnames, $tables, "Tables with visibility => '$vis'");
- my @fldnames = map {$_->name} $scma->get_table("Foo")->get_fields;
- is_deeply( \@fldnames, $foofields, "Foo fields with visibility => '$vis'");
- #print "Debug: translator", Dumper($obj) if DEBUG;
- #print "Debug: schema", Dumper($obj->schema) if DEBUG;
-# # Classes
-# %testd = (
-# "" => [qw/fooid name protectedname privatename/],
-# "public" => [qw/fooid name /],
-# "protected" => [qw/fooid name protectedname/],
-# "private" => [qw/fooid name protectedname privatename/],
-# );
-# while ( my ($vis,$ans) = each %testd ) {
-# my $obj;
-# $obj = SQL::Translator->new(
-# filename => $testschema,
-# from => 'XML-XMI',
-# to => 'MySQL',
-# debug => DEBUG,
-# show_warnings => 1,
-# add_drop_table => 1,
-# parser_args => {
-# visibility => $vis,
-# },
-# );
-# my $sql = $obj->translate;
-# my $scma = $obj->schema;
-# my @names = map {$_->name} $scma->get_table("Foo")->get_fields;
-# is_deeply( \@names, $ans, "Foo fields with visibility => '$vis'");
-# #print "Debug: translator", Dumper($obj) if DEBUG;
-# #print "Debug: schema", Dumper($obj->schema) if DEBUG;
-# }
-} # end visibility tests
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# vim:filetype=perl
+# Before `make install' is performed this script should be runnable with
+# `make test'. After `make install' it should work as `perl'
+# basic.t
+# -------
+# Tests that;
+use strict;
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Exception;
+use strict;
+use Data::Dumper;
+my %opt;
+BEGIN { map { $opt{$_}=1 if s/^-// } @ARGV; }
+use constant DEBUG => (exists $opt{d} ? 1 : 0);
+use FindBin qw/$Bin/;
+# Usefull test subs for the schema objs
+$ATTRIBUTES{field} = [qw/
+sub test_field {
+ my ($fld,$test) = @_;
+ die "test_field needs a least a name!" unless $test->{name};
+ my $name = $test->{name};
+ foreach my $attr ( @{$ATTRIBUTES{field}} ) {
+ if ( exists $test->{$attr} ) {
+ my $ans = $test->{$attr};
+ if ( $attr =~ m/^is_/ ) {
+ if ($ans) { ok $fld->$attr, " $name - $attr true"; }
+ else { ok !$fld->$attr, " $name - $attr false"; }
+ }
+ else {
+ is $fld->$attr, $ans, " $name - $attr = '"
+ .(defined $ans ? $ans : "NULL" )."'";
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ ok !$fld->$attr, "$name - $attr not set";
+ }
+ }
+sub test_table {
+ my $tbl = shift;
+ my %arg = @_;
+ my $name = $arg{name} || die "Need a table name to test.";
+ my @fldnames = map { $_->{name} } @{$arg{fields}};
+ is_deeply( [ map {$_->name} $tbl->get_fields ],
+ [ map {$_->{name}} @{$arg{fields}} ],
+ "Table $name\'s fields" );
+ foreach ( @{$arg{fields}} ) {
+ my $name = $_->{name} || die "Need a field name to test.";
+ test_field( $tbl->get_field($name), $_ );
+ }
+# Testing 1,2,3,..
+plan tests => 8;
+use SQL::Translator;
+use SQL::Translator::Schema::Constants;
+my $testschema = "$Bin/data/xmi/Foo.poseidon2.xmi";
+die "Can't find test schema $testschema" unless -e $testschema;
+my %base_translator_args = (
+ filename => $testschema,
+ from => 'XML-XMI',
+ to => 'MySQL',
+ debug => DEBUG,
+ show_warnings => 1,
+ add_drop_table => 1,
+# Visibility tests
+# Classes
+my @testd = (
+ "" => [qw/Foo PrivateFoo Recording CD Track ProtectedFoo/],
+ [qw/fooid name protectedname privatename/],
+ "public" => [qw/Foo Recording CD Track/],
+ [qw/fooid name /],
+ "protected" => [qw/Foo Recording CD Track ProtectedFoo/],
+ [qw/fooid name protectedname/],
+ "private" => [qw/Foo PrivateFoo Recording CD Track ProtectedFoo/],
+ [qw/fooid name protectedname privatename/],
+ while ( my ($vis,$tables,$foofields) = splice @testd,0,3 ) {
+ my $obj;
+ $obj = SQL::Translator->new(
+ filename => $testschema,
+ from => 'XML-XMI',
+ to => 'MySQL',
+ debug => DEBUG,
+ show_warnings => 1,
+ add_drop_table => 1,
+ parser_args => {
+ visibility => $vis,
+ },
+ );
+ my $sql = $obj->translate;
+ my $scma = $obj->schema;
+ my @tblnames = map {$_->name} $scma->get_tables;
+ is_deeply( \@tblnames, $tables, "Tables with visibility => '$vis'");
+ my @fldnames = map {$_->name} $scma->get_table("Foo")->get_fields;
+ is_deeply( \@fldnames, $foofields, "Foo fields with visibility => '$vis'");
+ #print "Debug: translator", Dumper($obj) if DEBUG;
+ #print "Debug: schema", Dumper($obj->schema) if DEBUG;