--- /dev/null
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+eval q{use Test::Spelling};
+plan skip_all => 'Test::Spelling is required for this test' if $@;
+my @stopwords;
+for (<DATA>) {
+ chomp;
+ push @stopwords, $_
+ unless /\A (?: \# | \s* \z)/msx; # skip comments, whitespace
+set_spell_cmd('aspell list -l en');
+## personal names
+## proper names
+## Moose
+## computerese
+# as in required-ness
+## other jargon
+## neologisms
+## compound
+# half-assed
+# role-ish, Ruby-ish, medium-to-large-ish
+# kool-aid
+# pre-5.10
+# vice versa
+# co-maint
+## slang
+## things that should be in the dictionary, but are not
+## misspelt on purpose